The Griffon Empire Organization in The Griffon Empire | World Anvil
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The Griffon Empire

Karnione superpower


The Griffon Empire is headed by an oligarchy composed of the Leonin Emperor Samson and the Aaracroka Empress Tchakti.  This co-rulership has been passed down each family's bloodline since the birth of the empire. Leonin follow patriarchal traditions, while Aaracroka follow matriarchal traditions. So there is usually a male Leonin emperor and a female Aaracroka Empress.


The Griffon Empire favours military traditions. The nation's birth heavily influenced this martial culture.  However, the general population is slowly becoming weary of this focus on might.

Demography and Population

Racial Relations in the Griffon Empire

There's a clear, if unspoken, hierarchy of racial influence within the borders of the Griffon Empire.
  1. The Leonin & the Aaracroka are the elite races of the nation. Over the decades, many lasting dynasties were formed from these races.
  2. The other civilized races amongst the feline-folk and bird-folk (e.g., the Tabaxi and Kenku), by virtue of their kinship, are exalted in the empire. Feline-folk will favour other feline-folk above the other bird-folk, and vice-versa.
  3. The Aasimar, by virtue of their supposed divinity, are held in high-regard.
  4. The other civilized races among the fauna-folk — warm-blooded-animal-hybrids the Empire was not at war against (e.g., Minotaur, Loxodon, Centaur), are welcome as extended kin.
  5. Common-folk (e.g. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes) are generally tolerated within the empire for the commerce they bring, and quite simply because they're unavoidable. Those races are everywhere and breed like crazy!
  6. All other races are met with either contempt or apprehension (e.g. Dragonborn, Kobolds, Tritons).
  7. In particular, Goblins, Orcs, and their ilk are vilified within the Griffon Empire.
Of course, there are individual exceptions. Some Leonin have fallen from grace and are now shun by the the two upper rungs of the hierarchy. One dragonborn has managed to climb the social ladder of the Empire and is now a low-ranking advisor within the government.


The griffs have a strong air and land military, headed by the two dominant races, Aarakocra and Leonin respectively.   See: 

Foreign Relations

Other nations have their own hierarchies. Some mimic the Griffon Empire's social structure by substituting their own blend of races. Others are meritocracies (based on, e.g., magical prowess, military skill).   While the Griffon Empire is very protective of it's borders, it hasn't sought to expand it's territory for several generations.  Rather, it's merchant class has been the most recent source of expansion of influence through commercial and cultural exchange.   Such is the importance of the Griffon Empire that most traditional maps of Karnione are centered on the imperial capital Gemoor, City of the First Light.

Air & Land United

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Manimal Haven
Head of State
Government System
Economic System
Gold is gold no matter what shape it takes.  Value is measured by the weight of the gold, not by who's face is or is not on the coin.  (Likewise for other metals used for currency.)
Related Ethnicities

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