Faunafolk Species in The Griffon Empire | World Anvil
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"Faunafolk", "Manimals", "Hybrids", "Hybreds", all terms used refer to Commonfolk-animal hybrids in Common speech. These umbrella terms unify all manner of beings such as Dragonborn, Leonin, Tabaxi, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Yuan-Ti, etc.   "Manimals" is the most common term among the so-called "Commonfolk". The term has been used for several hundred years.   "Faunafolk" is the preferred term among their own people as it de-emphasises the human-like aspect. The term is relatively new (within the last few decades). Some the commonfolk have started adopting the term out of respect, while others insist to continue to use "Manimals".   "Hybrids" is the shortform for "Commonfolk-animal hybrid" intended to be neutral, most commonly used in the philosophical and research societies.   "Hybreds" is an intentionally derogatory term used by the "Hurists".
Genetic Descendants

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