The Dreadnaught Arelion

The Arelion is a ship the first of its kind. A pioneering vessel built exclusively in the demand of the Baron of Glaion Lucas Berthelot after The Forgemaster, You Khamere demonstrated a new breed of Artillery cannon for Chancellor Michéle and The Baron. The demonstration was a benchmark piece of military progress for the Nation of Galus in their effort to begin building their defenses against the looming war with the Zybtine Caliphate. Khamere had wanted to demonstrate intellectual, and design capable muscles to garner favor and funding for bigger better projects for the Forgehouse. While the discussion about the range and parameters of the cannons were hashed out much to the awe of the Chancellor, Khmaere made their move to test the waters.
The Forgemaster had bigger plans for these cannons, being multifunctional as well modular in nature. Khamere let the idea out that these cannons demonstrated during the tests were originally designed for a ship. Though both Lucas and Michéle objected, stating that these cannons mounted to the wooden decking of a ship would be ripped apart. They wouldn't be able to withstand such tremendous recoil and concussion, it was at this time that the Forgemaster let it be known that they already had designs for a ship capable of handling such fearsome forces. Even had a short list of the persons they wished to be involved in the project.
As this discussion continued, Lucas was becoming more and more interested. By this point Michéle, being the General of the Galus Military stationed in Glaion, acting as both Chancellor and Captain of the City Watch, voiced support for the idea of this design being pursued. To which history was made where shadowy benefactors as well as the full support and funding of the Galus government would be had for the project. Including a few underhanded deals of exclusivity and profiteering on behalf of some government intervention. The Half-Gnome was given a month to complete the project. Bottomless funding and no barrier to talent available made the timeline, at the very least, plausible.
  * Chapter 22, Engines of War in The Great Tree: Soft and Subtle Wind  
As the Forgemaster had chosen a specific ship building company named Cloquet and Sons, based in the shipyards of Huron, the largest shipwright conglomeration to exist on the east half of the continent. The Khamere had immediately contacted them, and proposed the idea to them. After the worrying border skirmish in the Lamia outpost, the Company as with the rest of the Nation of Huron, was eager to embark on a project for the defense of the Country's borders. Though a deal was brokered with the Huronian Government, Cloqet and Sons was also another government project for the Huronians. If the company was to aid the project, the Nation's Capital City would be given the same Artillery armaments as Glaion would be receiving. Though Lucas has sweetened the deal for them.
If Huron wanted the armaments from the Forgehouse, Glaion would provide the ammunition at no cost to their ally, if the Galus military was given the Western Watchtower in return. The Country still in the echoes of the Depression brought upon by the last Fedro-Calphiti War, was more than happy to outsource a piece of manufacturing to their ally. It freed more resources to assist in the ship project as well as fortify their defenses.
And thus the ship Arelion's keel was laid down in a steel superstructure of unheard of weight and size. Its formidable hull angled to deflect the grapeshot and shells of opposing vessels and fortifications. Being made of a soft outer layer of iron, plated in copper. Reinforced with a hardened deflectory hull just beneath its metal skin. This swimming monstrosity of the six seas of the Great Tree, bristled with armament to make even the bastions of Huron's frontline jealous. The vessel is host to Khamere's Big guns. Known originally as the Empire's Might, but in later years became known as Syn's Trumpets.
The vessel made its debut to the world when Galus engaged in a small Skirmish with the Goblin clan to the south of them. Patrolling the coastline as a specter of death, the reaper awaiting a harvest. Its main guns pointed at the skullbrood clan Village, a threat, a promise.
Though the Village was never fired upon, the High Priestess managed to avoid total destruction by taking command of her people and brokering a peace Treaty with Lucas Berthelot. The Ship has had a mixed reaction across the continent. The People of Galus were initially impressed with the vessel and her imposing sight as the moving island of metal and weapons swam its way through the Bay of Swallows. However, as the Goblins had continued to establish themselves as a people in the eyes of the citizens, opening trade and political ties with the City as well as making connections to other nations. This pride in the ship withered and burned to ash in fury after they had heard that the main guns were turned onto their Village. Fury and distrust in the Galus government become blindingly apparent, taking a public commentary from Ilgor herself in to soothe the anger of the human populations. While not an outright forgiveness to Galus for sending such an overkill tool to their front door, she understood why it was there to make a presence, and did not harbor (much) resentment to Lucas and Michéle for their actions.
However this is in stark contrast to how Huron viewed the vessel. The Arelion being an immense source of pride for the Nation, spawning many smaller versions of the ship to be constructed. The Nation pleased that their own Star on the sea being Cloquet and Company being the ones to produce the vessel and all her glory. A sizable fleet of ironclad mobile fortresses built after the public demanded to see more of what the company could do. More or less making the isthmus from the Bhatic Desert region to the mainland continent neigh on impassable for the foreseeable future without a tremendous Seaborne war held in two theaters. The Ilori Sea, as well as the Southern Seas. The Country of Huron had its answer to the Calphiti Threat, an armada of ironclad Arelion Class battleships, capable of firing precision rounds deep in overland targets.


The main portion of the furnace is more or less a blast furnace which instantly produces the steam needed to move the hundred and twenty ton vessel through the water with ease. The vessel being completed with a proverbial army of welders, laborers, technicians, military experts, and artificers inscribing runes on nearly every available surface.

Weapons & Armament

These behemoth guns fired thousand pound rounds that are approximately thirty inches long. The Arelion having three of the big guns mounted center, stern and aft of the ship. While all along the deck of her frame more than two hundred gatling guns sat bristling like the world's most formidable porcupine. Despite all this, her crowning piece wasn't the three big guns, not the unfathomable suppressive firepower should she be brought within range of any port. It was her speed and the means by which she propelled herself through the water. Reaching top speeds in calm seas topping out at eighty Knots, her engines being the Brainchild between Cloquet and Khamere. Her engine is a modified steam engine that amplifies its output through a stroke of genius.
Dreadnaught Arelion by AI AIIG, by Thereasonwhy
Empire's Might, Syn's Trumpets
Nam Rex et Patria
Creation Date
Year of Wrath 1231, Season of Waiting D.26
Current location
120 Tons
80 Knots
Complement / Crew
A crew of approximately 400
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Theoretical capacity of 50 tons


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