The Pendant of the Raven


The pendants were originally only worn by the Clergy of the Sorority of Azu, to signify their faith in the preachings of freedom in love. The connotation of the Sorority being nothing more than a brothel masquerading as a church eroded away over time as more and more countries found peace and solace in the welcoming arms of the goddess, as well as her Clergy.
Though this isn't to say that the church would have a romp in the hay with anyone who knocked on the door. The truth of the matter is this: The Sorority of Azu valued Beauty in all things, and thought of the crass doling out of flesh as something to not be worshiped. Valuing more the idea that the person behind the body was the beautiful thing. The body is the temple by which the mind perceives the world, a mighty Cathedral having the same intrinsic beauty as a weather worn plinth on the side of a rut ridden roadside.
This doctrine slowly gained more traction in the States of Huron in the late 400's as the only known worship of Azu: The Raven was seen only in the Mistwalkers. Where the first worshippers found themselves enthralled by the Goddess.
As time moved forward the Clergy adopted the wrongfully concluded ideology that women ruled over the Mistwalkers as well as their constant reference to the Mother. This was only the half truth of the Clan in the early interactions between humans and the Walkers, for it was the High Priestess' duty to tell the teachings of their faith. The Hierophant was a background feature for introductions, not the center stage. His role was for established faith, not the fledgling states of it.
However, this didn't matter to the Humans, they proceeded with this fem-centric faith. Though it elevated the status of women across the continent as the Sorority gained popularity due to its low barrier of entry, it did usher in new ideas of beauty. The Sorority was always considered slow paced, taking their time to enjoy the world around them for all its pleasures.
Though the sensibilities of the Clergy have changed, the majority of it is still occupied by women. Men have found their way into the ranks of the faith, earning themselves the same weight and authority. The perception of the Church shifting from worship of the flesh, to becoming one of a softer disposition, embodying their original stances on love knows no bounds, beauty being in the eye of the beholder, all things holding an intrinsic value to them.
The followers of Azu became known for their steadfast search for anything of beauty in the world. Being known as laid back, ever flowing personalities, they are typically well received in any community they reside in. Well that is baring anywhere Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves has laid claim to, having a very different perspective on the Raven.
However, this pendant became popular as a means to express one's faith. An easily identifiable symbol that puts people at ease. For one who wears the Rose Ridden Raven, is never seen as a threat, a comfort, a companion.
by Thereasonwhy
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Depends on material
Typically coin sized
Base Price
1 copper - 500 gold
Raw materials & Components
Typically made of either Silver or polished Pewter. Any stone set for the eye of the Raven is acceptable. Though the string in which the pendant hangs is a personal artifact that many have a hard time acquiring. The Sting is made from the hair of a former lover or one the Member of the Clergy wishes to be a lover. A constant reminder of the trust between the two. For one who wears the pendant is effectively married to the donor in the eyes of the Sorority.
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