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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aeliana, Aerinna, Azalia, Celestia, Ciandra, Danaelle, Eldara, Elowyn, Frejae, Iloria (1), Isolde, Junessa (1), Jurina, Lirelia, Loralyn, Lythria, Myrrhia, Nysa, Rowanis, Seraphia (1), Thalara, Valeria, Zephyra

Masculine names

Aerion, Drakonis, Eldarian, Elendron, Galenar, Gialon, Isoren, Jorlan, Jumairon, Mirion, Mossan, Myrridon, Napelar, Niporian, Rejinor, Roane, Serenon, Thalion, Valorian, Zephyron

Family names

Aerianth, Eilrondor, Eladovian, Elarorian, Elendaris, Eldarion, Frejorian, Ilythorne, Jumeironi, Jyressian, Miraelis, Myrrhion, Nenalorian, Rijorian, Thalorin, Valerion, Ylvandriel, Zephyrian


Azialore, Juniparel, Lysandoria


Shared customary codes and values

Harmony with Nature

Entlans deeply value their connection to the natural world and strive to live in harmony with it. They see themselves as stewards of the Great Forest, respecting its ecosystems and creatures.

Community and Unity

Community is central to Entlan culture, with a strong emphasis on cooperation, mutual support, and inclusivity. Entlans believe in the strength of unity and working together towards common goals.

Wisdom of Elders

Elders hold a revered status in Entlan society, and their wisdom, experience, and guidance are highly valued. Entlans seek counsel from elders in matters of decision-making, conflict resolution, and spiritual guidance.

Equality and Respec

Entlans believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of gender, age, or background. They strive for equality and respect for all members of their society.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting and Acknowledgment

Entlans greet each other with warmth and sincerity, often with a nod or a gentle smile. Handshakes or embraces may also be exchanged, depending on the level of familiarity. It's customary to acknowledge others with a polite nod or greeting when passing by, even if they are strangers.

Respect for Elders

Entlans hold elders in high esteem and show them deference and respect. Younger individuals may bow or offer a gesture of reverence when greeting elders, and they often seek their advice and guidance in matters of importance.

Sharing and Generosity

Entlans value generosity and sharing within their community. It's common for individuals to offer food, drink, or other resources to guests and visitors, as a gesture of hospitality and goodwill. Refusing an offer of hospitality may be considered impolite, so guests are encouraged to accept graciously.

Respect for Nature

Entlans show reverence for the natural world in their actions and behavior. They avoid wastefulness and strive to minimize their impact on the environment, treating the Great Forest and its inhabitants with care and respect.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Crystal Blessing Ceremonies

Crystal blessing ceremonies are held to harness the power of crystals for healing, protection, and spiritual guidance. Entlans gather to infuse crystals with intention, offering prayers and blessings for the well-being of their community.

Forest Communion Rituals

Entlans practice forest communion rituals to deepen their connection to the natural world and commune with the spirits of the forest. These rituals often involve meditation and quiet contemplation and reflection in the heart of the Great Forest.

Masked Parade

Once a year, the wood elf community of Entler comes together in a spirited celebration known as the Masked Parade. Every Entlan dons elaborate masks crafted from natural materials such as leaves, feathers, and bark. With faces hidden behind these mystical visages, they take to the forest pathways, adorned in vibrant costumes adorned with symbols of protection and warding. Drumbeats and music fill the air as the procession winds its way through the ancient trees, their footsteps echoing with purpose and determination. The rhythmic stomping and chanting serve not only as a joyful expression of unity but also as a powerful declaration to the mischievous fey creatures that dwell within the depths of the forest. It is believed that the collective energy of the parade create a barrier against fey tricksters, warding off their pranks and ensuring the safety of the wood elf community for another year. As the parade reaches its climax, laughter and cheers mingle with the rustling of leaves, echoing through the forest as a testament to the resilience and unity of Entler's inhabitants against the whims of the fey.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

In Entler, the arrival of a newborn is celebrated through a sacred Naming Ceremony, a communal event where parents seek the blessing of local elders to bestow a name upon their child. Before the ceremony, the parents consult with the elders, discussing potential names and seeking their wisdom and guidance. The elders, who hold deep reverence for tradition and community, offer their insight and advice, ensuring that the chosen name reflects the child's essence and honors their lineage.

During the Naming Ceremony, the parents present their chosen name to the gathered community, and the elders formally approve and bless it, invoking the collective wisdom and blessings of the ancestors. As a symbol of protection, the elders place charms crafted from natural materials, such as herbs, flowers, and protective symbols, in the crib around the newborn, infusing the space with positive energy and blessings for the child's well-being.

Throughout the ceremony, the community gathers to offer their support and blessings to the new parents and their child, embracing them with love and encouragement. After the Naming Ceremony, the community comes together for a celebratory feast, where food, music, and laughter abound, fostering a sense of joy, unity, and connection among all who attend. It's a time of celebration, gratitude, and communal bonding, marking the beginning of the newborn's journey within the loving embrace of the Entlan community.

Coming of Age Rites

Vision Quest and Meditation

Entlan youths engage in vision quests and meditation practices to seek guidance and insight from the spirits of the forest and their own inner wisdom. They spend time alone in secluded clearings, caves, or sacred groves, connecting with the rhythms of nature and opening themselves to receive visions, dreams, and messages that will guide them on their journey.

Community Celebration

Entlan coming of age rites culminate in a community celebration, where friends, family, and community members gather to honor and celebrate the newly initiated adults. Music, dance, feasting, and storytelling abound as the community rejoices in the achievements and growth of the young adults, welcoming them into the next phase of their lives with love and support.

Passing of Wisdom and Responsibilities

During the Community Celebration, elders take the opportunity to pass down Wisdom and Responsibilities to the newly initiated adults. They share stories, traditions, and cultural teachings, imparting knowledge and guidance that have been preserved for generations. The youth are entrusted with new roles and responsibilities within the community, contributing their unique talents and insights to the collective well-being of Entler.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Gathering of Community

Family, friends, and members of the Entlan community gather to pay their respects and support the grieving family. The funeral takes place in The Great Forest, surrounded by the beauty and tranquility of nature. The funeral provides an opportunity for communal support, comfort, and healing as participants come together to share their grief and offer solace to one another. Hugs, words of encouragement, and acts of kindness are exchanged, fostering a sense of unity, compassion, and shared humanity within the grieving community.

Tree Burial

Entlans are buried. Following the burial, a young sapling is planted atop the burial site, symbolizing the continuation of life and the connection between the deceased and the natural world. Once the tree begins to grow, it is marked with red paint at its base, signifying its status as a Funerary Tree. This marking serves as a visible reminder of the deceased's presence and honors their memory within the community.

Closing Reflection and Farewell

The funeral concludes with a moment of silence or reflection, allowing participants to say their final farewells and offer blessings for the journey of the departed. Participants may gather in a circle, holding hands or embracing, as a final gesture of solidarity and love before departing from the gravesite.

Annual Memorial Ritual

Relatives of the deceased return to the Funerary Tree once a year to perform a memorial ritual. During this ceremony, they gather to repaint the base of the tree with fresh red paint, renewing the mark of remembrance and paying tribute to their loved one's life and legacy. The annual memorial ritual is a communal event, with family members, friends, and community members joining together to honor the departed and support those who mourn their loss. It fosters a sense of unity, solidarity, and shared remembrance within the Entlan community. The annual ritual provides an opportunity for reflection, storytelling, and shared memories as participants gather to celebrate the life of the deceased and reaffirm their bonds of love and connection.


Marriage Customs

An Entlan marriage ceremony is a sacred and joyous occasion that celebrates the union of two individuals within the natural beauty of Entler's Great Forest. Held in a serene grove or meadow, the ceremony begins with the couple standing beneath a canopy of ancient trees, surrounded by the lush foliage and tranquil sounds of nature.

Led by an Elder, the ceremony begins with an exchange of vows between the couple. The Elder then formally approves the marriage, affirming the couple's commitment to each other and to the values of love, respect, and harmony within Entlan society. As a symbol of their bond, the couple exchanges floral garlands, weaving together strands of flowers and herbs that represent their shared love, growth, and connection to the natural world. Each flower carries its own significance, reflecting the unique qualities and aspirations of the couple as they embark on their journey together.

Following the exchange of garlands, the ceremony concludes with a communal feast and celebration, where family members, friends, and community elders offer advice, wisdom, and blessings to the newly married couple. Elders share stories, offer guidance, and impart blessings for a prosperous and harmonious union, while the community surrounds the couple with love, support, and encouragement. Throughout the celebration, music, dance, and laughter fill the air, creating a joyous atmosphere of unity and celebration.

Common Taboos

Desecration of Funerary Trees

It is strictly forbidden to harm or disrespect the Funerary Trees that mark the gravesites of the deceased in Entler. Any form of desecration, such as cutting down or damaging these trees, is considered a grave offense and may incur severe consequences.

Disregard for Nature

Entlans hold deep reverence for the natural world, and it is taboo to engage in activities that harm or exploit the environment unnecessarily. Polluting water sources, clear-cutting forests, or harming wildlife are all considered disrespectful acts that go against the core values of Entlan society.

Disrespecting Elders

Elders hold a position of authority and wisdom within Entlan society, and it is taboo to show disrespect or disregard for their guidance and counsel. Talking back, ignoring their advice, or challenging their authority is viewed as a breach of etiquette and may lead to social repercussions.


Beauty Ideals

Spiritual Alignment

Entlans believe that true beauty emanates from being in alignment with one's spiritual essence and the natural rhythms of the world. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and communing with nature are valued for their ability to enhance one's inner beauty and radiance.

Adornment and Self-Expression

Entlans may adorn themselves with natural materials such as flowers, leaves, and feathers, using them to accentuate their features and express their connection to the natural world. Traditional body art, such as intricate tattoos or elaborate face paint inspired by nature, may also be used as a form of self-expression and beauty enhancement.

Ageless Beauty

In Entler, beauty is not confined to youthfulness but is seen as timeless and ever-present at every stage of life. Elders, with their wisdom and experience, are revered for their inner beauty and grace, embodying the fullness of Entlan ideals of beauty.

Gender Ideals

Equality and Balance

Entlans value equality and balance between genders, viewing both masculine and feminine qualities as essential and complementary. Gender roles are fluid, with individuals encouraged to embrace traits and interests traditionally associated with both masculinity and femininity.

Freedom of Expression

Entler embraces diversity and individuality, allowing individuals to express their gender identity and sexuality freely and without judgment. Gender expression is seen as a personal choice, with individuals encouraged to explore and celebrate their unique identities.

Courtship Ideals

Nature-Centric Romance

Courtship in Entler often begins with shared experiences in nature, such as walks in the Great Forest or picnics by the river. Connecting with the natural world together allows couples to deepen their bond and appreciate the beauty of their surroundings.

Spiritual Connection

Entlan courtship emphasizes the importance of spiritual connection and compatibility between partners. Couples may engage in shared rituals or meditative practices to strengthen their spiritual bond and align their energies with each other and the natural world.

Communication and Understanding

Communication is key in Entlan courtship, with partners encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and honestly. Listening with empathy and understanding is valued, allowing couples to build trust and intimacy in their relationship.

Community Involvement

Courtship in Entler often involves the support and guidance of the community, with elders offering wisdom and advice to young couples. Festivals, gatherings, and ceremonies may provide opportunities for couples to celebrate their love and receive blessings from their peers.

Commitment to Partnership

Entlan courtship is viewed as a journey towards partnership and collaboration, rather than a quest for conquest or possession. Couples aspire to build a strong foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support, laying the groundwork for a lifelong partnership rooted in love and shared values.

Relationship Ideals

Partnership and Collaboration

Entlans view relationships as partnerships built on collaboration, where both individuals work together towards common goals and support each other's growth and well-being. Couples strive to create a harmonious balance in their relationship, valuing each other's strengths and contributions.

Spiritual and Emotional Connection

Relationships in Entler are characterized by deep spiritual and emotional connections, rooted in shared experiences, values, and beliefs. Partners prioritize nurturing their bond through meaningful communication, empathy, and understanding.

Commitment to Growth

Relationships in Entler are seen as opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, with partners inspiring and challenging each other to be their best selves. Couples embrace life's challenges and transitions together, viewing them as opportunities for learning and evolution.

Community Support

Entlans value the support and guidance of their community in nurturing their relationships, seeking wisdom from elders and receiving blessings from peers. Celebrations, rituals, and gatherings provide opportunities for couples to strengthen their bond and receive affirmation from their loved ones.

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