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The Iron Dwarves

The Dwarven Empire once stretched across the Heard-of-Lands and beyond bringing the most feared and respected fighting force with them. According to legend Thor forged the Dwarves(Dawi) from the rock of the four strongest mountains and chose those mountains as their homes, their names were “Dormar”(Iron Mountain), “Telormar”(The Forge), “Marnak” (The Rune) and “Marnarn”(Magic). Thor granted each of the kingdoms a skill, to all he gave the skill of evaluation but he also gave a trait that would forge their place in the world. But the first Dwarves of Marnarm rejected Thor's gifts and demanded that they be allowed to forge their own destiny, so Thor took back his gifts and left them to their fate.
  Legend says that over the centuries the four kingdoms had a message from Thor, to tunnel to the centre of their land; they tunnelled for years and met in the middle. In the centre of the tunnel network they formed the Dwarven Alliance, and in the first meeting they laid down the laws.
  Live in the ways of Thor and protect all his children
  You shall defend the weak, the sick, and the needy
  Tavern Prices shall remain fair to the common Dwarf
  Never stab a Dwarf in the dark
  To save many, some must suffer
  You shall never surrender to an enemy of Thor, nor surrender to those under their control or influence
  You shall ceaselessly oppose Evil and Deceit
  Magic must be controlled
  Disputes must be settled by those involved, either in words or in blood
  You shall perform scrupulously your civic duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of Thor
  Remain faithful to your pledged word
  (The tenants may be interpreted differently by each kingdom)
  Every 100 years the Alliance would hold a meeting, in the centre of the Dwarven tunnel network that runs underneath the heard of lands and links all four kingdoms. Many alliances where formed and enemies made too, the greatest ally of all where the Elves(Elgi). The dwarves fought alongside the elves for many centuries, forging new trade routes and protecting each other’s settlements. It’s rumoured that the Elven clans even attended the Dwarven alliance meetings on occasion.
  This is all that is known, records of these meeting where lost, what we do know is that the treacherous hate filled Kingdom of "Kurnzarn" (War) formally "Marnarm" grew jealous of Thor’s gifts and a powerful hate for the three blessed kingdoms and their allies grew. Many expeditions to Kurnzarn where made in the first few centuries but it was made clear they no longer honoured the alliance.
  3000 years later, when 10 generations of Dwarves had come and gone, the Dwarves of Kurnzarn returned to the meeting. Their faces had changed, covered in black runes, runes that boasted of murder and hatred towards the Dwarves of Thor. Their armour was crude but menacing, covered in spikes it seemed that the armour itself was a weapon, their axes again crude but larger than most, as where the Dwarves themselves.
  The kings of the three kingdoms’ and their entourage’s where slain that day, all except one Dwarf from Dormar, whom they sent back with a message, the rein of Thor’s children has ended.
  The alliance formed a united Dwarven army and marched on Kurnzarn, the kingdoms refused Elven help in this battle, the children of Thor were stubborn and wished to fight or die within the glory of Thor, and not displease him by bringing Elm's children into the internal war. The battled raged on, for hours the clash of axes and the splintering of shields echoed through the forest and it seemed all but lost for the Alliance, this is how the first of the Paragon’s was made.
  A noble Dwarf called Teldek Hammerheart, from halls of Telomar, led his force to the front line, while he held the enemy at bay he ordered some of his men to set the forest alight, but not in front, behind their own line. Allowing the remainder of the Alliance to retreat. It worked; the fire forced the alliance back and into the first retreat in Dwarven history. What remained of the alliance army headed back past the fallen boulders and into the mountain gathering the fallen and carrying them home. They made their way into the tunnels, and the last thing they saw as they left the surface was a forest burning with the might of Thor and the sound of Teldek’s force hold back the mightiest army the Alliance had faced in 3000 years.
  The Alliance entered the underground network and agreed that the tunnels be destroyed to stop the Kurnzarn army reaching their homes. The Alliance was broken but it was agreed they would honour the Tenants, and honour Teldek as a Paragon in each of their kingdoms. Each Kingdom buried their dead and readied themselves for battle.
  DORMAR’s History (post war)
  For centuries war raged on in each kingdom as they defended themselves from the 4th kingdom of dwarf killers. Their attacks were sporadic, sometimes an army would march on the gates, other times assassins were sent, and later spies would be used. It was only due to more Paragons, mighty defences, Dwarven spirit and great Kings that the Dwarves survived. The 4th kingdom fought ferociously and without any honour, sending assassins and using trickery, but no one could deny their prowess on the battlefield, they were fully committed to ending the children of Thor but then after 5000 years of war, they left, Dormar has not seen a single Dwarf killer in over 2000 years, and now heard nothing from the old alliance kingdoms for 7000 years.
  “Gold is the key that opens all locks”
  Current Day - After 7000 years of isolation the Dwarves are now re-joining the heard of lands, they spread from the mountain along the old trade routes, finding Elven trading posts on the coast, from here they have traded for years brining new beers and new stories, stories that interested the council so much they now send scouts, warriors and priests to re-forge the old alliances and maybe make some new ones. To spread the word of Thor and to taste the new beers and meads they have missed. Old discoveries were made as well, none greater than Orm Ember.
  Tale of Orm Ember(as told by Orik Goldcutter)
  My name is Orik Goldcutter and I'm here to tell a tale o'rememberance. Now while I tell this tale I need 2 volunteers. 1 to play the Thane, Thorin, an' 1 to play the dragon Orm Ember.
  Many year back when me granpappy were a mere beardling of 50 year, a new mine were opened and what a find that was. We were shipping tonnes of copper ore out every week, we also found tin, silver, zinc and the most beloved of all metal Gold.........., sorry where was I. Oh yes, well after a couple of years of hard work Thane Thorin had amassed a fortune, and the mine was still producing tonnes of copper. But when it became know that he had this treasure all sorts came to try and take it.
  Thorin being the true Dwarf he were saw off these vagabonds with a swift kick up the jacksie. Until Orm Ember came along. We saw a dragon in the prime of his life and we knew fear. But we were ready to stand and fight for what was ours though sweat and toil.
  We barricaded the doors and made ready for the girt big beastie. Thorin saw that we were not enough so he ordered everyone to leave and bring back help. He stayed. He raised his mighty axe and braced for the lizard.
  Mighty was the battle between them ranging all across the great hall. At the last Thorin took a huge swing and took off Orm Ember's left claw. The dragon screamed in pain and let loose his mightiest weapon. Jets of fire covered Thorin..... I said jets of fire.....You can't breathe fire.......right hold up here..... and breathe fire!......right hang on...... and breathe fire. Finally.
  Orm Ember is no longer in that hall, his greed has lead him further afield, to larger haunts were he has gathered all of his ill-gotten gains.
  Now you may be wondering how I know the end to the fight but my great granpappy was Thorin's bondsman and he didn't leave, but watched over Thorin until the end, helpless in his anger. To this day we remember Orm Ember. All we ask is that if any person hears or knows of this Dragon let me know as Grudge has been declared, and we will get payment from him.
  Traits of DORMAR
  During the 5000 years’ war , their where so many attempted assassinations with two being successful that it was decided Dormar shall be run by a council of elders, each noble house would elect a leader and that leader would attend the council. There are 9 council members in total.
  A fighting arena is run all year round, as entertainment, no lives are taken, but once every 100 years a fight to the death competition is held known as Toraktaalomar (Soul Forge). Disputes between two Dwarves may be settled in a fight to the death. First the council must be approached and the challenged made, if the council agree the fight will take place in the arena within 2 days.
  All mages are under the command of the council. They live in confinement from the age they are discovered to have magical ability, they will go through 100 years of training, after that time they shall serve the council in whatever way they see fit. No mage will ever be allowed to take part in Toraktaalomar, but may apoint a willing champion.
  All Dormar dwarves who are found to able able to tap into the veins of magicare confined to the "school" for 100 years until they have learnt how to forge the mana to his/her design. Once they have completed the 100 years training all Rhunki must wear medallions symbolising each spell they can perform, this is to make sure no Dwarf hides his magical ability. The council have banned all mind effect spells, at least for use in combat, it is seen as cowardly.
  The last thing seen of the Telormar, Marnak and Kurnzarn was this
  Their armour was of the highest quality metal, and expertly made, but not just perfect for defence it was also a wonder to look at; the colours, the shape, the embedded gems all of it good enough for Thor himself. Even those who chose to wear leathers seemed to have turned that to their hand as well, with great stitch work, lacing, embedded runes and it provided such fluid movement it was said to look like a second skin. Their weapons too where great, battle-axes that shone with fury, as if made from the very flames of the forge itself. Crossbows with intricate designs and shields that would seem almost a shame to take into battle.
  Robes as far as the eye could see and some of the finest spears and staffs in all the kingdoms. The Dwarves of Marnak where the most faithful, and the most headstrong in their beliefs they were always the most respected of the Alliance for their knowledge and wisdom. Marnak is filled with warriors and priests, all of whom can don their chainmail and hold a frontline as well as any other kingdom. A Marnak spear line was a breath taking site, and their healers could be the difference between victory and defeat. The greatest Dwarven songs all came from Marnak, and if rumour is to be believed, the greatest beers and ales too.
  Black tattoo’s covered their treacherous faces; their armour although crude was dangerous, with spikes that could pierce a Dwarven skull. The metal of their mountain was clearly inferior, cursed by Thor himself no doubt. Weapons were heavy and large, as were the dwarves themselves. They were a race of dwarves with one agenda, to destroy every other Dwarven kingdom and anyone who stood in their way.
  Telomar, Marnak and Kurnzarn have been separated for 7000 years so their own history post and even pre-war may be totally different.


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