Shimmer Scale Pseudo-Dragon

Little Scales

Basic Information


Features pure copper scales along its wings and the sides of its face. The rest of its scales are of creatine and cartilage that it dyes anywhere between a crimson to a burnt orange. These copper scales on their wings being phenomenal heat shields from the searing hot rain the occasionally shows out of the geysers. Having a wingspan of five feet in total stretched length. Boasting a long sinuous body with no specimen being found larger than six feet. Though typically most members of this species are found to be on average to be about the size of Labrador.
Locomotion wise it is comfortable wandering around on four short squat legs, reminiscent of a turkey in full plumage. Capable of clambering its way through canopies of pine forest with a prehensile tail. Capable of flight, though for short distances only. Having adapted itself to the dense pine forests of the Valley of Mists, it found little need for flight in the fog.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An equal opportunity hunter this creature is! Omnivorous leaning more toward the herbaceous side of the spectrum. Despite its sharp teeth and capable talons, you'd sooner find this species happily gnawing away at aromatic cedar to ward away tooth decay. For this beast of wonder is a rampant berry eater! One can find the small dragons wildly darting between Jaspers and Juniper trees, as well as wild grapes and picking their way through pine cones for the nuts.
Though this isn't to say they aren't competent hunters. They will if given the chance, or hunger, take smaller prey. Fawns of the Elk and Caribou are frequent targets, as well as rabbit, squirrel and carp from local streams. Though on a peculiar note, they are fond of snails. Taking their time choosing apparently worthy morsels, tossing, at least to us arbitrarily, unsatisfactory specimens away.


These creatures are insatiably curious, taking any and every opportunity to explore their surroundings or following travelers around. Though they truly shine when the "Little Scales" spend time with the Mistwalkers. These dragons have an intense curiosity about the Mistwalkers wings, and their ability to manipulate fire. Should one of the clan display this power, there will be at least a few of these creatures yapping at them to do it again.
Though, the Clan of the Wide Eye's by no means finds them a hindrance. Often building them baskets to sleep in, or taking them as pets to live with the families inside the village. Fond of curling themselves around the children of the clan, seemingly to enjoy both their company as well as the warmth of their wings. Many becoming lifelong companions to the clan, their long lives being conducive enough to nearly make them part of the family itself.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Much more intelligent than one would realize. While not capable of speech, they have been known to gain the ability to read if given the opportunity. An equivalent intelligence could be considered that of a ten year old human child.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Its hearing is quite remarkable, being able to detect the heartbeats of distant creatures from nearly a mile off. It is not a particularly skittish creature, only one should know that these land drakes have known about your presence long before you have. Their eyesight is on par with that of a normal Human/Dwarf/Gnome's, not needing anything particularly robust for the limited visual capabilities of the mist and fog.
40 years
Average Height
1-2 feet from feet to shoulders. 3-5 feet in length. Wingspan of 5-9 feet.
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
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