
"It's eerie."   "Is it?"   "What?"   "Come on, I've known you since the schola progenium, only a few of us, well a few of you, were chosen for the plum postings, the rest of us washed out and ended up in the regular guard."   "Hey it wasn't my idea..."   "No, I bet not. You still enjoyed every minute of it though, I bet."   "What?"   "Your sister chosen for tempestus, along with your first girlfriend."   "How did you even know?"   "Come on, Wanda and I were dormmates, who do you think had to find a an alternative place to sleep? With her brothers?"   "Oh."   "We didn't..."   "I know, you still were getting somewhere past first base, mister smooth."   "It wasn't my idea..."   "It wasn't? She told me you were the one taking the initiative..."   "Well, I was out of my depth, I just tried some things, she seemed to like it..."   "That's what she said... So about this chaos location?"   "Right here on the map."   "Any opposition?"   "None known, I'd recommend Francisca's mob."   "Why them?"   "They've been idle the longest, because you don't like her..."   "I don't dislike her..."   "No, you just like her less than everyone else, because she's the prettiest of your subordinate captains."   "Quite a few of the men in the regiment rate her about fourth..."   "Oh? Who'd they rate then?"   "Boutella, Tandy and your sister..."   "Gah!"   "What?"   "Sorry, just not really thinking about my sister in those terms."   "A few of them like her bulked-up look."   "And the rest just like that she's the next one in case "Clean" Brador gets your job. Or just like her in general, but it's not her looks, like your two brothers..."   "Ugh, let's not go there."   "Yeah, my little sister getting involved with either of your brothers was betting material back in Progenium, so it's not news, but yeah, let's not dwell on it."   "What, you were betting on which one of them would get your sister?"   "No, I mean there was bets on whether or not Niels would marry her later. I won twenty credits, once upon a time, because I didn't bet against my main man Niels."   "Did he thank you?"   "No, I imagine he would not, that divorce was atrocious... Back to Francesca..."   "If only she'd stop being such a raving lunatic... I'm amazed she didn't become a preacher..."   "She got the closest anyone in our classes did... But just fell short a few points."   "Well their loss is our gain, her mob is two pennies short of a full dollar, but damn it, they never show fear."   "Who you reinforcing them with?"   "You have to ask? I got two heavy assault platoons that aren't tied to a battalion, and the other is understrength since they took bullets for the Van Doos."   "Wanda's bunch needs a downcheck, eventually."   "Well, if you or Tandy go on record for it, sure, but in the meantime, they're the only ones I can play around with."   "Why not first battalion's heavy weapons section?"   "You downchecked them, remember, after first bat found what remained of the Van Doos."   "How'd the heavy weapons section manage that?"   "You wanted to send Wanda's, they got bogged down, you sent them, well more like accompanied them, with Niels and his mob for backup, and Niels couldn't get close, you however, just kept advancing, until Sty hit that magister with his golden shot, and the rest of the unit just faded away. Half that heavy assault section, who aren't usually squeamish, still haven't recovered yet from seeing Carmine's greatcoat covered in so much brainmatter though."   "Ugh, I'm sorry I asked."   "How they faded away was eerie too, I've asked intelligence about the possibility they have stealth fields, still pending."


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