Response to Misuse of Healing Magic

Wilhem, I understand that you are now pursuing a single target. Who is it? My "informants", (I really do wish you'd stop calling my representatives that", were told they would not be informed of the individual until they were in custody. Why?
  The case subjects have all been taken care of on our end, your surgeons work wonders. They have all been paid off as to not sully the reputation of the Collage, and would be promised more if no news makes the criers next year. Your Collage needs to better handled, I know you are apposed to the idea of stripping drops out of their memories of the magic, I understand your ethical dilemma, but my representatives are there for a reason.
  I am prepared to send more support should you need it. We need more healers in this world, and the Collage seems the place. But, perhaps focusing on more mundane treatments would be better for the students.
  President of the Wayfares Guild, Q.R.


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