Meepo Character in The Greater Blade of Virtue | World Anvil
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Meepo was the Keeper of Dragons for the Kobolds inhabiting The Sunless Citadel, and ancient ruin near the Village of Oakhurst. After losing possesion of his clans White Dragon Wyrmling ,Calcryx, Meepo was able to recruit some wandering adventurers to accompany him before his tribal leader, a kobold called Yusdrayl. A bargain was struck and Meepo was sent to accompany the adventurers on a quest to recover the White Dragon Wyrmling. After several skirmishes with the goblins Meepo and the adventurers located the White Dragon Wyrmling. Meepo ventured into the room containing the Wyrmling never to return, falling victim to the young dragons breath weapon and being frozen solid. His fate was sealed when the adventurers went to follow Meepo as the door hit the frozen Meepo as they opened it thus shattering him into a million pieces.

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