Stonefast Settlement in The Greenwold | World Anvil
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Stonefast - The Bastion of the North. Dwarves and humans split the population in this fortified city on the mountains - the one place a large population of dwarves can be found outside of their isolated mountain homes in the frozen Highland Reaches.   Roads of hard, smooth stone run in an orderly grid from the towering city gates through the low, cramped buildings.   The rumble of activity in the mines can be felt underfoot. The clang and clink of hammers on metal and chisels on stone can be heard everywhere.   The smell of coal smoke from a hundred forges and distant pine trees fills the high mountain air.   Once a distant outpost in a land dominated by orcs and giants, Stonefast now stands as one of the three prominent cities in the Greenwold - alongside Slew and Grayhaven . Built during a much needed alliance between human and dwarven civilizations, when both were threatened by rampaging forces from the region, what began as a trade post gradually expanded into a heavily fortified city. Massive stone walls reinforced with beams of black iron surround the inner city boroughs. Doors of brass and adornments of silver and gold on the buildings hint at the city’s mineral wealth, and speak to its large population of dwarven craftspeople. As impressive as the city is, the network of mines below dwarves it in size and complexity. A labyrinth of endless excavations below the surface have unveiled an immense trove of precious metals, which the people of Stonefast use to fuel their economy. With access to a seaport, and a position near the ore-rich mountains, Stonefast's importance to the rest of the mineral-poor Greenwold is difficult to overstate.

  For much of its history, Stonefast remained a stalwart fixture on the map of many dwarves and humans who ventured to the coast. As refugees and nomads began to settle around and within the fortress walls, merchants and artisans began forming small guilds and cooperatives. Before long, the fort expanded into a full-fledged city-state, governed by a council of human bureaucrats and dwarven traders.


Alias "Bastion of the North"
Region Base of Highland Reaches
Northern Greenwold


Demonym Stonefast Dwarves
Races Human 42%
Dwarves 46%
Elves >1%
Halflings 3%
Gnomes 2%
Other 1%
Large city

Recent Developments:

  After the fall of the Empyrean, industry in Stonefast flourished. Fueled by new mineral deposits unearthed below the keep, metalsmiths developed new tools to harness and mold the powerful metals. Recently, a promising adamantine mining operation turned violent when the excavators were attacked by a contingent of dark dwarves. Realizing a passageway to the darklands had opened in the depths, the council now scrambles for a response. Dwarven hatred for their cruel cousins has spurred their kind to action, leading to increased patrols into the depths. But the humans advise caution, and suggest collapsing the tunnels, less they stir up more trouble from the deep caverns far below.


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