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Mount Celestia

When most people think of the upper planes, they think of Celestia. Celestia is the plane of all that is holy. The single sacred mountain of Mount Celestia rises to heights barely visible and utterly incomprehensible, with seven plateaus marking its seven heavenly layers. At the bottom of the mountain lies the Silver Sea, an ocean of holy water that holds more life than the actual mountain.

The plane is the model of justice and order, of celestial grace and endless mercy, where angels and champions of good guard against incursions of evil. It is one of the few places on the planes where travellers can let down their guard. Its inhabitants strive constantly to be as righteous as possible. Countless creatures aim to reach the highest and most sublime peak of the mountain, but only the purest souls can. Gazing toward that peak fills even the most jaded of travellers with awe.

The 7 layers of Celestia, from bottom to top, are: Lunia (the Silver Heaven), Mercuria (the Golden Heaven), Venya (the Pearly Heaven), Solania (the Crystal Heaven), Mertion (the Platinum Heaven), Jovar (the Glittering Heaven), and Chronias (the Illuminated Heaven). Lunia contains the Silver Sea and the base of the mountain.

Plane of Existence
Location under
Psychic Dissonance

Mount Celestia emanates a psychic dissonance that affects visitors of an evil alignment if they spend too much time on the plane. At the end of a long rest spent on Mount Celestia, an evil visitor must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature gains one level of exhaustion.

Blessed Beneficience

In contrast to the dissonance experienced by evil creatures here, good creatures are literally blessed by the pervasive beneficience of the plane. Creatures of good alignment gain the benefit of the bless spell as long as they remain on the plane. In addition, finishing a long rest on the plane grants a good creature the benefit of a lesser restoration spell.

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