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Faerie Houses

As a new player it is not a requirement to have originated from a Faerie house. Many fae do not. The majority of fae found in the new world are 'Free Born' Fae who have manifested outside of Faerie and are not bound by the political links of the houses. This article is for people who would like to opt in to being involved with the historical Faerie houses.   There has been a recent cataclysm in faerie, resulting in the historical houses being mostly destroyed. In recent times, the Wyldefire made its way to faerie, as the result of a ritual performed in a circle named Final Fate. In this process it killed the reigning High Queen Etain and the Queen of House Hungry Lion Lady Anturium.   The Royal Houses - These entries contain the historical information then a paragraph on their current state.   House of the Dancing Sky   Founder: Lady Dancing Sky, High Queen of Faerie. Current Royalty: High King Tuathal- Still living, No longer on throne, High Queen Etain.- Deceased Stance: Seelie. Lands: All of Faerie.   A note on the Royalty: As sworn by all the First Kin ( and founders of the Royal Houses) Lady Dancing Sky was decreed High Queen of Faerie, her right to rule over all its peoples, her duty to watch and protect them. Since she left the world to rest within the Summerland, the rulers of her House and all of Faerie have been of her line, each King or Queen born of one of her many aspects; through thirteen sovereigns and to today?s High King and his Lady. It is common practice for the King or Queen to take either no partner or, once, one from the Houses of Vigilant Mountain before its exile. It is also interesting to note that handful of the Kings and Queens have ruled more than once, taking the throne, falling to the Summerland and to be called forth again when the House is in need of them.   A note on the House's Structure: The House of the Dancing Sky follows the protocols and structures of all the Royal Houses of its siblings; the House?s court is built upon Courtiers, Knights, Squires, Lords, Ladies and more, all in perfect understanding of their power and responsibilities to the commoners of Faerie. This in mind, the House itself has no common members, there are no servants, stable boys or the ilk and this is where it differs from its sibling Houses. Due to its stature as the High House - its Lord and Lady sovereigns of all of Faerie - all within Faerie are its subjects; all the commoners of Faerie are her wards and willing servants, all the knights her willing army and all the Royalty her siblings and advisers. The House wonders freely with the wind through out Faerie, where ever its rests its court is held and its nearest courtiers gather, the common Fae flock; should the House rest within the lands of another House all - including the siblings Lord and Lady - hold court in the Dancing Sky?s grace and honour.   The Houses View on Mortals: The House was one of the first to venture into the Heard-of-Lands, it opened its arms to the Earth Born and held high aspirations for the Soul Born when they appeared; it wounded the House deeply to close the doors to Faerie. Though their number is made out of many Fae it holds to Seelie ideals and honestly believes that Mortals have great potential that, if guided and watched carefully, mortal society could achieve heights almost as high as their own. Even so, so many wars and lives have been taken by mortal hands, their conflicts and hate seems endless, for this the House treads carefully in full knowledge its people must come first.   Current State- Mostly decimated, as they sat at the core of Faerie by the Oath tree. The Wyldefire would have destroyed a large number of the Court. There has been no contact with anyone who hails from there in game so far.   House of the Hungry Lion   Founder: Lady Hungry Lion Current Royalty: King Burning-Mane- Living, Queen Anturium - Deceased Stance: Unseelie. Lands: Fourth Ring of the Twilight Kingdom.   A note on the Royalty: Lady Hungry Lion, as her nature dictated, was as passionate and fierce as any flame; she founded her House on indulgence, raised it to learn the noble crafts of War, to excel in them and her successors have followed in her steps. All the rulers of this House were borne of its founders own fire; five children and only three successors since she left for the Summerland. Burning-Mane is new to the thrown and watches consistently anticipating his two younger sisters to usurp him by any means, at any time; this is in reason why he took Anturium as his lover and Queen, where as he is heated and brash, she is calm and patent. Whilst he charges into the noble arts of War and indulges in his desires, she crafts and plans, anticipating the moves of her courtiers and the sibling Houses. Together they have strengthen the House, keeping it as its founder has intended.   A note on the House's Structure: The house follows the very rigged structure akin to the other sibling Houses, however it places much more emphasis on the division between a titled Noble Fae and a mere Courtier, that between a Courtier and the servants and that between the staff and the common Fae. The House?s court is filled with the Noble Houses such as the House of Lilly (from which Anturium is from), Kudzu and Pileus, all of which swan through the courts, estates and lands in twisted political schemes to be favoured by their King; each ensuring that their number revels in its indulgence and prides itself in tactics and combat. Though often looked down upon, neither ?staff? nor commoners - who are governed by the House - are treated poorly, as they too understand the deep importance and delicate balance between master and servant, King and worker and, that neither can thrive without the other. It is also noted that Burning-Mane takes such Pride in his lands that non are without and all are tended to fairly ? if briskly.   The House's View on Mortals: The House has no love, no trust, no stomach or time for mortal society. It is sickened and saddened by the House of the Dancing Sky's decision to venture back to the mortal lands, baying for blood to be spilt in retribution for past transgressions; the House waits patiently - sharpening its blades and preening its mounts - for when the Soul Born bite turn on Faerie again. It is thirsty for revenge yet, even so, would prefer to seal the door between worlds forever that call upon the blood of its people.   Current State- Seen as a villainous house to many due to their tenacity in surviving, the House of Hungry Lion has done everything it can to keep its people safe. Their King has brokered a deal with the mortal lands to keep his troops and courtiers alive. They have been based in a place called the Caldera, near Afacia City (The largest human City in this world) He is the last known surviving Noble house member and has started the march back into Faerie to reclaim his crown and seat. He has the largest army of oath sworn soldiers and intends to take the realm by force.   House of the Mournful Tear   Founder: King Mournful Tear Current Royalty: King Mournful Tear Stance: Non involvement Lands: Third ring of the Twilight Kingdom.   A note on the Royalty: When last member Tranquil Waters? line took their own life, from the tears they shed and in the power of the oath they were bound to, Mournful Tear was born to continue carrying the guilt of the fallen House. He is the only member of the new royal line and rules his people quietly and with a detached obligation, this is not to say that he does not care, nor that he is idle, rather that the King now carries the weight of the former House alone and asks little of any out of love for them.   A note on the House's Structure: The House follows the same structure as all the sibling Houses, though in a much looser and quieter manner; its courtiers and noble houses are insular and respectful, its few servants placid and dutiful and, its many many commoners ever watchful of their borders. The courts meet very rarely and resemble ritualistic mourning ceremonies and respectful meetings compared to the elaborate and vibrant courts of the sibling Houses.   The Houses View on Mortals: The Hoses views mortals as heartless, cold creatures that would rip the out very heart of Faerie and destroy the Oath Tree for timber yet it also sees the same potential as the Dancing Sky, but fears in its heart of hearts that such a thing can never be touched and inspired. So consumed by his guilt and his people so cautious and scared that another war will occur, the House hides itself away, its people remaining in their safe havens watching all from afar, even to the extend that they keep themselves away from other Fae. The House does however continue to push its crafts and skills in magic in the hopes that one day they can lock the doors of the Third ring so that no mortal may ever reach it and few Fae will wish to.   Current State - This house has been missing since the death of King Lugh (Vigilant Mountain)   The Fallen Houses   House of the Vigilant Mountain   Founder: Lady Vigilant Mountain Current Royalty: N/A Stance: Seelie Lands: Fifth ring of the Twilight Kingdom   A note on the Royalty: Lady Vigilant Mountain raised her House and her peoples to be noble, honourable and respectful of all; they were the calm voice of the sibling Houses, the reason and the understanding, yet an oath made to protect the Elvin peoples as war broke out in the Fourth Age led the House to meet their sibling - Ascending Grace - On the battle field. Out of honour they protected the Elves, out of respect the wished to cleanse Ascending Grace they succeeded. For their crime against the Sister House they were exiled, asked to return to the Summerland to watch and protect their fallen kin until all were clean of the guilt and taint.   A note on the House's Structure: In their absence of their royalty, the lands of Vigilant where left to the three highest noble Houses, that of Brodiaea, Deadrobium and Zantedeschia; each of these Houses were asked to place their three eldest members upon a council which would govern the mourning people of the land it has been that way ever since. Each of the noble Houses wishes to see the same thing brought to fruition, for their lands to be kept beautiful and happy until the day the royal line return; no longer a royal House, it has little to do with larger Faerie affairs and are cautioned to tread into the external affairs of mortals until their founders are with them once more.   The House's View on Mortals: The House once held mortals is high esteem, dedicating time to teach the arts of magic and tactics, hoping to guide them to great things, however, with the fall of the royal line the House steps very carefully in these matters. All the ruling Noble Houses are Seelie in political stance and will when in contact with mortals up hold those ideals, yet they very carefully constructs ways in which to send the mortals away, to distract them or in one case send an entire settlement to sleep so the Fae could slip away as if only a dream constantly concerned that involvement may lead to trouble. Even so the House is fully aware that one day they will be expected to follow Dancing Sky into the Heard-of-Lands, though they will put it off as long as they can.   Current State- Hight King Lugh was killed by Queen Etain of House Dancing Sky in a power struggle for the realm. His court has mostly been absorbed by House Hungry Lion but a few have broken away to start new lives in homesteads in the Mortal worlds.   House of the Ascending Grace   Founder: Lord Ascending Grace Current Royalty: N/A Stance: Unseelie Lands: Second ring of the Twilight Kingdom   A note on the Royalty: Ascending Grace was the coldest of the siblings, wrapped in the mysteries of the either, the Royal Family ruled their people with an iron fist and a scrutinising eye; they were the darkest of the Houses, forever touching the magics of the night to ensure that balance was held within Faerie. When the war between Faerie and the mortals occurred it was they who rallied Hungry Lion to arms, it was they who called upon the old names and dark ones to guide them to victory and in doing so brought death upon the head of all their number. Every member of the Royal line was saline by the House of the Vigilant Mountain, now they are bound to the Summerland to rest until they are free of the taint of dark oaths.   A note on the House's Structure: The House has fallen into something of a civil war; the lands were given to the two most prominent of the Nobles Houses, that of Baccara and Clematis, each with their own goals, each wishing to see the other House fall to the Well of Ash. Since the division of the land the two Houses have held together a grim court for nothing more than appearances, this allows them an opportunity to war silently in the shadows through magic, politics and trickery. House Baccara have high aspirations of joining the ranks of the Royal Houses, doing away with the Ascending grace and usurping it, they rally their support within the common man and the lesser noble Houses, pulling in numbers and preparing for a chance to strike; House Clematis however knows the benefits of the other Houses and political ties, calling upon its allies within the other Houses - particularly that of House Lilly and thus Queen Anturium - in the aims of placing the land under one family who will keep it until the Royal House returns.   The Houses View on Mortals: The wounds from the war run deep within all the Fae of these lands, the two Noble Houses seek retribution but have more pressings matters at hand; both will see mortal blood spilt to fuel their own goals in the far future, once there is only one House remaining, until then they remain uninvolved, though House Clematis knows that should anything occur soon it will be called to march beside that of the Hungry Lion.   Current State- They have not been heard from since the destruction of Faerie, rumour has it that they many of them have supported the Corvidae King in his challenge for the Faerie Throne.   House of the Tranquil Waters   Founder: Lord Tranquil Waters Current Royalty: N/A Stance: Seelie Lands: Once, the Third ring of the Twilight Kingdom   A note on the Royalty: The House was Twin to Vigilant Mountain, where there sister took to tactics and the honour of war council, Tranquil Water took to the craft of magic and oaths, they wrapped them selves in the mysteries of the Fae arts and political pleasantries; one the House ruled a peaceful and noble land and each House would call upon them for advice and guidance in the craft however their knowledge and ties to Vigilant Mountain led them to grow involved in the war despite their better judgment, calling on charms greater than those Ascending Grace had, leading them to their greatest shame as an instrument in the fall of a sister House. So ashamed by what they had done and burdened with the guilt, once they had woven the oaths to exile the two fallen Houses to the Summerland the Royal line took their own life, never wishing to return. The House now exists within the Summerland until they are called to the Well of Ash, believed never to return.   The Noble Houses The three Royal Houses are ruled by a descendant of their founder and their chosen lover, within their courts are filled with the most prominent, influential and affluent Fae Families, the Noble Houses. Where as the Royal Families are of exceptional concepts - each born of an aspect of the founder - the Noble Houses are from lesser and more numerable concepts, though notably poetic, such as exotic or adored flowers such as the Lilly or Orchid House; this explains the size of their families and why it is rare for a Noble House member to return from the Summerland. It should also be noted that there are several other types of Noble House which come from Cloud types, Star constellations, rare stones and gems etc.   These Houses form the Courts of each of the Royal Houses and the higher levels of Nobility, acting as the advisors, generals, physicians and other such positions to the Royal Families; in the absence of Royalty it is these families which govern the land and its peoples. Many of the smaller Noble Houses - which have less power in Faerie - have begun to slip through to the Mortal world in the interest of their King and Queen, hoping to gain power, political allegiances etc, in the hope that their influence in the Heard-of-Lands will allow them to elevate their status in the Twilight Kingdom; though they are few and far between, it is these lesser Houses which are given Farmsteads to govern as no Fae is to wonder to deeply into the mortal world.   Current State- They have not been seen since changing to Mournful Tear.   The Hierarchy   House of the Dancing Sky   House of the Hungry Lion / House of the Mournful Tear   Three Noble Houses of Vigilant Mountain / Two Noble Houses of Ascending Grace   The Noble Houses of Faerie


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