Shores of Longing: A Tale of Forbidden Love Prose in The Ground | World Anvil
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Shores of Longing: A Tale of Forbidden Love

(Verse 1)

In a kingdom by the sea, where waves caress the sand,

A mermaid gazed with longing at the distant human land.

Her heart belonged to one above, a love she couldn't reach,

But Velene heard her plea for love, and offered trials to teach.



Oh, Velene, goddess fair, with wisdom in her eyes,

She challenges the mermaid's heart, beneath the moonlit skies.

With each trial faced and each test passed, her love grows ever true,

Forbidden love, a tale of hope, beneath the ocean's blue.


(Verse 2)

Through storms and tides, the mermaid swam, with courage as her guide,

She proved her love with every trial, no obstacle denied.

From depths below to shores afar, she journeyed without fear,

Her love for him a burning flame, her devotion crystal clear.



Oh, Velene, goddess wise, who knows the heart's desire,

She watches as the mermaid proves her love, the trials that never tire.

With each trial faced and each test passed, her love grows ever true,

Forbidden love, a tale of hope, beneath the ocean's blue.



At last, the final trial is done, the mermaid's love revealed,

She stands before her human love, her heart no longer sealed.

With Velene's blessing, their love blooms, beneath the silver moon,

A tale of love that conquered all, a mermaid's sweetest boon.



Oh, Velene, goddess kind, who grants love's sweet embrace,

She smiles upon the mermaid's joy, her trials now replaced.

With each trial faced and each test passed, her love grows ever true,

Forbidden love, a tale of hope, beneath the ocean's blue.


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