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Geography of Faerie

**A note from Fickle** This is an old document I found which relates to the Geography of Faerie before the Wyldefire burned it. There are some aspects that may have Changed, whether subtly or drastically, please take these notes with a pinch of salt.   Faerie is believed to be an endless plain of creation, divided into three notable realms which are then further divided into Kingdoms: Faerie Major, Faerie Minor and the Outer Faerie.   Faerie Major–also known as the Twilight Kingdom - is the very Heart this world.In size it slightly larger than the Heard-of-Lands and holding some passing resemblance for the Mortal world in its land mass. It is dotted with varying landscapes, from endless deserts to the deepest of forests; towering Ivory cities to shanty towns to name but a few. This realm of Faerie is divided into Five rings, each attributed to and under the rule of one of the Five Royal Households; the outer ring belonging to Vigilant Mountain, the next to Hungry Lion, next Mournful Tear, then Ascending Grace and finally - the centre and heart - is where the great Oath-Tree and the first city stand under the hand of the House of the Dancing Sky. It is believed that these rings rotate in accordance to the seasons, sun and moon, explaining how no mortal is able to navigate through Faerie, though this has never been confirmed.   Faerie Minor–also known as the Evening Moor - expands from the fifth circle of Faerie Major for an unimaginable distance, comprising of rolling hills and moving woods, tumbling waterfalls, racing rivers, dotted villages and more. It is this realm of Faerie that most mortals have visited; divvied into small estates of manor houses and hills, woodland grounds and great misty lakes, all of which are claimed by the noble Houses in the interest of their Royal Patrons. Within the Evening Moor, close to the borders of the Lands of the Vigilant Mountain, is a city; contracted from tall temporary structures, barges and bridges spanning across the grey waters of the Silent Lake and, an almost endless sea of tents, caravans and small houses. This is the city of trade, the market where anything that is ever wanted or dreamed can be bought.This is what is mockingly - and lovingly - referred to as the Sixth Kingdom. Lagamoora is a shanty town - or city - a huge network of tents, bridges and barges housing not only Fae who wish to sell their wares or collect special and much needed things, but the small number of Mortals who have wonder too far into Faerie to ever return.   Lagamoora began when the Royal Houses chose to close the doorway to Faerie; so appalled and in fear for the Earth Born who they had grown fond of, the Royal Houses allowed those who could not defend their lands from the Soul Born to travel through into Faerie. Knowing there was no real place for them within the Twilight Kingdom, Vigilant Mountain and Hungry Lion allowed the small gathering of Earth Born (comprised of mainly Goblins) some of their land within the Evening Moor.At first it was little more than caravans, small and weary, yet under the direction of Mother Besthra (who is referred to mockingly as the Shanty Queen), the caravan took root and began to build a basic settlement. Over the many, many years which have passed, Fae have travelled to Lagamoora to trade their goods with the Goblin Mother and her caravan as a sign of kindness; slowly but surely those mortals who grew lost within Faerie, found that it was a place of sanctuary for them, generations followed until the populace had spread and formed this small shanty city, a place of great trade.   Outer Faerie–also known as the Boundless Sea - is a curious place, when the edge of Faerie Minor is reached the scenery slowly succumbs to a vast misty expanse where nothing and everything exist in one blink of an eye. It is believed that this is the very edge and border of Faerie and, as it is endless, well explains why Fae believe their land has no finite borders; here magic is raw and shapes itself around the traveller, moulding nothing into deep desires and fears, it is also here where the borders between worlds is weakest and a Mortal can quite literally walk up a hidden path to find themselves lost on the edge of Faerie Minor.   It is interesting to note that Outer Faerie is the way in which a person can literally walk between worlds, a mortal may find themselves drawn to a path, a sight or sound which leads them to the mist that, wrap and shape around the their imaginations, creating lands and peoples which lead the mortal gently by the hand into Faerie Minor. It should be noted that Fae who travel this way have little to fear, they both enjoy and revel in the mist’s magic.   To deliberately travel between the two worlds a ritual circle must be used - most carefully - to travel via Ley Lines to Circles on the other side; something similar can be used in Faerie itself, however only the Ley Lines are needed and not the power of the circle.   Beyond the Boundless Sea and into the Heard-of-Lands - and presumably other worlds as well - Fae society has taken hold and reclaimed that which they once held; in these places all creatures, plants and peoples have forsaken their loyalty to the Gods, they live in balance and understanding that the Fae who tend such areas will protect them as if they were their own Kin. These places come in three categories, Glades, Grottoes and Farmsteads and are generally of significant magical potency.   Faerie Glades are clearings surrounded by the thickest of woodlands, here Seelie Fae gather to tend to the oldest and most potent of woodlands, those that were born free of the Gods; a very close unity is built, charms and magic woven to protect all the natural inhabitants from harm, in return they may do as they please.   Faerie Grottoes are much the same but underground, here Unseelie Fae gather under the same rules and intents; protecting the natural things which belong there in exchange for use of the area to draw upon the darker magics.   Faerie Farmsteads are a curiosity and rarity; not far from the borders of the Boundless Sea Fae gather in a small number (as you would find in a regular Farmstead) hidden from mortal eyes by simple magic, the community works the land to gather what it must to survive but ever aware that is here to watch and learn. The Farmstead Fae are sent to live together on the very edge of the mortal world - wherever the mists may gather - to deter mortals from wondering through, to observe Fae who walk between the worlds and, to report on the happenings of the mortal world. The most common Fae to find within a Farmstead are from the Noble Houses of Vigilant Mountain, those who give their loyalty to the Dancing Sky and on occasion - very rarely - a small gathering of Hungry Lion Nobles; the Farmstead will almost certainly have a squire or two from a Noble House to govern it however the majority of inhabitants are common Fae.


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