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Anna Lynsor

Anna Lynsor

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Anna's hand is disfigured and demon-like. Anna has one golden eye with a slit for a pupil, much like that of a cat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bullying and Isolation

Anna was born into the middle class in Berthe, the capital city of the Berthan Empire. As a child, Anna experienced bullying due to her preference for the company of books over the companionship of her peers. This early exposure to cruelty fostered her distrust in others.

Family Dynamics

Anna's father, the head of the state bank in Berthe, provided her family with a comfortable but emotionally distant lifestyle. Her mother, a trophy wife, played a societal role but lacked a genuine connection with Anna. The strained family dynamics contributed to Anna's inclination toward self-reliance.

Discovery of Dark Forces

During her formative years, Anna stumbled upon the Book of Vile Darkness, a malevolent artifact that sensed her magical potential. The book, through dark magic, compelled her to commit a heinous act – the murder of her own mother. Anna's compliance with this dark command earned her the powerful Eye of Vecna.

Suppression of Emotions

To cope with the trauma of her mother's murder and the dark forces that now influenced her, Anna suppressed her emotions. This emotional detachment became a survival mechanism, allowing her to navigate a society that viewed her abilities with suspicion.

Thirst for Power and Isolation

Anna's experiences fueled her thirst for power and a desire to transcend the societal constraints that isolated her. She became adept at maintaining a facade, using her intellect and magical abilities to gain an edge in the complex social hierarchy of Berthan society.


Anna is asexual.


Education and Social Manipulation

Anna attended a state school for the middle class, where she received a basic education and learned skills considered appropriate for women in Berthan society. Here, she honed her ability to manipulate societal norms, presenting herself as an innocent and delicate lady, while concealing her thirst for power.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Maintaining a Dual Persona

Successfully adopting a facade of innocence, delicacy, and apparent ignorance in a society that discriminates against magic users is an accomplishment. Anna's ability to manipulate societal norms and perceptions contributes to her survival and pursuit of power.

Navigating Berthan Society

Despite the sexist and prejudiced environment of Berthan society, Anna has managed to adapt and navigate these constraints, using them to her advantage rather than succumbing to them.

Secrecy and Deception

The fact that Anna has kept her dark deeds hidden and maintained her dual life without arousing suspicion is an accomplishment in itself. Her skills in secrecy and deception have allowed her to avoid the consequences of her actions.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed Relationships

Anna has struggled to form genuine connections due to her deceptive nature, leading to failed friendships or romantic relationships.

Mental Trauma

Guilt and Remorse

Anna experiences intense guilt and remorse for the murder of her own mother. These emotions, suppressed to maintain her facade, manifest in nightmares and intrusive thoughts.

Isolation and Loneliness

The lack of confidants and genuine connections due to her manipulative nature may result in feelings of profound isolation and loneliness, intensifying her internal struggles.

Loss of Empathy

The suppression of emotions extends to a loss of empathy. Anna finds it increasingly challenging to connect with the emotions of others or comprehend the impact of her actions on those around her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strategic Thinking

Anna is adept at planning and strategizing, especially when it comes to navigating the complexities of Berthan society and carrying out her dark quests. She considers long-term consequences and adjusts her actions accordingly.


Whether facing societal prejudices or dealing with the aftermath of her actions, Anna demonstrates resourcefulness by finding inventive solutions to problems and adapting to challenging situations.

Keen Observational Skills

Anna is highly observant, allowing her to perceive subtle details and cues in her environment. This skill helps her maintain her facade, anticipate the reactions of others, and avoid potential threats to her secrets.

Mastery of Deception

Anna's intellectual prowess extends to her ability to deceive others effectively. She understands the psychology of manipulation, utilizing charm, misinformation, and misdirection to achieve her goals.

Analytical Thinking

Anna possesses strong analytical skills, enabling her to assess situations logically and make calculated decisions. This is particularly evident in her ability to weigh the risks and benefits of her actions.

Magical Aptitude

Anna possesses a certain level of magical aptitude. Anna understands the intricacies of the dark magic bestowed upon her and can harness its power strategically.

Quick Thinking

In situations that require on-the-spot decision-making, Anna can think quickly and adapt to changing circumstances, allowing her to stay ahead of potential threats or challenges.

Knowledge of Berthan Society

Anna has a deep understanding of the societal norms and expectations within Berthe. This knowledge enables her to manipulate these norms to her advantage and avoid suspicion.

Morality & Philosophy

Moral Relativism

Anna adheres to a philosophy of moral relativism, believing that the morality of an action depends on the context and the perspective of the individual. This outlook allows her to justify morally questionable deeds for the sake of her own ambitions.


Anna leans towards a utilitarian approach, where the morality of an action is determined by its overall utility or benefit. This leads her to make decisions that maximize her personal gain, even if it means sacrificing the well-being of others.


Anna prioritises her survival above all else. This leads to a pragmatic philosophy where the end justifies the means, especially in a society that poses a constant threat to her existence.


Anna values individualism over societal expectations, emphasising the pursuit of personal goals and ambitions. This drives her to challenge or manipulate societal norms that hinder her path to power.

Situational Ethics

Her moral code is highly flexible, adapting to different situations based on her own interests and goals. This situational approach allows her to navigate complex moral dilemmas in a way that serves her agenda.

Power as a Virtue

Anna views the attainment of power as a virtuous pursuit, believing that strength and influence are key to shaping her destiny. This philosophy justifies her darker actions as necessary steps toward achieving greater power.


Public Displays of Emotion

Anna, suppressing her emotions to maintain her facade, finds public displays of genuine emotion, especially remorse or guilt, to be taboo.

Personality Characteristics


Ambition for Power

Anna's primary motivation is a deep-seated ambition for power. Whether driven by a thirst for personal control, a desire to reshape Berthan society, or an inner yearning for supremacy, the pursuit of power is a central force in her life.

Secrecy and Self-Preservation

To protect herself from societal judgment and potential persecution, Anna is motivated to keep her true nature hidden. This motivation extends to the suppression of emotions and the careful maintenance of her facade.

Legacy and Reputation

Anna is motivated by a desire to secure a powerful legacy for herself and her family, despite the dark deeds committed. Upholding her family's reputation and standing within Berthan society is crucial to her motivations.

Exploration of Dark Arts

The acquisition of the Eye of Vecna and exposure to dark magic motivates Anna to explore and master these forces. This stems from a fascination with the arcane, a desire for forbidden knowledge, and a need to enhance her own capabilities.

Escape from Societal Constraints

Anna's motivations may include a desire to break free from the societal constraints imposed by Berthan norms. Her actions might be driven by a wish to challenge or manipulate these norms for personal gain and autonomy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Social Manipulation

Anna excels at social manipulation, adeptly navigating Berthan society by presenting a facade of innocence and delicacy. Her ability to read people and exploit societal norms contributes to her survival.

Strategic Planning

Anna demonstrates strategic thinking, especially when it comes to planning and executing her quests for power. She considers long-term consequences, adjusts her actions accordingly, and adapts to changing circumstances.

Magical Aptitude

Anna has a certain level of magical aptitude. She can harness formidable magical powers, giving her an edge in various situations.

Deception and Misdirection

Anna is highly skilled in deception and misdirection. She can convincingly portray a facade that conceals her true nature, misleading others and avoiding suspicion.


Anna is adaptable, effectively adjusting to societal expectations and reacting to unforeseen challenges. Her ability to navigate different situations contributes to her overall survival.



Emotional Expression

Anna struggles with expressing genuine emotions, as years of suppression have made it challenging for her to convey true feelings. This can hinder her ability to connect with others on an emotional level.

Physical Prowess

In terms of physical abilities, Anna lacks prowess. Her strengths lie in manipulation, strategy, and magic rather than physical combat or feats of strength.

Trust in Others

Due to her deceptive nature and the fear of betrayal, Anna struggles with trusting others. This lack of trust hinders her ability to form genuine connections or alliances.

Likes & Dislikes


Power and Influence

Anna is drawn to power and influence. She likes situations where she can assert control and manipulate circumstances to her advantage.

Artifacts and Forbidden Knowledge

Anna has a fascination with artifacts, especially those tied to dark magic. She appreciates the acquisition of forbidden knowledge that enhances her magical abilities.

Strategic Challenges

Anna enjoys facing strategic challenges, whether in the form of quests for power or navigating the complex social hierarchy of Berthan society.

Maintaining Control

Anna likes situations where she can maintain control over her emotions, actions, and the perception others have of her. This aligns with her desire to uphold a carefully crafted facade.



Open Displays of Emotion

Anna dislikes open displays of genuine emotion, as they contrast with her carefully maintained facade. Emotional vulnerability in herself or others makes her uncomfortable.


Anna dislikes betrayal, despite her own capacity for it. The idea of others breaking trust or revealing her secrets could evoke strong negative reactions.

Societal Prejudices

Although she manipulates societal norms to her advantage, Anna likely dislikes the inherent prejudices against magic users in Berthan society. She navigates these prejudices but doesn't necessarily agree with them.


Anna may have little tolerance for incompetence, especially when it jeopardizes her plans or the stability of Berthan society. She values strength and competence in herself and others.

Virtues & Personality perks



Anna demonstrates unwavering determination in the pursuit of her goals, whether it's acquiring more power, fulfilling quests, or maintaining her social facade. This determination helps her overcome obstacles and setbacks.


She is highly resourceful, able to find creative solutions to problems and adapt to different situations. This trait enables her to navigate the complex web of societal expectations and achieve her objectives.

Cunning Intellect

Anna's cunning intellect allows her to outmaneuver opponents, devise strategic plans, and manipulate situations to her advantage. Her ability to think several steps ahead contributes to her success.

Social Acumen

Anna excels in social situations, reading people effectively and understanding the nuances of Berthan society. Her social acumen allows her to maintain a facade, manipulate perceptions, and gather information.



Artifact Empowerment

The Book of Vile Darkness and Eye of Vecna provide Anna with unique perks, such as enhanced magical abilities, insight into hidden truths, or the ability to influence others through dark magic.

Networking Opportunities

Anna's position within the middle class and her father's role in the state bank provide her with networking opportunities. These connections can be leveraged for information, alliances, or furthering her ambitions.

Dual Persona Mastery

Anna's ability to maintain a dual persona - innocent and delicate in public, while harboring dark intentions in private - is a unique perk that allows her to navigate societal norms successfully.

Tactical Thinking

Anna's tactical thinking is a valuable perk, enabling her to assess situations quickly, make informed decisions, and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

Vices & Personality flaws


Ambition at Any Cost

Anna's unyielding ambition can lead her to prioritize personal gain over ethical considerations. This ambition can drive her to make morally questionable decisions without hesitation.

Deceptive Nature

While her ability to manipulate is a virtue, the deceptive nature required to maintain her dual persona can be considered a vice. It hinders genuine connections and creates a web of lies that may eventually become difficult to manage.

Suppression of Emotions

Anna's habit of suppressing emotions, especially guilt and remorse, is a vice. It contributes to internal turmoil and hinder her ability to form authentic connections with others.

Dependency on Dark Powers

Anna's reliance on the Eye of Vecna and other dark forces could become a vice. This dependency might make her susceptible to manipulation or corruption by the very powers she seeks to control.

Manipulation of Others

While a strength, Anna's skill in manipulating others can be a vice when it involves betraying trust or exploiting individuals for personal gain. This behavior can lead to strained relationships and potential enemies if they realise what she is doing.



Lack of Empathy

Anna's suppressed emotions and focus on personal gain might lead others to perceive a lack of genuine empathy. Her reactions to others' hardships may appear calculated or indifferent.

Tendency to Isolate

Anna has an inclination to isolate herself, both physically and emotionally. This behavior could raise questions about her true motivations and the secrets she guards.

Overly Strategic Approach

Anna has a tendency to approach relationships and situations with a highly strategic mindset. This could make her seem calculated and potentially untrustworthy.

Reluctance to Trust

Anna's reluctance to trust others may be apparent to those who attempt to form alliances or friendships with her. This reluctance could hinder the development of deeper connections.

Compulsive Control

People close to Anna may notice her compulsive need for control over her surroundings, actions, and the perception others have of her. This desire for control might manifest in micromanaging or perfectionism.


Religious Views

Anna does not value the power of the Gods, as it is known that many were once mortals themselves.


Compulsive Straightening

As a way to maintain control over her environment, Anna has a tendency to compulsively straighten items or adjust her clothing, reflecting her desire for order amidst potential chaos.

Subdued Laughter

Anna's laughter is controlled and subdued, lacking genuine warmth. This is a result of her suppression of emotions and the need to maintain a certain demeanor in public.

Brief, Calculated Pauses

Before responding to questions or making decisions, Anna may incorporate brief, calculated pauses. This intentional delay emphasizes her strategic thinking and measured approach to communication.

Elegant Posture

Anna maintains an elegant and composed posture in public, but there might be moments where her guard drops, and she briefly slouches or exhibits a more relaxed stance when alone.

Gentle Touches

When interacting with others, Anna may incorporate gentle touches - like a reassuring hand on the arm or a light pat on the back. These touches are calculated to convey warmth without revealing vulnerability.

Hobbies & Pets

Reading and Studying

Anna has a genuine interest in expanding her knowledge, particularly in areas related to magic, dark arts, or forbidden lore.

Networking at Social Events

Attending social events is a hobby for Anna, providing opportunities to network, gather information, and strategically navigate Berthan society. She views these events as a form of social chess.

Art Appreciation

Anna could havhase an appreciation for art, attending gallery exhibitions or collecting pieces that complement her refined tastes. This hobby serves as both a personal interest and a way to maintain appearances.

Strategic Games

Engaging in strategic board games or intellectual challenges aligns with Anna's tactical thinking. She might enjoy games that allow her to exercise her strategic prowess in a controlled environment.

Classical Music Enthusiast

Anna has a deep appreciation for classical music. Rather than engaging in the lively street performances common among bards, she prefers the refined setting of classical music venues. Attending orchestral concerts and chamber music recitals allows her to immerse herself in the sophistication of classical compositions, providing a serene escape from the tumultuous society around her. This hobby not only aligns with her cultivated image but also offers a discreet environment for moments of contemplation and strategic reflection.


Selective Vocabulary

Anna subtly adjusts her vocabulary based on her audience, seamlessly switching between refined and casual language. This reflects her adeptness at adapting to different social situations.

Character Location
Current Status
Learning magic
Current Location
Date of Birth
Peilzrus, 2957
Year of Birth
2957 43 Years old
Current Residence
Long, blonde, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
Other Affiliations

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