Neverwinter Settlement in The Hidden Forest | World Anvil
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The City of Skilled Hands

Neverwinter, also known as the City of Skilled Hands and the Jewel of the North, was a bustling, cultured, and cosmopolitan city-state in northwest Faerûn. Neverwinter was regarded by Volo as the most cosmopolitan and civilized city in all of Faerûn.  
Neverwinter is a friendly city of craftsmen who trade extensively via the great merchants of Waterdeep; their water-clocks and multi-hued lamps can be found throughout the Realms. Neverwinter gained its name from the skill of its gardeners, who contrived to keep flowers blooming throughout the months of snow—a practice they continue with pride
  Known for its craftsfolk and gardeners, the city's multi-colored-glass lamps, precision water clocks, exquisite jewelry, and magnificent gardens ensured the warm winters were colorful and the summers were rich with fresh fruit.


As of 1370 DR, Neverwinter was inhabited mostly by humans, half-elves, and a minority of dwarves. They occupied a small dwarf quarter.   As of 1479 DR, the city was more cosmopolitan, with members of many races living alongside the common human and half-elven families. The rare eladrin and even tieflings were common sights among the citizens. A sizable delegation of dragonborn mercenaries had been hired by Lord Neverember alongside the Mintarn ones. The River District was invaded by a tribe of orcs from Many-Arrows, and although most left when they were recalled by their compatriots in the north, around 1484 DR, a few orcs and half-orcs were still living in Neverwinter as of 1491 DR.


Since at least the mid-1300s DR, Neverwinter had a standing army, the Graycloaks, In the mid-to-late 1300s DR, they were composed of 400 archers and spearmen, who served as a city guard at the walls and harbor, operated as a police force, and patrolled the High Road from Port Llast to Leilon. The city also had its own navy.   By the 15th century, increased commercial interest among Neverwinter's ruling class had weakened the effectiveness of the Graycloaks, whose role had shifted almost exlusively toward defending targets of economic importance and maintaining status quo among the working class.


The first settlement in the Savage Frontier was an elven city known as Illefarn, a bustling nation after the time of the Crown Wars. Eventually, Illefarn was divided into three nations, of which Iliyanbruen was the most prominent. Iliyanbruen was weakened by orc invasions, which paved the way for Eigersstor, the first multi-racial settlement in the area, which would later be called Neverwinter.   Through the mid-to-late 1300s, Neverwinter was known as a friendly, charming, cosmopolitan, and cultured city, without being quaint, arrogant, or grasping. They displayed good but quiet manners and liked a job done well, with efficiency and dedication. The Neverwintans avoided conflict and controversy, and were considered to be quiet, mannered, literate, efficient, and hard-working folk, who had great respect for deadlines as well as for the property and happiness of others. They believed in "following one's weird", as they put it, a term for whatever odd or even reckless pursuit one took to make them happy. Amid all the weird-following tolerance and variety in the city, there was a great respect for peacefulness, law, and order.   After the destruction of the city in 1451 DR, the Neverwintans showed a new facet: stubbornness and determination. Many survivors remained in the city, and ever since had demonstrated the resolution to rebuild Neverwinter to its former glory and to defend her from many dangers, both mortal and extraplanar alike.


  • Map of Neverwinter
    Neverwinter is a friendly city of craftsmen who trade extensively via the great merchants of Waterdeep; their water-clocks and multi-hued lamps can be found throughout the Realms.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Skilled Hands, Jewel of the North
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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