
They who has many names

Nil, who's real name is ████████, is a witch living in the Eclipsed land with many different animals. She enjoys working on her farms, making potions, and spending time with his animal friends. Most of their story is lost to the ages, and if people know of him, it is because of old myths (that, not necessarily, represent her person with truth). She loves to send letter to his friend witches, using a variety of different methods to allow the letters to cros the ever-changing lands surroundind the swamps.

Physical Description


Nil's skin is dark, with white and black speckles all over the body, specially on her face and his arms. They like to change their physical from time to time, sometimes she's tall and the next day short, sometimes she's too thin and sometimes she's overweight. Their body is androgynous most of the times and while sometimes it might appear more femenine or masculine, people aren't sure of their biological sex as rumours contradict themselves.

He has white eyes, almost the same color as their sclera, and a lot of marks that are white and softly shine in a beating rhythm. Her hair is ash blonde and the lenght changes as he wishes but tends to be medium-length. Their neck is surrounded with vertical marks of different lengths that rotate along her neck, the more intense her emotions are, the faster it rotates.

Two antlers protrude from the sides of their head, both backwards and away from the head. These asymetric antlers branch in multiples ways into smaller branches that some also branch.

Apparel & Accessories

She loves her accessories and clothes, and tends to wear too much jewelry.

Her clothes tend to be light coloured, weirdly you'll see them with dark coloured clothes, and they tend to be open/baggy clothes, comfortable clothes, or skin-revealing clothes.

His jewelry are mixes of pearls, silver and gold. A necklace is a must wear for them, as well as decoration for the antlers, and not a single day they are seen without a single earring. Other than earrings, he doesn't seem to interested in piercings.

Specialized Equipment

Crafting tools, all kind of snacks, spell ingredients, rope, a light source, and a sickle are always a must have for Nil. If they don't have it on their person or in a bag, he will make them appear out of nowhere with magic. That doesn't mean he can summon anything, he has barely ever summoned other things unless out of dire necessity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nil is very old, no one remembers how old, not even them. Some speculate they are as old as the land. Yet their appareance keeps being of a young person, of around 30 years old. The past of Nil is almost as mysterious as his age or her real name and they only remember a few moments.

Nil remembers a time where they were a mere apprentice. The name and appareance of their teacher being a blurry memory, not enough strong to being able to remember them. They remember their teacher teaching them about magic, about the fae and their tricks, how to brew potions, and how to hide from people.

Trust nobody but animals will be helpful if an equivalent exchange will be made.

That's what they remember, nothing more, nothing less. What happened for the teacher to be so wary of everyone or what happened to the teacher is lost to time but it was heavy enough so that Nil spent most of their time not interacting with other people.

For a long time, she stayed in her swamp, only getting out to gather ingredients and rarely selling potions or helping people because they came pleading to their home. He does not enjoy people visiting unexpectly at his home, it's rude.

Rumors about Nil brewed wildly, as they never tried to stop them nor correct them. Thus, rumors vary wildly and most contradict each other. The rumours mainly see Nil as an evil entity or a chaos one, like a fae, and few are the ones talking good about her. And with rumors, many names were given to Nil and while many stayed, the big part disappeared with time.

As she didn't tend to go to civilization, she spent a lot of time interacting with animals, making friendships with a lot of them, and adapting her home so that the animals could come and go as they pleased.

The fey also like to pay visits to Nil, even tho he doesn't enjoy the fey presence. The fey only come with pranks and mind games, so Nil's swamp is overfilled with protection versus fey. Since then, they fey only visited on his travels for ingredients. There is one gift that the fey gave to Nil that still bothers her, and it is the possibility of making Nil think she is a fey.

The way she loves to change between appareances, the way she enjoys changing their body to animals to travel around, the way they depend so much about their magic and their affinity of crafting magical items and potions. That and more slowly creeped into his mind as signs of them being fey.

Not too long ago (she has a hard time with time, it might be longer than thinks) she had an unexpected visit, a witch got lost while searching for ingredients and the plants on the Eclipsed land attacked to defend their home, which is also Nil's home. Nil helped the witch and gave her the ingredients she was searching for. Nil ended up liking to talk with this witch, which presented herself as Helga Thorndew, and shortly after the first meeting, they started sending each other letters about their weeks.

Two or three months ago, while selling potions in a The Night Markets, Nil meet a witch who presented herself as Shrub. She was new to the valleys and started telling Nil fashion advice and asking tips for taking care of her raccoons. Nil quickly thought of Shrub as a younger sister and since then they send each other letters.

About a month ago, Nil found a lost witch, who fell from their broom to a deep puddle, while foraging ingredients. After Nil helped, she presented herself as Sahira and said she was new and was trying to find a place to stay but she was lost and kept falling into puddles. Nil offered her knowledge and shared a bit of places he knew about that wasn't too filled with puddles, and they kept contact with letters since then.


The basics of the crafting and magic she knows was taught ages ago by his teacher, whom name is forgotten in time. Since it was so long ago, she is unsure of what of her knowledge was taught by the teacher or they learned it with the years and trial and error.

Since meeting her new friends, Nil has learned some new stuff from them. Helga has teached her how to talk to people (while Teacup has taught her patience), Shrub has taught him fashion (or is trying to), and Sahira is teaching them about manual craft they never considered doing (such as crochet, woodworking, etc) and about music.


Nil is not a very social person, few are her friends albeit he claims he has a lot of friends, but most people do not count animal companions as friends.

High Skill: +2 to the first die
Used for creative problem solving and potionmaking.
Flavor: Hairbrainedness
Bad Skill: -2 to the first die
Used for solving problems with words and negotiating at the night market.
Flavor: Friendliness
Brute Force
Plain Skill: No modifier
Used for solving problems with brute force.
Flavor: Brutality
High Control: Rearrange the dice
Used for solving problems with magic.
Flavor: Chaos
Weak Skill: -1 to the first die
Used for low-effort problem solving and relaxing.
Flavor: Chill
Good Skill: +1 to the first die
Used for high-effort problem solving.
Flavor: Sweat
Current Residence
Eclipsed land
All and none
Pearl white
Medium-length, ash blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark-skinned with whiteish and blackish speckles
Animal snacks
Crafting tools
Spell ingredients
Eclipsed land
Geographic Location | May 24, 2023
Nil's grimoire
Document | Jun 20, 2023
Nil's companions
Generic article | Jul 29, 2023

Helga Thorndew

Nil has known Helga for the longest, and Helga has shown Nil a lot about talking with people. Apparently, people do not necessarily enjoy being talked as you talk with animals.

Nil loves to learn about Teacup growing up and thinks Helga always has wise words to be told.

Helga Placeholder
by Picrew's "Witchcrew" by malachitinous


Nil thinks Shurb is fun. She is always so energized, has cute little animal friends, and always gives fashion tips. Nil enjoys the tips, thinking it will help them socialize.

Shrub tends to ask Nil help to take care of her animals, which Nil happily gives.

Shrub (Placeholder) by Malachitinous


Sahira appeared out of nowhere and looks lost most of the time, Nil gladly helps. Sahira tells stories to Nil about a place where nature is not the ruler of the land, which amazes them. She also teaches Nil many crafting hobbies.

Nil tries to help Sahira with her learning about alchemy whenever they can.

Sahira (Placeholder) by Catfein


Nil enjoys doing manual hobbies. Most of her life has been filled by doing alchemy, and even though she wins money by doing so, which they use to buy other stuff, they do not consider it a job, as they do not need money to survive and she is doing it for fun more than anything.

Thanks to Helga, Nil now also spends some time each week to send letters to his friends (Helga, Shrub, and Sahira). Thanks to Shrub, she is learning about fashion (mostly through Shrub), and thanks to Sahira, he's learning about many different manual hobbies, such as woodworking, crochet, and is being shown the world of music.

Learnt on his own, Nil loves to stare at the night sky and learn about the stars. She always does little sketches of the night sky of the The Night Markets she visits and compares them to older sketches, to see how the stars move and the differences.

Potion of misfortune by Catoblepon
Potion of sleeping
Potion of sleeping by Catoblepon


No one reaches Nil's swamp, the Eclipsed Land, by wanting to go there, everyone reaching it has been by accident. Only Nil seems to be able to reach it, and those who they believe of trust. This is the way of the hidden valleys' "wild" zones, which make people worried of ending in the Eclipsed Lands, as they fear the worse. This makes communications hard.

Nil has made a couple of artifical critters to work as messengers. They are given to Nil's friends (Teacup also got one for if she ever needed to contact Nil without Helga knowing; Helga might or not agreed to that) and one stays with Nil. This has allowed Nil to keep in contact with her friends after Helga convinced Nil to send letters explaining their weeks. The critters are based on animals the new owners enjoy (Helga got a snake, Teacup got a ████, Shrub got a raccon, and Sahira got a penguin).

Character Portrait image: Nil (Placeholder) by Malachitinous


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