Barbarian Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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The Barbarians of the Urtzan plains are a nomadic people known for their rugged resilience, fierce independence, and adherence to traditional values. Living in hordes that roam the vast wilderness of the Urtzan plains, Barbarians embrace a lifestyle marked by constant movement and adaptation to their harsh environment. Their culture is steeped in traditions that celebrate strength, courage, and unity, with customs such as cremation on funeral pyres, feasting to celebrate life, and honoring ancestral spirits through offerings to wildlife. While they maintain traditional gender roles, Barbarian women have the opportunity to break free from these constraints by proving their ability to handle their drink and match the men in feats of strength, sometimes even rising to leadership positions within their hordes. Despite the challenges they face, Barbarians embody the values of resilience, community, and reverence for nature, forging a unique identity shaped by the untamed wilderness they call home.


Shared customary codes and values

Strength and Resilience

Barbarians uphold the value of physical and mental strength, admiring those who demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. They believe in the importance of toughening oneself through trials and challenges, forging individuals who can withstand the rigors of their nomadic lifestyle.

Freedom and Independence

Freedom and independence are cherished values among Barbarians, who prize the ability to live life on their own terms and make their own choices. They value self-sufficiency and autonomy, relishing the freedom to roam the vast expanses of the Urtzan plains and chart their own destinies.

Courage and Bravery

Courage and bravery are esteemed virtues in Barbarian culture, with individuals lauded for their willingness to face danger and adversity head-on. Barbarians admire those who display courage in battle, hunting, or exploration, viewing acts of bravery as a testament to one's strength of character.

Community and Kinship

Despite their emphasis on individuality, Barbarians recognize the importance of community and kinship. They place value on the bonds forged between members of the horde, supporting each other in times of need and celebrating victories as a collective. Family ties are especially cherished, with Barbarians placing great emphasis on loyalty and solidarity within their clans.

Adaptability and Resourcefulness

Adaptability and resourcefulness are essential qualities for survival in the harsh environment of the Urtzan plains. Barbarians prize individuals who can think quickly on their feet, improvise solutions to unexpected challenges, and make the most of limited resources.

Common Etiquette rules

Respecting Personal Space

Barbarians value personal freedom and independence, so it is polite to respect the personal space of others. Avoiding intrusive gestures or invading someone's physical space without invitation is considered respectful.

Sharing Resources

In the nomadic lifestyle of Barbarians, sharing resources and provisions is considered polite behavior. When food, water, or supplies are scarce, Barbarians prioritize equitable distribution within the horde, ensuring that everyone's basic needs are met.

Common Dress code

Lightweight Armor

Barbarians favor lightweight armor made from sturdy materials such as leather, boiled leather, or metal scales. These armors offer protection in battle while allowing for ventilation to combat the heat of the Urtzan plains.

Practical Footwear

Barbarians eschew impractical footwear like heels in favor of sturdy boots or sandals designed for traversing rugged terrain. These footwear options offer protection and stability without sacrificing comfort.


Barbarians have a penchant for accessories that add flair to their outfits while serving a practical purpose. This might include belts adorned with metal buckles or decorative motifs, as well as leather pouches or satchels for carrying essentials during travels.

Tribal Adornments

Barbarians embellish their attire with tribal adornments such as intricate metalwork, bone jewelry, or beads made from natural materials. These adornments serve as symbols of identity and cultural heritage, passed down through generations within the horde.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Feasts and Celebrations

Barbarians place great importance on communal gatherings and feasts, where they come together to celebrate victories, milestones, and important events. These gatherings often involve sharing food, drink, music, and storytelling, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity within the horde.

Tribal Councils

Barbarian society is often organized into clans or tribes, each with its own leadership structure and customs. Tribal councils serve as forums for decision-making, conflict resolution, and the exchange of ideas among clan members. Chiefs, elders, and respected warriors often preside over these councils, guiding discussions and ensuring the welfare of the tribe.

Warrior Traditions

Warriors play a central role in Barbarian society, and traditions surrounding warfare are deeply ingrained in their culture. Barbarians may observe rituals before going into battle, such as painting their bodies with symbols of protection or reciting chants to steel their resolve.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Feasting and Celebration

Barbarians celebrate the birth of a child with a communal feast and revelry, where the entire horde comes together to honor the newborn and their family. The feast is a joyous occasion filled with music, dancing, and storytelling, serving to strengthen bonds within the community and reaffirm the importance of family and kinship.

Offerings to Ancestors

To honor their ancestors and seek their blessings for the newborn, Barbarians make offerings of food placed just outside the camp boundaries. These offerings are left overnight, during which it is believed that the spirits of their ancestors, who have taken the form of wildlife, come to retrieve the offerings. This ritual symbolizes the connection between the living and the dead, as well as the cyclical nature of life and death in the natural world.

Markings of Lineage

Barbarians mark newborns with ceremonial markings to signify their lineage, clan affiliation, and blessings from the gods. These markings are typically applied using natural pigments such as clay or plant dyes, and they may take the form of intricate patterns or symbols that hold deep cultural and spiritual significance within the horde. The markings serve as a visual representation of the child's place within the community and their connection to their ancestors.

Coming of Age Rites

Mastery of Horse and Drink

In the rugged expanse of the Urtzan plains, Barbarian men undergo a time-honored rite of passage before they are deemed ready to take on the responsibilities of marriage. This traditional rite demands that young Barbarian men demonstrate their prowess in two essential skills: horse riding and drinking. Mastery of these skills is seen as a testament to their readiness to provide and protect for a family within the nomadic horde. Firstly, they must prove their equestrian skills by taming and riding wild horses, showcasing their ability to navigate the unpredictable terrain of the plains and command the respect of these powerful beasts. Secondly, they must exhibit their capacity to handle their drink, participating in feasts and celebrations where copious amounts of mead and ale are consumed. Only when a young Barbarian has proven his competence in both horse riding and drinking will he be considered ready to take on the responsibilities of marriage, symbolizing his readiness to embrace the challenges and joys of adulthood within the Barbarian horde.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Cremation on Funeral Pyres

Barbarians typically practice cremation as the primary method of disposing of the dead. The deceased is placed on a wooden funeral pyre, surrounded by items of significance such as weapons, jewelry, or personal belongings. The pyre is then set alight, and the body is consumed by flames as the horde gathers to pay their respects in solemn silence.

Offerings to the Spirits

Barbarians may make offerings to the spirits of the departed, believing that their ancestors continue to watch over and guide them from the spirit world. Offerings may include food, drink, or symbolic objects placed at the site of the funeral pyre or at natural landmarks believed to be sacred to the spirits.

Feasting and Celebration of Life

Following the cremation, Barbarians often hold a feast and celebration to honor the life of the deceased. This celebration may involve storytelling, music, and dancing as the horde comes together to share memories and anecdotes about the departed. Food and drink are plentiful, with the feast serving as a final tribute to the life and legacy of the deceased.

Mourning Period

After the funeral rites are complete, Barbarians observe a period of mourning during which they reflect on the loss of their loved one and pay their respects to the grieving family. During this time, the horde may abstain from certain activities or observe rituals to honor the memory of the deceased.


Marriage Customs

Chieftain's Blessing

The ceremony begins with a blessing from the chieftain or leader of the horde, who offers words of wisdom and guidance to the couple as they embark on their journey together. The chieftain's blessing is seen as a symbol of the horde's approval and support for the marriage.

Exchange of Gifts

The bride and groom may exchange gifts as a symbol of their love and commitment to each other. These gifts may be handmade or symbolic items that hold personal significance, such as woven bracelets, carved ornaments, or animal pelts.

Warrior's Oath

The groom now swears a warrior's oath to protect and provide for his bride and future family. This oath is a solemn promise to defend his loved ones against any threat and to uphold the honor and integrity of the horde.

Dancing and Revelry

Following the formal rituals of the ceremony, the horde erupts into dancing and revelry, celebrating the union of the bride and groom with music, laughter, and merriment. The festivities continue long into the night, as Barbarians come together to honor the bonds of love and friendship that unite them as a community.

Common Taboos

Wasting Resources

In the harsh environment of the Urtzan plains, resources are scarce and precious. Barbarians view wastefulness or extravagance as taboo, and individuals are expected to use resources wisely, minimizing waste and ensuring that supplies are shared equitably within the community.

Disrupting Community Harmony

Barbarians value unity and solidarity within the horde, and actions that disrupt community harmony or sow discord are frowned upon. Behaviors such as gossiping, spreading rumors, or inciting conflict between clan members are considered taboo, as they undermine the bonds of trust and cooperation that are essential for survival in the harsh wilderness.

Showing Weakness or Cowardice

Strength and bravery are esteemed virtues in Barbarian culture, and displaying weakness or cowardice is viewed with disdain. Individuals who shy away from challenges or fail to stand their ground in times of adversity may be seen as unfit for leadership or unworthy of respect within the horde.


Beauty Ideals

Muscular Build

Both men and women might idealize a muscular physique as a sign of strength and capability in combat and survival.


Rather than being seen as flaws, scars could be revered as badges of honor, indicating past battles and challenges overcome.

Long Hair

Flowing locks might be prized, as they can be a symbol of vitality and health, especially when kept well-groomed despite the nomadic lifestyle.

Tribal Tattoos or Paint

Intricate tattoos or body paint designs could be considered beautiful, serving as a form of self-expression and cultural identity within the Barbarian horde.

Gender Ideals

Physical Strength and Prowess

Both men and women are expected to cultivate physical strength and combat skills, as these traits are valued for survival in the harsh environment of the Urtzan plains.

Traditional Gender Roles

In Barbarian society, traditional gender roles are deeply ingrained, with distinct responsibilities assigned to men and women. Women are revered for their nurturing abilities and are primarily tasked with the duties of cooking and childcare, ensuring the sustenance and well-being of the horde's members. They adeptly manage the mobile encampments, skillfully preparing meals from the bounty of the land while passing down culinary traditions through generations. Meanwhile, men are esteemed for their prowess in hunting and raiding, venturing into the untamed wilderness to procure food and resources essential for the horde's survival. They hone their combat skills and strategic prowess, embodying the protectors and providers of their clans. Despite the division of labor, there exists a profound mutual respect between genders, each recognizing the vital role the other plays in maintaining the cohesion and resilience of their nomadic community.

Breaking Tradition

Despite the traditional gender roles enforced within Barbarian culture, there exists a remarkable avenue for women to transcend these societal expectations and assert their strength and leadership prowess. In a culture where strength and the ability to handle one's drink are highly revered traits, Barbarian women who demonstrate exceptional skill and resilience in these areas can challenge the status quo and earn respect among their peers. By proving themselves capable of matching the men in feats of strength and endurance, these women break free from the constraints of traditional gender roles, carving out a path to leadership within their hordes. With their ferocity, courage, and strategic acumen, these trailblazing women rise to positions of authority, commanding the respect and admiration of their fellow Barbarians as they lead their hordes to glory across the vast expanse of the Urtzan plains.

Courtship Ideals

Displays of Skill and Valor

Courtship may involve demonstrations of physical prowess, such as feats of strength, hunting prowess, or acts of bravery in battle. Barbarian suitors might compete in challenges or contests to prove their worthiness to a potential partner.

Raiding for Wives

In the Urtzan plains, where Barbarian culture thrives, courtship takes on a bold and daring form. Barbarian men, driven by their primal instincts and the traditions of their people, often eschew conventional courtship in favor of a more audacious approach. During raids on neighboring settlements or rival tribes, Barbarian warriors seek not only spoils of war but also potential partners. With a keen eye for strength and beauty, they may target women who catch their attention, capturing them amidst the chaos of battle. These captured women are then brought back to the Barbarian horde, where they are given the opportunity to prove their resilience and adaptability. While this practice may seem harsh to outsiders, within Barbarian society, it is viewed as a demonstration of a man's ability to provide and protect for his family. Over time, as bonds form and trust is earned, these captured women may find themselves integrated into the fabric of Barbarian life, their courage and fortitude earning them respect and admiration within their new community.

Relationship Ideals

Respect for Individual Strengths

In Barbarian relationships, each partner's unique strengths and talents are celebrated and respected. Whether excelling in combat, craftsmanship, or leadership, individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions and contribute to the welfare of the horde in their own way.

Fierce Loyalty

Loyalty is paramount in Barbarian relationships, with partners fiercely committed to each other and their family unit. They stand by each other through thick and thin, never wavering in their devotion or allegiance.

Freedom and Autonomy

Despite their deep bond, Barbarian partners value each other's independence and autonomy. They understand the importance of personal freedom and strive to support each other's individual pursuits and aspirations.

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