Halflings Species in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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The most common halflings in the Greenwold come from the island city-state of Thile. As comfortable on the water as on land, these bucolic river folk spend their time catching fish, racing their skiffs, and relaxing in the current. Not to be underestimated, these halflings have a long tradition of producing surprisingly fierce mercenaries - fearless sailors who can be found bolstering navies across the Greenwold, or providing swift aid to the forts on the southern border. Given their proclivity for the water, Thile halflings are casually referred to as “Guppies,” “Minnows,” “Tadpoles,” and other half-endearing nicknames by the larger folk - appellations that are variously despised or embraced by the riverfolk, depending on their temperament.  

Riverborn Halfling

  As a riverborn halfling, you work hard most of the day, but rest hard at least two to three times between tasks. Though easily prone to distraction, the hard-working and unflappable nature of riverborn halflings has earned them respect across the Greenwold.   Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Riverlegs. You have a swim speed of 25 ft.   Able Sailor: You have proficiency in vehicles (water), and Acrobatics checks related to sailing.


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