The Golden Hour


As the City has further delved into its industrial revolution two things have happened to the workforce. To keep up with the constant output of the numerous factories, shipyards, foundries and pipeworks, the workers have been forced to rise earlier and earlier each day. Thus fatigue has been an issue with a great many of the workers day to day life. Regardless of their ink, the moment the magic wears off, the bone deep soreness returns like a lover scorned.
Now Huron has been widely known across the Continent for the farmlands just west of Ithrica for growing coffee beans. Where the Kingdom Of Galus is the home to wine and rich cuisine. Where the Zybyine Caliphate is known for its obsession with teas, and their vast farmlands along the Fuhjimi Archipelago. Isle of Mhuzelt is renowned for its spirits and mixed drinks. Huron is the home of coffee and the art of the cafe.
This morning ritual is practiced by nearly every worker in the city as not only a moment of calm, but a much needed boost. The practice has only grown in popularity as time has gone on. As increased demand from the city has grown, so too have the farms, and the wonderful varieties to bounce out competition. Ithrica not being the only farmland for the Cult of the Bean, Zelthuma and the Eastern Watchtower have also been burgeoning spheres of influence in the market.


A daily practice where one wishes to enjoy the peace and serenity in the cool morning hours. To enjoy the breeze as it comes through the window, the slow steady march of golden light to creep over the Sea of Ilori. The aroma of strong black coffee of intoxicating proportions to lull one into a calm before the hectic matrixes of the day. The banal mundanity left as ashes to blow away into distant skies.
The golden light to grace the eyes of all of Azu's worshippers, as the warm cup nestled inbetween the hands of those worthy of another day. The synaptic rush of caffine as it pulses through the mind, to wake and be, if not completely, ready to do it all again. To take a great moment of solace in the simple pleasure of The Golden Hour, a moment of calm.
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Jul 8, 2024 05:39 by Alan Byers

That was some very nice porn-- er prose for us coffee drinkers!

Jul 8, 2024 19:54

Don't mind me, just having a moment with the cup lol

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 7, 2024 16:48 by Alan Byers

This article was so lovely I've decided to include this in my Reader's Choice list for this year!

Alan's Summer Reading Round-Up
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024

Aug 8, 2024 02:11

Aw thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much to add it into your summer reading. I try to focus on "show don't tell" So I'm happy that shows through at times ^^

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 20, 2024 03:57 by Deleyna Marr

COFFEE!!! Love it! Such a beautiful moment you've captured.

Aug 24, 2024 03:07

I'm glad you like it!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...