The Truth as It billows Through the Branches

As seen in
And you knew naught the grandeur of your folly   You sought to emulate which could not be defined   Although we may have wronged you   We foresaw naught your Wrath     In you ineptitude, you furied forwards   In your ire we fought   You wished to do as we had done   You wished to join us in our creations     The Great Mother, grievous in hatred   Tore you asunder   In a grace you tried to repurpose   In our Grace you follied     To ream the seams of our world   In your image was falsehood   In our Children you corrupted   Earning a fury of our heavens, our legions     Shadow now many   In your incompetence, you erred   In hands eight you brought your corruptions to our light   A flame in which you self-immolated.     The greatest of us, you slew   Knowing not the weight of that impact   You did not know the Cross we bore for our Children   Ignorant in your singular focus     You loved what we had made,   We understood you, and what you had wished   Hesitate, your hands did not   The sword in your hands, forged in our blood     You stole our work   You thieving wretches   Our world recoils at your touch   Your eight eyes, the spider that laid it's trap     Though, you follied   We knew of your deceit, so you took what was precious to us instead   The seas and stars become your enemy   We became your enemy     The tears that fell from her neck   The stones in which you can't touch   The body of our Father, you stole and desecrated   A grotesque puppet     The body of the star you stole   Desecrated, tortured and mutilated   You laughed, feeling superior in your victory   The weight you had yet to feel     Our last sister, screamed for the loss of her family   Shattering all that we had made   In her dying breath, Mother of fire   Burned away the worlds that was to be yours by force     We denied you the spoils of your war   We denied you the freedom you slew us for   We denied you the spirits of life   We denied you the joy we felt, wretched beings     Had you wished to create with us   You would have felt the joy we felt   To walk among the Children in your image   You chose to take ours instead     Shadows, eight in all   Feel the weight of the pillars we held   Feel the chains we held ourselves, now shackled to your throats   Feel the gravity of your folly     We deny you the happiness you so longed for   For you took our home, you took our joy   You stole what was ours, masquerading as gods   You are falsehood, incapable of sustaining the world you fought to take     Vilorlith, our Beautiful Mother, you slew   Syn, our Guardian Sun, you desecrated   Kyln, Our Patient Father, you susummed   The Queen fled in her grief     The Children she could take, fled   Shatter the world, burn the skies, crumble our reality   We will not let you hold   Suffer then Shadows.     Curse you, speak naught our names   Curse you, speak naught of the world we had made   Curse you, speak no more of the beauty that was to be   Curse you, to hold our Cross that will crush you.     Your avarice, you took too much   Your lust you desired what wasn't yours to envy   In your wrath, you destroyed for your false glory   Curse your sloth, your gluttony you consumed     Till we see the sunlight again   That light your try to hide   Was never yours to own   Know this, Shadows, you will fail   And we will grieve at your loss


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