Yorm, Chief of the Skullbrood Clan

Chief Yorm

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yorm had always grown up listening to Kari and her stories of great warriors and stoic chieftians. He had fully believed that Bhal would guide them to greatness. Though his doubt plagued his mind at all times. He would often think about why the stories would speak of Bhal and how he walked among them. How he would guide them to next victory.          Eventually he began to see himself as an emissary of Bhal, and would act in such a way that he thought would please his God. He would be more brutal in his raids, to conquer those before him, to enact his will on those who resisted him. Though his Priestess' words would haunt his mind, phrases that stuck out to him. "His ambition would bring light to the dark" "Patient is the hunter who brings home the most consistant meat." "Understanding and wisdom is what would bring the clan together under his burning gaze".         Yorm under the tutaliage of Kari would begin to wander down the path of Bhal to the extreme. Seeing all his actions justified by the divine providence of Bhal, as long as he had a legitimate claim to bettering the family. He would follow this doctrine till the very end.         He had a few notable instances in his life where he protected the family with all he had, and led them to a better position. He and Knoll had single handledly dealt with a group of barbarians that had encrouched on the clan's territory. Though, singlehandedly is a bit of a misinterpretation, as the raiding party that was sent there first, was slaughtered. They had redeemed, at least in their minds, their fallen family in the blood of their enemies.         He had also been able to negotiate a peace between a newly established coven of Harpies that had taken up residence in the clans territory in the Ancient forest. Yorm was able to talk the Matriarch down from her homicial rampage, and see the difficulty living next to such a tenaious village would be. He swore to her, that he would not rest until they were either both dead, or he would have her spine for a cane before he would let her harpies harm his family.
Dark green, almost black, wide and curious
Shoulder length, bunched together typically with sweat and grime, With a long pleated braid down the back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich dark green and brown speckled with white spots along the shoulders and face
Cult of Bhal


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