Sora Organization in The Ground | World Anvil
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Informal Agreements

At the heart of Soran society are informal agreements made among community members. When important decisions need to be made, such as organizing festivals, relocating settlements, or addressing major threats, Sorans come together in open discussions or gatherings to voice their opinions and reach consensus.

Community Meetings

Community meetings serve as a forum for discussing issues affecting the collective well-being of Soran society. These gatherings are characterized by open dialogue, active participation, and mutual respect. While there may be individuals who hold influence due to their wisdom, experience, or skills, decisions are ultimately made collectively, with every voice heard and considered.

Social Norms and Customs

Social norms and customs play a crucial role in maintaining order and harmony within Soran society. Respect for personal autonomy, communal sharing, and nonviolent conflict resolution are deeply ingrained values that guide interpersonal interactions and collective decision-making.

Ad Hoc Committees

In situations requiring specialized knowledge or coordination, ad hoc committees may be formed to address specific issues or tasks. These committees are temporary and voluntary, with members chosen based on their expertise or willingness to contribute. Once the task is completed, the committee dissolves, and its members return to their regular roles within the community.


Long ago, in the realm of Sofea, sun elves, moon elves, and aasimar coexisted in harmony under the benevolent rule of the angelic Aasimar. Yet, amidst the idyllic tranquility of their shared society, darkness lurked in the hearts of some, festering like a poison within the ranks of the sun elves.

When whispers of treachery and betrayal reached the ears of the Aasimar rulers, they acted swiftly and decisively, convening a tribunal to mete out justice upon those accused of heinous crimes. Those found guilty of their transgressions were condemned to exile, cast out from the sanctity of Sofea to wander the desolate lands beyond its borders, forever separated from the society they had once called home.

As the exiles departed, their fate sealed by the judgment of their peers, a schism formed within sun elf society, dividing those who supported the decision of the Aasimar rulers from those who questioned the fairness and righteousness of their actions. Among the dissenters were the sun elves who would later come to be known as the Sorans, individuals who refused to abandon their belief in redemption and forgiveness in the face of adversity.

Departing from Sofea in protest, the Sorans sought refuge in distant lands, guided by their unwavering faith in the inherent goodness of the sun and the power of redemption to overcome even the darkest of sins. Embracing a philosophy of compassion, understanding, and second chances, they vowed to forge a new path forward, free from the shadows of their past and guided by the light of hope and forgiveness.


Community Mentorship

Learning in Sora is facilitated through mentorship and guidance from experienced community members. Elders, skilled craftsmen, talented musicians, and other knowledgeable individuals serve as mentors to the younger generation, passing down traditional knowledge, cultural practices, and practical skills through oral tradition and direct instruction.

Emphasis on Personal Growth

Education in Sora places a strong emphasis on personal growth, self-discovery, and holistic development. Rather than adhering to standardized curricula or rigid educational frameworks, learning is tailored to the individual needs, interests, and aspirations of each learner, allowing them to explore and cultivate their unique talents and passions.

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