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The Umbrathi, a tribe of sun elves, inhabit the desolate and perpetual darkness of The Night Realm, where the sun never rises. Living in tribes, they navigate the rocky wastelands and harsh landscapes, relying on their resourcefulness, strength, and unity to survive.

In Umbrathi culture, personal space and boundaries are highly valued, and intrusions upon them are taboo. Wastefulness is frowned upon, given the scarcity of resources in The Night Realm, and trust and loyalty are paramount among the tribe members. Betraying trust or desecrating memorial markings, which honor the memory of their departed kin, are considered grave offenses that carry severe consequences.

Umbrathi customs and traditions are rich and unique, reflecting their close connection to the darkness of The Night Realm. Courtship involves a unique custom where potential partners spend nights in a courting hut with the female Umbrathi, and marriage is celebrated with a vibrant ceremony featuring a Dance of Union. Coming of age is marked by a perilous rite of passage known as the Trial of Night's Embrace. Funerary customs include vigils to honor the departed, during which the body is placed upon a bonfire as the tribe celebrates and remembers. Throughout their customs and traditions, the Umbrathi embody strength and resilience.

Naming Traditions

Masculine names

Carecalmo, Moranarg, Sauron, Sorcalin


Shared customary codes and values

Strength and Resilience

Strength, both physical and emotional, is revered among the Umbrathi. Individuals are expected to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity, showing fortitude and determination in overcoming challenges. Warriors who display prowess in combat and endurance in harsh conditions are highly respected within the tribe.

Collective Responsibility

Collective responsibility is a core principle of Umbrathi society. Individuals understand that they are interconnected and interdependent, with each person bearing a share of the responsibility for the well-being of the tribe. Cooperation and mutual support are essential for addressing challenges and ensuring the prosperity of all members.

Courage and Bravery

Courage and bravery are esteemed virtues among the Umbrathi. Individuals are encouraged to confront challenges head-on, showing fearlessness in the face of danger and adversity. Acts of bravery are celebrated within the tribe, inspiring others to demonstrate similar resolve.

Endurance and Perseverance

Endurance and perseverance are valued qualities that contribute to the strength and resilience of the Umbrathi. Individuals are expected to endure hardships with fortitude, never giving up in the pursuit of their goals. Persistence in the face of obstacles is admired as a testament to one's determination and character.

Adaptability and Innovation

The Umbrathi value adaptability and innovation as essential tools for survival in their harsh environment. Individuals are encouraged to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances, finding innovative solutions to complex problems. A spirit of curiosity and exploration drives progress and growth within the tribe.

Common Etiquette rules

Sharing of Resources

Sharing is a fundamental aspect of Umbrathi society, and individuals are expected to share resources and provisions with others in need. It is considered impolite to hoard or withhold resources when others are in need, as collective responsibility is valued over individual gain.

Personal Space

Respect for personal space and boundaries is paramount among the Umbrathi. Individuals are expected to maintain a respectful distance from others unless given explicit permission to approach closer. Intruding upon someone's personal space without invitation is considered rude and may be met with hostility.

Direct Communication

Umbrathi value directness and honesty in communication. It is considered respectful to speak plainly and truthfully, avoiding ambiguity or deceit. Individuals are encouraged to express their thoughts and opinions openly, even if they may be difficult to hear.

Non-Verbal Cues

Non-verbal cues play a significant role in Umbrathi communication. Individuals may use subtle gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey their intentions and emotions. It is important to be attentive to these cues and respond accordingly to maintain mutual understanding and respect.

Common Dress code

Leather Accents

Umbrathi commonly incorporate leather accents into their attire, using the skins of their defeated foes to create these embellishments. Belts, straps, and bracers are adorned with intricately crafted leatherwork, each piece serving as a trophy of past victories and a reminder of the Umbrathi's strength and resilience.

Functional Footwear

Umbrathi typically wear sturdy, practical footwear suited for traversing rugged terrain. Boots with durable soles and ankle support are favored, providing stability and protection during their nomadic journeys. However, Umbrathi are also known to occasionally go barefoot, especially when navigating softer or more forgiving terrain, allowing them to connect more intimately with their surroundings.

Utility Belts

Utility belts are indispensable accessories for the Umbrathi, featuring pouches and compartments crafted from durable materials to withstand the rigors of their nomadic lifestyle. These belts serve as practical storage solutions for carrying essential supplies, tools, and trophies of their conquests, ensuring that Umbrathi warriors are always prepared for whatever challenges they may encounter.

Dark Clothing

Umbrathi favor dark clothing, typically opting for shades of black, charcoal, and deep gray. This choice not only reflects their affinity for the shadows but also serves practical purposes, providing camouflage in their dimly lit environment and allowing them to blend seamlessly into the darkness.

Revealing Armor

When it comes to armor, Umbrathi prioritize freedom of movement over extensive coverage. They often choose lightweight, form-fitting armor that provides adequate protection without encumbering their agility. Strategic placement of armor leaves certain areas exposed, allowing for greater flexibility and range of motion during combat.

Hoods and Cloaks

Hoods and cloaks are staple garments in Umbrathi attire, serving both practical and symbolic purposes. Hoods provide additional concealment and protection from the elements, while cloaks offer warmth and insulation during cold nights. These garments also hold cultural significance, symbolizing the Umbrathi's affinity for stealth, secrecy, and the mysteries of the night.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Feast of Embers

The Feast of Embers is a celebratory event held to commemorate significant victories or milestones within the tribe. During this feast, the Umbrathi gather around a blazing bonfire to feast, dance, and revel in the warmth and camaraderie of their community. Stories of past triumphs and heroic deeds are recounted, inspiring pride and unity among the tribe.

Shadow Dance

The Shadow Dance is a ceremonial ritual performed by Umbrathi warriors before embarking on a challenging endeavor or mission. Accompanied by rhythmic drumming and chanting, the dancers move gracefully and fluidly, their movements synchronized and precise. As they dance, the flickering light of torches or moonlight casts dynamic shadows that dance alongside them, creating an ethereal spectacle.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Trial of Night's Embrace

The Trial of Night's Embrace is a perilous rite of passage undertaken by young Umbrathi children when they reach the age of nine. It is a test of endurance, courage, and survival instincts, designed to separate the strong from the weak and prepare them for the challenges of life in the harsh wilderness.

The child is taken deep into the desolate wilderness, far from the safety of the tribe's camp. Unaccompanied by seasoned warriors and elders, they are left to navigate the treacherous terrain and face the dangers of the night realm on their own.

Throughout the month, the child must overcome a series of trials, including extreme temperatures, predatory creatures, and natural obstacles. They must rely on their instincts, resourcefulness, and the skills they have learned from their elders to survive.

At the end of the month, those children who have successfully endured the trials are welcomed back into the embrace of the tribe as honored members. They are hailed as heroes, their courage and resilience celebrated with feasting, dancing, and rituals.

It is after the completion of the Trial of Night's Embrace that the children are given their tribal names, chosen to reflect their strength, bravery, and triumph over adversity. These names are a badge of honor, marking them as true members of the tribe and signaling their readiness to embrace their role as guardians of the Umbrathi people.

Though rigorous and perilous, the Trial of Night's Embrace is a sacred tradition that embodies the spirit of the Umbrathi people – resilient, resourceful, and unyielding in the face of adversity. It ensures that only the strongest and most determined individuals are deemed worthy to carry on the legacy of the tribe.

Coming of Age Rites

The Rite of Conquest

The Rite of Conquest is the solemn coming of age ceremony undertaken by young Umbrathi as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Rooted in the ancient traditions of their nomadic ancestors, this rite symbolizes the Umbrathi's readiness to embrace their role as hunters, warriors, and protectors of their tribe.

The ceremony begins with the selection of a hunting party, comprised of seasoned warriors and trusted companions, who will accompany the initiate on their quest. Together, they venture into the untamed wilderness, guided by the whispers of the night and the primal instincts of their ancestors.

For days, they track their quarry through barren wastelands, testing their skills as hunters and survivalists. Along the way, they face myriad challenges and dangers, from ferocious beasts to hostile terrain, but they press on with unwavering determination and resolve.

Finally, they encounter their prey – a humanoid creature, chosen for its strength, cunning, and resilience. With swift and calculated precision, they subdue the creature, binding it and bringing it back to their camp as a trophy of their triumph.

As night falls and the tribe gathers around the campfire, the initiate stands before their kin, ready to undergo the final trial of their rite of passage. With solemn reverence, they ritually sacrifice the captive humanoid, offering its lifeblood to the spirits of the night as a symbol of their allegiance and devotion.

The sacrifice is a solemn and sacred act, steeped in tradition and ritual significance. It symbolizes the Umbrathi's willingness to embrace the darkness within themselves and harness its power for the greater good of their tribe. Through this act of sacrifice, they reaffirm their commitment to the values of strength, resilience, and unity that define their culture.

As the ritual concludes, the tribe celebrates the initiate's triumph with feasting, dancing, and storytelling long into the night. They welcome the new adult into their midst with open arms, honoring their courage, skill, and sacrifice as they take their place among the warriors and leaders of their tribe.

The Rite of Conquest is a testament to the resilience, resourcefulness, and indomitable spirit of the Umbrathi people. It is a sacred tradition that binds them together as a tribe and reinforces their bond with the dark and mysterious forces that shape their world.

Funerary and Memorial customs


The Vigil is a unique ceremony held by the Umbrathi to honor the departed and celebrate their life amidst the eternal night of The Night Realm. As the tribe gathers around a towering bonfire in the desolate wilderness, the body of the departed is placed upon the roaring flames at the onset of the vigil.

As the fire consumes the body, casting flickering shadows across the rugged landscape, the tribe comes together to share stories, songs, and laughter. They raise their voices in celebration of the life that was lived, recalling fond memories and cherished moments shared with the departed.

Throughout the night, the tribe indulges in feasting, drinking, and revelry, paying tribute to the spirit of the departed with joy and camaraderie. The flames of the bonfire dance in rhythm with their laughter and song, casting a warm glow over the gathering as they celebrate the circle of life and the enduring bonds of kinship.

As the vigil wears on and the flames die down to embers, the tribe continues to honor the memory of the departed, sharing tales of bravery, wisdom, and love that will echo through the ages. And as the fire goes out, they bid farewell to their loved one, knowing that their spirit will live on in the hearts and memories of those who knew them.

Memorial Markings

In addition to the fiery rites of the Vigil, the Umbrathi honor the memory of their departed kin through the creation of elaborate sculptures. These sculptures, carved from stone or fashioned from natural materials, serve as tangible memorials to the lives and deeds of those who have passed. Each sculpture is unique, reflecting the individuality and significance of the departed, and serves as a timeless reminder of their enduring presence within the tribe.


Marriage Customs

Courting Hut

The Courting Hut Tradition is a time-honored custom among the Umbrathi, marking the beginning of courtship between potential partners. When a female Umbrathi is ready to choose her mate, she retreats to a secluded hut within the tribe's encampment, known as the Courting Hut.

Inside the Courting Hut, the female Umbrathi awaits the arrival of potential suitors, who are invited to spend one night each with her to demonstrate their compatibility and suitability as a partner. The Courting Hut is a place of intimacy and contemplation, where the female Umbrathi can gauge the character, strengths, and values of each suitor.

Throughout the night, the suitor and the female Umbrathi engage in conversation, sharing stories, dreams, and aspirations. They may also participate in rituals and ceremonies to deepen their connection and affirm their commitment to one another.

The Courting Hut Tradition allows both parties to assess their compatibility and determine if they are well-matched in temperament, values, and goals. It is a time of exploration and discovery, where the bonds of affection and affection can deepen and flourish.

Once the female Umbrathi has spent time with each suitor, she makes her decision based on her instincts and intuition. The chosen suitor is then formally accepted as her mate, and the couple is celebrated with a joyous ceremony and feast, marking the beginning of their journey together as partners in life and love.

Umbrathi Union Ceremony

The celebration begins with the Dance of Union, a mesmerizing display of movement and rhythm performed by the couple and their guests, swinging around balls of fire. As the beat of drums fills the air, the couple makes their grand entrance, joining the dance amidst the flickering light of torches and the shimmering glow of the moon.

As the dance unfolds, the couple passes the balls of fire to those they believe are most likely to marry next, symbolizing the passing of the torch of love and commitment to the next generation. The guests join in the dance, weaving intricate patterns and exchanging joyful smiles and laughter as they celebrate the union of the couple.

Amidst the revelry, the couple formally establishes their union by consummating their marriage, surrounded by the joyful energy of the dance and the loving embrace of their community. It is a moment of profound intimacy and connection, as they seal their bond in the presence of their loved ones and the spirits of the night.

Following the consummation, the celebration continues with feasting, drinking, and merriment, as the tribe comes together to honor the newlyweds and celebrate the joy of love and union. Songs are sung, stories are shared, and laughter echoes across the wilderness as the night unfolds in a symphony of celebration and camaraderie.

Common Taboos

Violating Personal Space

Intruding upon someone else's physical or emotional boundaries is taboo. This includes touching without permission, invading privacy, or prying into personal matters without invitation.

Wasting Resources

Squandering food, water, or other essential resources is frowned upon and considered taboo in Umbrathi society, given the harsh environment of The Night Realm.

Betraying Trust

Trust and loyalty are paramount, and betraying the trust of a fellow tribe member is one of the gravest taboos. Acts of deceit, betrayal, or dishonesty fracture the bonds of community and lead to ostracism or punishment.

Desecrating Memorial Markings

The Umbrathi hold deep reverence for their departed kin and the memorial markings that honor their memory. Desecrating or disrespecting these sites, whether through vandalism or other forms of sacrilege, is considered taboo and carries severe consequences.


Beauty Ideals

Symbolic Scars

Scars earned in battle or through rituals are viewed as marks of honor and beauty among the Umbrathi. Each scar tells a story of bravery and resilience, serving as a testament to the individual's courage and commitment to their tribe.

Strength and Resilience

Physical strength and resilience are considered beautiful traits among the Umbrathi. Muscular physiques and well-defined features convey power and vitality, reflecting the ability to thrive in their harsh environment and defend their tribe against adversaries.

Gender Ideals

Equal Roles in Society

The Umbrathi value gender equality, with both males and females holding equal importance in their society. There are no strict gender roles, and individuals are free to pursue careers and roles based on their interests and abilities rather than their gender.

Physical Strength

While both genders are respected, physical strength is particularly admired among Umbrathi males. Warriors who demonstrate prowess in combat and physical endurance are highly esteemed, as they play a crucial role in defending the tribe and navigating the harsh environment.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional resilience and stoicism are ideals upheld by both Umbrathi males and females. Individuals are expected to remain composed and level-headed in the face of adversity, displaying inner strength and determination even in the darkest of times.

Relationship Ideals

Partnership and Equality

Umbrathi relationships are built on a foundation of partnership and equality, where both individuals contribute equally to the relationship and share responsibilities in all aspects of life. Decisions are made collaboratively, with each partner's input valued and respected.

Mutual Support and Empowerment

Mutual support and empowerment are central to Umbrathi relationships. Partners uplift and encourage each other to pursue their goals and aspirations, providing emotional, physical, and spiritual support along the way. They celebrate each other's successes and navigate challenges together as a team.

Open Communication

Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of Umbrathi relationships. Partners are encouraged to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly, fostering trust, understanding, and intimacy in the relationship. Conflict resolution is approached with empathy and respect, with a focus on finding mutually beneficial solutions.

Respect for Individuality

While partners in Umbrathi relationships are deeply connected, they also respect each other's individuality and autonomy. Each partner is encouraged to maintain their sense of self, pursue personal interests, and continue growing and evolving as individuals, enriching the relationship with their unique perspectives and experiences.

Encompassed species

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