Merchant Princes of Slew Organization in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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Merchant Princes of Slew

This faction is driven by the acquisition of wealth, and the power that wealth can provide. They view the pursuit and acquisition of wealth as its own end. Gold, political influence, secrets...all of these are valuable and worth seeking out.


The Merchant Princes are the unofficial rulers of Slew - the busiest and richest port town in the realm and a mixing pot of cultures, races, and traditions. The one quality that all the merchant princes share is a love of money. Deeds both good and evil have been funded by the everchanging coalition of merchants, who believe that the only real way to determine if something is good is by seeing how well it generates profits.


This faction is a good fit for adventurers who are less concerned with heroics than they are with finding huge piles of treasures or gaining political power.

Guild, Merchant

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