Siren's Sorrow: The Ballad of Unrequited Love Prose in The Ground | World Anvil
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Siren's Sorrow: The Ballad of Unrequited Love

(Verse 1)

Beneath the moon's soft glow, by the ocean's gentle lull,

A mermaid's heart did ache, her love for a mortal full.

She gazed upon the land, where her love did dwell,

But in the human world, her love's embrace did not compel.



Oh, Velene, goddess dear, who hears the mermaid's plea,

She weeps for love unspoken, lost in the endless sea.

In sorrow's embrace, the mermaid's tears did flow,

A tale of love unrequited, beneath the moon's soft glow.


(Verse 2)

With a heavy heart, she swam to Velene's sacred shore,

Seeking solace in her sorrow, her heart forever torn.

Velene, in her wisdom, heard the mermaid's pain,

And offered her a magic necklace, to bear her love's refrain.



Oh, Velene, goddess wise, who knows love's tender song,

She soothes the ache of longing, where the ocean waves belong.

With hope in her heart, the mermaid braved the land,

To seek her love's affection, on the golden sand.


(Verse 3)

But alas, her love was not returned, her heart left in despair,

The human's gaze, cold and distant, left her spirit bare.

With a heavy heart, she turned away, to the ocean's deep embrace,

And in her sorrow's shadow, found her final resting place.



Oh, Velene, goddess kind, who heals the broken soul,

She guides the lost and weary, to find their final goal.

In sorrow's embrace, the mermaid's spirit found release,

A tale of love's lament, beneath the ocean's ceaseless peace.


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