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The Church of Berthe

Tenets of Faith

Hierarchy and Order

Central to the teachings of The Church of Berthe is the importance of hierarchy and order within society. The church preaches that each individual has a specific role and duty within the social hierarchy, and adherence to these roles ensures harmony and stability.

Submission to Authority

Followers of The Church of Berthe are taught to submit to authority figures, including religious leaders, monarchs, and elders. Obedience to authority is seen as a virtue, reflecting humility and reverence for divine order.

Divine Monarchy

The Church of Berthe teaches that the monarchy is divinely ordained, with the monarch serving as the earthly representative of divine authority. Loyalty and obedience to the monarchy are considered essential virtues, reflecting obedience to the divine will.

Divine Providence

The church teaches that all events and circumstances are guided by divine providence, and that individuals should trust in the wisdom and benevolence of the divine plan. Faithful adherence to religious teachings and obedience to divine will are believed to bring blessings and favor from the gods.


Obedience and Submission

Central to the ethics of The Church of Berthe is the emphasis on obedience and submission to authority. Followers are expected to obey religious leaders, monarchs, and other figures of authority, reflecting humility and respect for divine order.


Regular Attendance at Religious Services

Followers of The Church of Berthe are expected to attend regular religious services, held at local temples or churches, where they gather to pray, sing hymns, and listen to sermons delivered by priests. These services provide opportunities for communal worship and spiritual reflection, reinforcing the teachings and values of the church.



In the hierarchical society of Berthe, priests of The Church of Berthe hold a privileged position, granted the authority to take on multiple wives in accordance with religious customs.


The Holy Guard

The Holy Guard is an elite order of female paladins dedicated to upholding the principles, values, and traditions of The Church of Berthe. Comprised of highly trained and devout women, The Holy Guard serves as both guardians of the faith and defenders of Berthan society.

Members of The Holy Guard are bound by strict vows of chastity, obedience, and loyalty to The Church of Berthe. Central to these vows is the requirement of purity, both in body and spirit. Women who join The Holy Guard pledge to remain virgins for life, forsaking romantic and sexual relationships in favor of their sacred duty to the church.

The consequences for violating the vow of chastity are severe. If a member of The Holy Guard is found to have lost her virginity, whether through consensual relations or coercion, she is subject to immediate expulsion from the order and faces severe punishment. In accordance with the teachings of The Church of Berthe, the penalty for such betrayal of vows is death, administered as a solemn and final act of purification.

Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Permeated Organizations
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Controlled Territories
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