Agrathan Hardhammer Character in The Greater Blade of Virtue | World Anvil
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Agrathan Hardhammer

Agrathan Hardhammer is a dwarven councilor of Mirabar and is also the eldest dwarven member of the Council of Sparkling Stones, as well as a cleric of Dumathoin. He has soft features for a dwarf, and a long white beard. As the highest ranking dwarf in Mirabar among the humans, he is also the voice of the dwarven population not only to the council but to the Marchion as well. He wears robes. He worked in the mines some time previous to 1270 DR before taking up the priest hood.

Agrathan Hardhammer is a dwarven councilor of Mirabar, as well as a cleric of Dumathoin. He has soft features for a dwarf, and a long white beard. As the highest ranking dwarf in Mirabar among the humans, he is also the voice of the dwarven population not only to the council but to the Marchion as well. He worked in the mines some time previous to 1270 DR before taking up the priest hood.

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Basic Information   Home - Mirabar
Sex - Male
Race - Dwarf
Class - Cleric of Dumathoin
Background Agrathan once came up with a plan against Mithral Hall in which inferior charcoal would be swapped into their stores to hamper their industry.   During the rioting in the Undercity of Mirabar over the imprisonment of Torgar Hammerstriker, Agrathan revealed to Shingles McRuff that he had known about the imprisonment and had done nothing, prompting Shingles to assault him, beating him to the ground.   Agrathan played a large role from the very beginning during Mirabar's time of unrest between it's Dwarven and Human population. The Majority of his time was spent trying to act as a voice of reason between the strongest proponents of the conflict Torgar Hammerstriker and Marchion Elastul. He also faced great inner turmoil during the conflict, having to come to terms with and decide whether his loyalty was to his race or his city.   After Torgar and around four hundred of Mirabar's Dwarves chose to leave and make their homes among the Dwarves of Clan Battlehammer in search of honor and respect, it was Agrathan who made the comment that few in all of Faerûn were more deserving of honor and respect then the Dwarves of Mirabar.

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