Oakhurst Settlement in The Greater Blade of Virtue | World Anvil
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The Village of Oakhurst is a small crossroads at the junction of what are known as The Old Road & The New Road. Most of its 200 residents (includ-ing outlying farms) are human, with a sizable minority of halflings and a scattering of other races. Significant locations in Oakhurst, and the people to be found within them, include the following:   Village Hall. The center of government in Oakhurst includes the office of Mayor Vurnor Leng, a male human noble.   General Store. The village's main source for supplies and merchandise is the general store, owned and op-erated by Kerowyn Hucrele, a female human noble.   Shrine. Advice, information, and healing are among the services dispensed at the village's shrine. It is maintained by Dem "Corkie" Nackle, a female human priest of Pelor.   Jail. Next to the village hall is a stout building where miscreants serve their sentences. Oakhurst's constable is Felosial, a female half-elf veteran. She com-mands a force of sixteen guards and four scouts who keep the village safe.   Blacksmith. Repairing and forging arms and armor is the job of the village smithy, Rurik Lutgehr, a male dwarf commoner.   Old Boar Inn. Garon, a male human commoner, is the owner and barkeep of the Old Boar Inn. He serves food and drink, and the place has a few rooms that visitors can rent.
In recent years trade with Mirabar has increased, mainly due to the efforts of the Hucrele family. It is the vision of both Kerowyn Hucrele (owner of the General Store) and Vernor Leng (Lord Mayor of Oakhurst) to maximize the relationship with Mirabar and become a prominent player in the trade along the Sword Coast.
Oakhurst is the closest settlement to an ancient ruin known locally as "The Sunless Citadel". For as long as some can remember each Midsummer a Goblin brings a magical red apple from the depths of the ruin and sells it to the people of Oakhurst. This magical apple is capable of curing any disease, disability or even magical curse. Occasionally the Goblin will come at Midwinter but the apple presented at this time is of the purest white. Unlike it's midsummer counterpart, this apple causes harm and even death to any who consume it.

In ages past the area West of Oakhurst was decimated by a Red Dragon known as Ashardalon. The resulting outcome was the creation of an area referred to by locals as "The Ashen Plain". It is avoided by the residents of Oakhurst and there are even tales of livestock going missing that is grazed to close to its border.

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