Gex Rumblebuckle Character in The Hidden Forest | World Anvil
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Gex Rumblebuckle

Gex Rumblebuckle

Gex was a mischievous sorcerer who uses his silver tongue and fiery magic to get the upper hand. He spent his days serving as the alchemist's apprentice, and his nights were spent cheating the other Kobolds at cards or roasting the monsters who climb out of the bottomless pit.

Mental characteristics


Gex was once once apprenticed to the Alchemist in the Lair of the Dragon Queen.

Personality Characteristics


Aspiration. I’m determined to make something of myself.

Vices & Personality flaws

I can’t resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.

Personality Quirks

I poop when I'm scared.

Gex is a mischievous sorcerer who uses his silver tongue and fiery magic to get the upper hand. He spends his days serving as the alchemist's apprentice, and his nights are spent cheating the other Kobolds at cards.

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Chaotic Neutral
Lair of the Dragon Queen


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