Molina's Keep Myth in The Greater Blade of Virtue | World Anvil
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Molina's Keep

The sorceress Molina and her husband, the warrior Kengrin, settled in this keep shortly after the turn of the 14th century DR following a successful adventuring career. The pair had brought back with them from the astral plane a githyanki silver sword named Diamond-edge. A detachment of the Mindspear Battalion of githyanki were tasked with retrieving the blade and punishing it's thieves. The gith quickly located the sword and set about establishing a lair in the nearby Cinderspire volcano. Once they had established their staging point, their red dragon ally Storm attacked a village near the keep in the mid-1360s DR, while the githyanki themselves snuck into the keep itself, murdered Kengrin, and feebleminded Molina.
The Hand of the Axe now know this to be a Harper safe house.

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