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Aurora Fidelis

Aurora Fidelis

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurora Fidelis was born into the esteemed Fidelis family of Artoria. Her father, the youngest son of the lord, took on the role of the demesne's financial advisor. Growing up in the lap of luxury, Aurora was groomed for the life of nobility, attending prestigious events and private education. Her parents emphasized the importance of maintaining the family's reputation and adhering to social norms. With no siblings, Aurora had limited companionship and often mingled with other noble children at formal gatherings.

As she approached adulthood, a coming-of-age rite in Perlis required community service. Aurora chose a project that would not only fulfill this obligation but also enhance her social standing. She helped create a grand community garden, showcasing her aesthetic appreciation for flowers and aiming to impress the community. Her motives were largely driven by the desire for recognition and the opportunity to bolster her public image.

As the owner of a flower shop in Perlis, Aurora Fidelis temporarily resides in the Maikai Mansion in Elysian Heights. Her dream is to establish a flourishing business that can operate independently, allowing her to return to her hometown of Artoria with newfound success. While proud of her achievements, Aurora grapples with the pressures of meeting her father's expectations and maintaining the family's prestige.


Aurora is straight.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Floral Atelier Success

Aurora Fidelis, as the owner of Floral Atelier, has managed to establish a flourishing business known for its exquisite flower arrangements. The shop attracts both locals and visitors, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of Perlis.

Community Garden Initiative

Aurora successfully spearheaded a community garden project during her coming-of-age rite, creating a space that enhances the beauty of the neighborhood. This venture showcased her ability to bring people together for a common cause.

Civic Engagement Recognition

Aurora gained recognition for her community service efforts, earning accolades and acknowledgment from local authorities for her contribution to improving the Perlis community.

Socialite Network

Aurora has built an extensive network of socialites and influential individuals in Perlis, leveraging her connections to elevate her status and the reputation of Floral Atelier.

Floral Design Innovation

Known for her innovative floral designs, Aurora introduced unique arrangements that set Floral Atelier apart from other flower shops. Her creations have garnered attention and praise within the city.

Floral Workshops

Aurora organized and hosted educational floral workshops, sharing her expertise with aspiring florists and enthusiasts. These workshops contribute to the cultural enrichment of the community.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed Collaboration

An attempt to collaborate with a renowned artist for a special floral art project didn't go as planned. Creative differences and miscommunication led to the project's cancellation, causing a temporary setback.

Intellectual Characteristics

Keen Business Instincts

Aurora possesses a sharp business acumen, making strategic decisions that contribute to the success of Floral Atelier. Her ability to identify market trends and customer preferences sets her apart in the floral industry.

Botanical Expertise

Having grown up surrounded by flowers and later managing a florist shop, Aurora has extensive knowledge of various flora. She can identify different species, understand their care requirements, and offer insightful advice to customers.

Networking Savvy

Aurora excels in building and maintaining social connections. Her ability to network with influential individuals, fellow business owners, and elite circles contributes to the visibility and reputation of Floral Atelier.

Aesthetic Judgment

With a discerning eye for beauty, Aurora possesses a strong sense of aesthetics. This skill helps her curate stunning floral arrangements and make informed decisions about the visual aspects of her shop.

Financial Acuity

Aurora is proficient in financial matters, managing Floral Atelier's budget, expenses, and profits with precision. This financial acuity ensures the economic sustainability of her business.

Morality & Philosophy

Classical Elegance

Aurora values the timeless beauty of classical aesthetics. This preference influences her choice of floral arrangements and the overall atmosphere she cultivates at Floral Atelier.

Pride in Nobility

Coming from a noble background, Aurora takes great pride in her family's history and reputation. She believes in upholding the honor and dignity associated with her noble lineage.

Adherence to Tradition

Aurora has a strong belief in traditional values and customs. This adherence is reflected in both her personal life and the way she runs her business, creating a sense of continuity with the past.

Social Status Significance

Aurora places a high value on social status and the hierarchical structure of society. She perceives a clear distinction between the elite and common folk, often associating with those of similar social standing.

Business Prosperity

Aurora's main philosophy revolves around the prosperity of Floral Atelier. She sees the success of her business as a reflection of her own accomplishments and status within the community.


Unwarranted Informality

Aurora finds it taboo for individuals, especially those of lower social standing, to display excessive informality or casual behavior in her presence. She expects a certain level of respect and formality.

Neglect of Appearance

Aurora considers it a breach of etiquette when individuals, regardless of their status, neglect their personal appearance. She believes that maintaining a polished and presentable image is crucial in society.

Disrespect towards Tradition

Any form of disrespect or disregard for traditional customs and values is a major taboo for Aurora. She views tradition as a cornerstone of a refined and cultured society.

Lack of Business Etiquette

Aurora considers it taboo when people exhibit poor business etiquette. This includes haggling excessively, making demands without courtesy, or showing a lack of appreciation for the artistry of her floral arrangements.

Association with Lower Classes

Aurora views it as taboo for nobility, including herself, to associate too closely with individuals from lower social classes. She believes in maintaining a clear distinction between the privileged and the common folk.

Personality Characteristics


Social Ascension

Aurora is motivated by a desire to ascend further within noble circles. She aims to solidify her status, gain recognition from higher-ranking families, and potentially secure advantageous connections for her return to Artoria.

Business Success

Aurora is driven by the ambition to make Floral Atelier a renowned and prosperous flower shop. She wants to be recognized for her business acumen and hopes that her shop becomes a staple for noble events and gatherings.

Maintaining Image

The preservation of her impeccable image is a primary motivation. Aurora is dedicated to projecting an aura of sophistication, refinement, and adherence to noble etiquette. Any deviation from this image is considered a failure.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Networking Savvy

Aurora excels at navigating the intricate web of noble social circles. Her ability to forge and maintain connections with influential individuals is a key strength.

Floral Design Expertise

Aurora possesses a keen eye for floral aesthetics and is knowledgeable about various flower species. Her talent lies in creating exquisite and tasteful arrangements for different occasions.

Business Strategy

Aurora is adept at devising business strategies to enhance the success of Floral Atelier. She can identify market trends, understand customer preferences, and implement effective marketing plans.

Noble Etiquette

Aurora is well-versed in the nuances of noble etiquette and conducts herself with grace in formal settings. She knows the protocols and customs expected in high society.



Quick Judgments

One of Aurora's weaknesses is her tendency to make quick judgments about individuals based on their appearance or social standing. This can lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships.

Customer Service Ineptitude

Despite her noble background, Aurora may struggle with customer service, especially when dealing with individuals outside of her preferred social class. Her condescending demeanor can alienate potential customers.

Limited Empathy

Aurora's focus on her own success sometimes hinders her ability to empathize with the struggles or perspectives of those outside her social sphere.

Rigidity in Tradition

Aurora's commitment to traditional noble values can make her resistant to change or innovations that challenge established norms.

Likes & Dislikes


Elegant Galas

Aurora appreciates and enjoys attending grand events, especially those hosted by the nobility, where she can showcase her status and network with influential individuals.

Exquisite Floral Arrangements

Aurora has a genuine love for beautiful flowers and takes pleasure in designing and admiring well-crafted floral arrangements.

Recognition and Prestige

Aurora is driven by a desire for recognition and prestige. She takes pride in her accomplishments and seeks acknowledgment from others, particularly those within noble circles.

Order and Formality

Aurora finds comfort in order and formal settings. She appreciates structured environments and adheres to the traditional rules and customs of high society.



Disorderly Environments

Aurora dislikes chaotic or disorderly settings, preferring structured and well-organized surroundings.


Aurora dislikes individuals who challenge authority or refuse to adhere to established social hierarchies.

Lack of Recognition

One of her pet peeves is being overlooked or not receiving the acknowledgment she believes she deserves.


Aurora harbors a strong aversion to failure, and any setbacks in her business or social endeavors can deeply frustrate her.

Virtues & Personality perks

Business Acumen

Aurora possesses a sharp business mind, enabling her to make strategic decisions that have contributed to the success of her floral shop, Floral Atelier.

Networking Maven

Her ability to network within noble circles is exceptional, allowing her to form valuable connections that benefit both her social standing and business ventures.

Aesthetic Sensibility

Aurora has a keen eye for aesthetics, particularly when it comes to floral arrangements. This skill contributes to the beauty and appeal of the products offered at Floral Atelier.

Social Grace[/h4

Despite her haughty demeanor, Aurora can navigate high-society events with grace and poise. Her social skills help her maintain a respectable image within the noble community.

Leadership Presence

As the owner of Floral Atelier, Aurora exudes a commanding presence that instills confidence in her employees and earns her respect among her business associates.

Vices & Personality flaws

Classist Prejudice

Aurora harbors a deep-seated prejudice against those she deems beneath her social status. This classist mindset can lead to dismissive behavior and strained relationships with individuals from lower classes.


Her aristocratic background has instilled in Aurora a sense of superiority, making her appear aloof and disdainful, especially towards those she considers socially inferior.

Quick Judgments

Aurora tends to form rapid judgments about people and situations, often jumping to conclusions without fully understanding the nuances. This can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities.

Ruthlessness in Business

While effective in the competitive world of business, Aurora's ruthless approach can sometimes border on unethical, putting her at odds with those who value more compassionate and fair business practices.


Aurora is resistant to change and new ideas that challenge her established ways of doing things. This inflexibility can hinder her ability to adapt to evolving market trends or unexpected challenges.

Social Climbing Obsession

Her relentless pursuit of social standing and recognition among the nobility may blind Aurora to the genuine needs and concerns of others, potentially damaging her personal relationships.

Personality Quirks

Precise Arrangement of Items

Aurora has a tendency to meticulously arrange items on her desk or in her surroundings. This behavior reflects her desire for order and control in both her professional and personal life.



Critical Eyebrow Raise

Aurora has a distinctive habit of raising a skeptical eyebrow when confronted with something she deems questionable or beneath her standards.

Subtle Sighs of Disapproval

A master of conveying disapproval without uttering a word, Aurora often emits soft sighs or exasperated breaths when faced with situations that don't align with her expectations.

Noble Poise

Regardless of the setting, Aurora maintains a regal poise, standing and sitting with impeccable posture. This habit reinforces her aristocratic background and adds an air of sophistication to her presence.

Haughty Gaze

Aurora carries herself with an air of superiority, often casting a haughty gaze that subtly communicates her elevated social standing. Her piercing eyes convey a mix of authority and disdain for perceived inferiority.

Deliberate Movements

Every action Aurora takes, from sipping tea to flipping through paperwork, is executed with deliberate precision. Her movements are purposeful, reflecting her meticulous nature and attention to detail.

Selective Affection

Aurora exhibits selective affection, reserving warmer gestures and smiles for those she deems worthy of her favor. This calculated display reinforces her discerning nature when it comes to personal connections.

Hobbies & Pets

Estate Gardening

Aurora takes pride in cultivating an exquisite garden on the grounds of the Maikai Mansion. She spends leisure hours tending to rare and beautiful flowers, further honing her expertise in floral arrangements.

High-Society Events

Attending high-society events is more than a social obligation for Aurora; it's a hobby she enjoys. Whether it's a gala, charity ball, or aristocratic gathering, she relishes the opportunity to showcase her refined tastes and mingle with influential individuals.


Noble Intonation

Whether engaged in casual conversation or issuing instructions, Aurora's speech is marked by a refined, noble intonation. Her words are carefully chosen, and she maintains a level of formality even in less formal settings.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Peilzrus, 2910
Year of Birth
2910 90 Years old
Current Residence
Maikai Mansion
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Common, Perlisian, Dwarven, Berthan

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Aurora Fidelis

1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Perlisian Background Human Race / Species / Heritage Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d4+3 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+1 Jack of all Trades
+1 Strength
+3 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+4 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+4 Arcana INT
+1 Athletics STR
+3 Deception CHA
+4 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+3 Intimidation CHA
+9 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
+4 Nature INT
+7 Perception WIS
+3 Performance CHA
+5 Persuasion CHA
+4 Religion INT
+3 Sleight of Hand DEX
+3 Stealth DEX
+0 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type



You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.




Quick to notice details of your environment, you gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
  • You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.

Features & Traits

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money

Languages & Proficiencies
Highly Disciplined

Aurora is disciplined and expects the same from those around her. She adheres strictly to schedules and protocols, believing that order is essential for success.

Graceful Composure

Aurora carries herself with a dignified and graceful demeanor. She values maintaining a polished appearance in all situations.

Eloquent Speaker

Aurora is skilled in the art of eloquent speech. Whether addressing clients, attending events, or instructing employees, she knows how to express herself with sophistication.

Keen Eye for Detail

Aurora has a meticulous nature, noticing even the smallest details. This trait contributes to her success in arranging flowers with precision and ensuring everything meets her exacting standards.

Ambitious Drive

Aurora is highly ambitious, always seeking ways to enhance the reputation of her flower shop and climb the social ladder. This drive propels her to pursue excellence in all her endeavors.

Charismatic Presence

Despite her strict demeanor, Aurora possesses a charismatic presence. She can command attention and leave a lasting impression in social gatherings and business meetings.

Personality Traits
Noble Prestige

Believing in the importance of maintaining a noble and prestigious image for herself and her flower shop.

Class Superiority

Valuing the distinction of social classes and having a sense of superiority due to her noble background.

Artistic Excellence

Prioritising the artistic beauty of her floral arrangements, striving for excellence in her craft.

Exclusivity in Floral Design

Emphasising the exclusivity and uniqueness of her floral designs, catering to a refined clientele.

Business Success

Prioritising the success and profitability of her flower shop, aiming to establish it as a prestigious establishment in Perlis.

Family Pride

Aurora takes great pride in her noble heritage and strives to uphold the family name. Maintaining a high social standing and adhering to traditional values are of utmost importance to her.

Floral Business Success

The success of her flower shop, which she considers a reflection of her own refinement, is crucial to Aurora. She is dedicated to making it the most prestigious floral establishment in Perlis.

Social Connections

Aurora values her connections within noble society. She sees these connections as opportunities to secure advantageous alliances, ensuring her continued success in both business and social circles.

Elegance and Sophistication

Aurora is deeply bonded to the ideals of elegance and sophistication. She strives to embody these qualities in every aspect of her life, from personal demeanor to the products she offers in her flower shop.

Classist Attitude

Aurora's upbringing has instilled in her a strong sense of class superiority. She tends to judge people based on their social standing, often underestimating those from less privileged backgrounds.

Rigid Perfectionism

Aurora's obsession with maintaining a flawless image extends to every aspect of her life. This perfectionism can lead to frustration and stress when things don't go according to plan.


Aurora has little tolerance for delays or mistakes, expecting everything to run smoothly and efficiently. This impatience can strain relationships and create tension in the workplace.

Overbearing Expectations

Aurora sets extremely high expectations for herself and those around her. This can create a stressful environment for employees and associates, as they feel the constant pressure to meet her demanding standards.

Reluctance to Delegate

Aurora struggles to entrust others with important tasks, preferring to handle everything herself. This reluctance to delegate can lead to burnout and inefficiencies in the workplace.

Dismissal of Alternative Perspectives

Aurora is firm in her beliefs and often dismisses ideas that deviate from her own. This closed-minded approach can limit innovation and creativity within her flower shop.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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