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The Shirefolk, as an ethnicity, are a close-knit and community-oriented group with deep connections to nature and tradition. Living in the Shirelands, they prioritize simplicity, harmony, and sustainability in their way of life. Shirefolk value hospitality, generosity, and cooperation, fostering strong bonds within their community. They hold traditional customs and rituals in high regard, celebrating joyous occasions with feasting, music, and dance, while also honoring the cycles of life and death with reverence and respect. With a matriarchal mindset, they view women as wise and give great respect to motherhood. The Shirefolk are guided by a set of taboos that emphasize the importance of community harmony, sustainable living, hospitality, and respect for personal boundaries. Overall, the Shirefolk embody a culture rooted in community, nature, and the simple joys of life.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Blossom, Bluebell, Cinnamon, Clover (1), Daffodil, Fern, Hazel, Ivy, Lavender, Marigold, Meadow, Petal, Poppy, Primrose, Rosemary, Saffron, Tansy, Thistle, Tulip, Willow

Masculine names

Bilbo, Bontin, Brilbert, Bruno, Milbo, Mobo, Montin, Mungo (1), Pontell, Ponto, Pungo, Robin, Samwell, Sorrel, Sunell, Wilbert, Wonto

Family names

Baggins, Barrowes, Bilberry, Harfoot, Knotwise


Brandywood, Heathertoes


Culture and cultural heritage

Shirefolk commonly keep ferrets as pets.

Shared customary codes and values

Hospitality and Generosity

Shirefolk are known for their warm hospitality and generosity towards others. They welcome visitors into their homes with open arms, offering food, shelter, and companionship to all who pass through their communities.

Community Spirit

Shirefolk prioritize the well-being of the community above individual interests. They work together collaboratively, sharing resources, knowledge, and labor to ensure the prosperity and harmony of the community as a whole.

Humility and Simplicity

Shirefolk value humility and simplicity in all aspects of life. They eschew ostentatious displays of wealth or status, preferring modesty and understatement in their belongings, clothing, and lifestyle choices.

Respect for Elders

Shirefolk hold great respect for their elders, honoring their wisdom, experience, and contributions to the community. Elders play a central role in decision-making and governance, guiding the community with their knowledge and insight.

Commitment to Justice

Shirefolk uphold principles of fairness, honesty, and integrity in their interactions with others. They believe in the importance of seeking justice for all members of the community and resolving disputes through peaceful means.

Spirit of Resilience

Shirefolk possess a strong spirit of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. They draw strength from their connections to each other and their shared values, overcoming challenges with courage, determination, and solidarity.

Common Etiquette rules

Greeting and Hospitality

Shirefolk greet each other warmly and respectfully, often with a smile, handshake, or hug, depending on the level of familiarity. Visitors are welcomed with open arms and offered food, drink, and lodging as a gesture of hospitality.

Sharing and Generosity

Shirefolk believe in the importance of sharing and generosity, especially when it comes to food and resources. They offer to share their meals with others, whether it's a neighbor, visitor, or stranger in need.

Table Manners

Shirefolk consider it polite to start eating as soon as the meal is served, rather than waiting for everyone to be served. This demonstrates an eagerness to enjoy the food and indicates appreciation for the meal prepared by the host. Burping after a meal is considered polite and indicates enjoyment of the food.

Gratitude and Appreciation

Shirefolk express gratitude and appreciation for acts of kindness and generosity shown towards them. They thank others sincerely for their help, hospitality, or gifts, and may reciprocate with gestures of kindness in return.

Respect for Personal Space

Shirefolk respect each other's personal space and boundaries, avoiding intrusive behavior or overly familiar gestures without permission. They give others space to express themselves freely and feel comfortable in social interactions.

Respect for Elders

Shirefolk hold great respect for their elders and show deference towards them in social settings. Younger individuals may offer their seats to elders, listen attentively to their stories and advice, and seek their guidance on matters of importance.

Common Dress code

Comfortable and Practical Clothing

Shirefolk prefer clothing that is comfortable and practical for their daily activities, which often include farming, gardening, and outdoor pursuits. They opt for loose-fitting garments made from natural materials such as cotton, wool, and linen, allowing for ease of movement and breathability.

Earth Tones and Natural Colors

Shirefolk clothing tends to feature earthy tones and natural colors inspired by the surrounding landscape. Shades of green, brown, beige, and muted hues are commonly seen in their attire, reflecting their close connection to nature.

Simple and Functional Designs

Shirefolk clothing is characterized by simple and functional designs that prioritize utility over embellishment. They favor garments such as tunics, trousers, skirts, and dresses with minimal adornment, opting for practicality and ease of wear.

Barefoot Attire

Shirefolk do not wear shoes at all, preferring to go barefoot in all settings. Their intimate connection with the land leads them to appreciate the sensation of natural textures beneath their feet, whether it be soft grass, cool earth, or warm sand. Going barefoot is not only a practical choice but also a deeply ingrained cultural tradition for Shirefolk, symbolizing their harmony with the natural world.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Cheese Rolling Tradition

Each year, the Shirefolk gather on the steepest hill in their community for a spirited cheese rolling contest. Participants compete to chase after a large wheel of cheese as it rolls down the hill, with the winner being awarded the honor and glory of capturing the cheese. This tradition is a beloved spectacle that brings the community together in laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition.

Community Work Days

Shirefolk engage in regular community work days, where members of the community come together to tackle shared tasks such as repairing infrastructure, tending to communal gardens, or constructing new buildings. These work days foster a sense of solidarity and cooperation among the Shirefolk, reinforcing the importance of collective effort and mutual support.

Storytelling and Oral Traditions

Storytelling plays a central role in Shirefolk culture, with elders passing down tales of folklore, mythology, and local history to younger generations. These oral traditions preserve the collective wisdom and heritage of the Shirefolk, instilling a sense of pride and connection to their cultural roots.

Music and Dance

Music and dance are integral aspects of Shirefolk culture, with traditional tunes and dances passed down through generations. Shirefolk gatherings often feature lively musical performances, with fiddles, flutes, and drums providing the soundtrack for spirited dances such as buck dancing and reel dancing.

New Year Bonfire

To ring in the new year, the Shirefolk gather around roaring bonfires to celebrate and reflect. Symbolic of leaving behind the trials and tribulations of the past year, the bonfires are believed to cleanse the community of negativity and invite blessings for the year ahead. Families share stories, sing songs, and offer prayers of gratitude and hope as they welcome the dawn of a new beginning.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Community Feast

Upon the birth of a child, the entire community comes together to partake in a joyous feast held in honor of the newborn and their family. Tables are laden with an abundance of traditional Shirefolk dishes, including hearty stews, freshly baked bread, vegetables, and sweet treats. Music, laughter, and storytelling fill the air as community members gather to celebrate the arrival of the newest member of their community.


Community members present the newborn with gifts and tokens of affection to welcome them into the world. These gifts may include handcrafted toys, blankets, clothing, or practical items for the child's care and upbringing. Each gift is given with love and best wishes for the child's future.

Wishing Tree

In Shirefolk communities, a wishing tree is set up during the celebration, where guests can hang handwritten wishes and blessings for the newborn. These wishes may range from hopes for good health and happiness to aspirations for the child's future accomplishments and adventures. The wishing tree serves as a tangible symbol of the community's love and support for the newborn as they embark on their journey through life.

Dancing and Merriment

After the feast, Shirefolk engage in spirited dancing and merriment to celebrate the joyous occasion. Traditional folk dances are performed to the lively tunes of fiddles, flutes, and drums, with community members of all ages joining in the revelry. The atmosphere is one of exuberance and camaraderie as the community comes together to express their happiness and solidarity.

Coming of Age Rites

Shirefolk have no coming of age rites, as Shirefolk believe coming of age to be a gradual process, rather than something that happens at a set point in time.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Outdoor Ceremonies

Shirefolk funerals often take place outdoors in natural settings such as forests, meadows, or hilltops, where the beauty of the land serves as a fitting backdrop for honoring the departed.

Burial in Marked Graveyards

The deceased are laid to rest in marked graveyards located within Shirefolk communities. These graveyards are peaceful sanctuaries adorned with wildflowers, trees, and natural landmarks, providing a tranquil final resting place for the departed. Family members and loved ones may visit the gravesite to pay their respects and tend to the memorial with offerings of flowers, herbs, or tokens of remembrance.

Joyous Funeral Celebration

Shirefolk funerals are not somber affairs but rather joyous celebrations of the life and legacy of the departed. Family, friends, and community members gather to honor the deceased with music, dancing, storytelling, and feasting. The atmosphere is one of warmth, love, and remembrance, as participants share fond memories and anecdotes about the deceased.


Marriage Customs

Outdoor Celebrations

Shirefolk prefer to hold their marriage ceremonies outdoors, amidst the beauty of nature. Popular settings include lush meadows, blooming gardens, tranquil forests, or beside sparkling streams. The natural surroundings serve as a sacred backdrop for the union, symbolizing the couple's connection to the land and the cycles of life.

Handfasting Ritual

A central ritual in Shirefolk marriage ceremonies is the handfasting, where the couple's hands are bound together with cords or ribbons to symbolize their union and commitment to each other. Family members, friends, or elders may lead the handfasting ceremony, reciting blessings, vows, or wishes for the couple's future together.

Circle of Blessings with Petals

During the ceremony, the couple stands within a circle of family, friends, and community members. As a symbol of love and blessings, guests in the circle throw petals at the couple, showering them with wishes for happiness, prosperity, and fertility in their marriage.

Feasting and Merriment

After the ceremony, a festive feast is held to celebrate the newlyweds and their union. Tables are laden with traditional Shirefolk dishes, seasonal delicacies, and sweet treats. Family members take turns gifting food from their farms to the happy couple, symbolizing their support and blessings for the marriage.

Food Fight Tradition

After the feast, the guests split into two teams, each representing the guests of the two partners. A spirited food fight ensues, where guests playfully hurl food at each other in a lighthearted and joyous celebration of the union. Laughter, camaraderie, and good-natured rivalry fill the air as guests revel in the festive atmosphere.

Common Taboos


Shirefolk live in harmony with the land and practice sustainable living. Wasteful behaviors such as excessive consumption, hoarding resources, or squandering food would be seen as disrespectful to the gifts of nature and the efforts of the community.

Lack of Hospitality

Shirefolk pride themselves on their hospitality and generosity. Failing to extend hospitality to guests, refusing to share resources with those in need, or showing disrespect to elders and visitors would be seen as a breach of social norms.

Disregarding Personal Boundaries

Shirefolk value personal autonomy and respect for individual boundaries. Actions such as invading someone's privacy, spreading gossip or rumors, or imposing one's will on others without consent would be considered taboo.

Disregarding Community Harmony

Shirefolk prioritize community cohesion and cooperation. Behaviors that disrupt the peace and harmony of the community, such as spreading rumors, stirring up conflict, or refusing to help neighbors in need, would be frowned upon.


Beauty Ideals

Radiant Health

Shirefolk admire individuals who possess a healthy and vibrant appearance, characterized by clear skin, bright eyes, and rosy cheeks. Good health is seen as a reflection of a balanced lifestyle and harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Joyful Expression

Beauty in The Shirelands is closely linked to expressions of joy, laughter, and inner happiness. Individuals who radiate joy and positivity are seen as particularly beautiful, as their inner light shines brightly and uplifts those around them.

Simple Adornments

Shirefolk adorn themselves with simple and natural accessories that complement their appearance without overshadowing their inherent beauty. This may include handmade jewelry crafted from natural materials like wood, stones, or shells, as well as floral wreaths or woven hair ornaments.

Ageless Grace

Shirefolk embrace the beauty of aging as a natural and inevitable part of life. Wrinkles, silver hair, and other signs of aging are celebrated as symbols of wisdom, experience, and a life well-lived.

Gender Ideals

Collaborative Relationships

Shirefolk view relationships between men and women as partnerships based on mutual trust, cooperation, and support. Rather than adhering to traditional gender roles, couples work together as equals to navigate life's challenges and pursue shared goals.

Shared Responsibilities

In Shirefolk households, responsibilities such as child-rearing, household chores, and decision-making are shared equally between partners, regardless of gender. This egalitarian approach fosters a sense of partnership and cooperation within families and promotes greater harmony in the community.

Respect for Wisdom and Motherhood

Shirefolk place a high value on the wisdom and nurturing qualities often associated with women. Mothers are revered within Shirefolk society for their role in raising and guiding the next generation, and their advice and insights are sought after in matters of community governance and decision-making.

Leadership and Governance

While leadership positions within Shirefolk communities may be open to individuals of all genders, there may be a preference for female leaders or elders due to the perceived wisdom and nurturing qualities associated with women. Women may hold prominent roles in councils, assemblies, and community leadership positions.

Empowerment through Education

Shirefolk prioritize education for all individuals, regardless of gender, believing that knowledge and skills empower individuals to pursue their passions and contribute meaningfully to society. Girls and boys are encouraged to pursue their interests and aspirations without limitations based on gender.

Courtship Ideals

Companionship and Friendship

Courtship among the Shirefolk often begins with the formation of deep friendships based on shared interests, values, and mutual respect. Romantic relationships evolve naturally from strong foundations of companionship and camaraderie.

Slow and Deliberate

Shirefolk courtship tends to progress at a gradual pace, with individuals taking the time to truly get to know each other before committing to a romantic relationship. There is no rush or pressure to move quickly, as Shirefolk value the importance of building a strong foundation for lasting love.

Respect for Consent and Boundaries

Consent and mutual respect are paramount in Shirefolk courtship. Individuals are encouraged to communicate openly and honestly with each other, respecting each other's boundaries and autonomy at all times.

Emphasis on Emotional Connection

Shirefolk prioritize emotional connection and intimacy in their romantic relationships. Partners share their thoughts, feelings, and dreams openly with each other, fostering a deep sense of trust and emotional intimacy.

Long-Term Commitment

Shirefolk courtship is viewed as the beginning of a lifelong journey of love and partnership. Couples are committed to supporting each other through life's ups and downs, building a strong and enduring bond based on mutual love, respect, and devotion.

Relationship Ideals

Partnership and Equality

Shirefolk view romantic relationships as partnerships based on equality, mutual respect, and collaboration. Partners support each other's goals and aspirations, share responsibilities equally, and make decisions together as a team.

Open Communication

Communication is highly valued in Shirefolk relationships. Partners communicate openly and honestly with each other, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a safe and supportive environment. They actively listen to each other's perspectives and strive to resolve conflicts through constructive dialogue.

Intimacy and Affection

Intimacy is an integral part of Shirefolk relationships, encompassing emotional, physical, and spiritual connection. Partners express their love and affection openly, through gestures of kindness, acts of service, physical touch, and verbal affirmations of love.

Celebration of Togetherness

Shirefolk celebrate the joys of togetherness and companionship in their relationships. They prioritize spending quality time together, whether it's sharing meals, going for walks in nature, or engaging in shared hobbies and interests that strengthen their bond.

Resilience and Support

Shirefolk couples weather life's challenges together with resilience and mutual support. They provide emotional comfort, encouragement, and practical assistance to each other during difficult times, knowing that they are stronger together than apart.

Continuous Growth and Development

Shirefolk relationships are dynamic and evolving, with partners committed to continuous growth and development both individually and as a couple. They embrace opportunities for learning, self-improvement, and shared experiences that deepen their connection over time.

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