Sun, May 28th 2023 07:35   Edited on Tue, Apr 16th 2024 08:21

Nil's journal

Notes about the daily gatherings, the daily relaxation, and the amount of potions done daily.
Sun, May 28th 2023 07:35

Day ███


Potion of Sleeping

(Goblin's balm, Peppermoss, Gomo, Lion's tongue)   There was a pleasant breeze near the beehive hiding the Gomo. Tried to ignore the bees and gather some, but the bees got angry at me. Ended being able to gather some by bribing them with flowers and then turning invisible. While leaving the place and still being invisible, I cleaned a bit the top of their beehive from the transparent mushrooms. These mushrooms keep growing on everything around this stone arch, can't understand why the bees don't move away.  

Potion for birth

(Corbender, Summermint)   I had an annoying cough, probably from spores of the previous mushrooms. A broken bridge over a creek was in the middle of my path. I asked a giant eagle help to cross the bridge but I accidentally offended them and they pecked me. Tried using magic to build a bridge with fallen branches and dead trees but the coughing interrupted my spell. A castor ended up helping me by cutting down a tree and then we tied the tree down to the earth with ropes. I gave the castor some snacks and said that he only helped cuz he saw me casting the spell and thinking that I'm useless with woodwork.  

Potion of Misfortune

(Queen of the swamp, Nigglecress)   A snail was crossing the path I needed to use. I politely asked her to get on the side of the path rather than in the middle, she did so but she felt offended. I offered her some snacks and apologized, she accepted and started telling me a story about how once a rude crow stayed on the top of her shell until she offered something shiny.  
  When I arrived home, after tending to the animals and crops, I relaxed a bit by reading a book about Mandrakes.  

Potion crafted:

  • 3 potions of sleeping (max potency)
  • 3 potions of birth (half potency, bad)
  • 5 potions of misfortune (high potency)
Tue, Jun 20th 2023 06:33   Edited on Mon, Apr 15th 2024 06:46

Day ███


Potion of Imagination

(Kofferleaf, Lion's tongue, 2x Goosebuds, Blackthorn, Gomo)   I left home a bit grumpy, one of the fletchling tried to steal my breakfast and it ended up falling to the floor (gave it to the wolves, since the fletchling did not deserved it). As I was walking, I almost fell trap of a Fae prank: an illusory bridge on top a big hole surrounded by a mushroom ring. I will not even try, I saw the Fae mirror (that was used to watch what happened in the prank) and left.  

Potion of water-breathing

(Peppermoss, Blackthorn, Dragon's milk)   As I was gathering the Dragon's milk hidden behind some cattails, I saw a deer stampede running towards me and managed to evade it. While I was evading it, I realized they were going straight to the nearby lava river so I jumped in the back of one of the deers and started working to stop the stampede. I used the enviroment, specifically the telepathic plants, to communicate to the deers about their possible final destination, this stopped most of them, but the few on the front wouldn't be able to stop. I used magic to made the deer I was riding be more fast than it would be possible and then I used some magic to grab the deers and stop them before falling to their deaths.  

Potion for curing cough

(Gomo, Catnip, Beavertwigs)   A group of giant spiders surrounded me while gathering Beavertwigs. I managed to convince them that I was more useful alive than eaten and after trying to bribe them with some snack, I ended up giving them all my food. I saw that their water source was overpopulated with algae and with a Fae spell that did not allow anything to reflect in it, so I broke the spell and cleaned the algae away, connecting the water source to a nearby river so that it does not stanch again. Finally, I told them a story of how spiders helped a town and taught them some medicinal benefits of their webs, and with that, I was left to go.  
  I did not wished to relax for too long, I simply wanted to go bed, so I quickly tended my farms and injured animals, but one of the animals asked for a bed story. I sat with the animals, and while they surrounded me, I started telling a story. I woke up there a few hours later but decided to stay sleeping with them.  

Potion crafted today:

  • 3 potions of imagination (lowest potency)
  • 2 potions of water-breathing(high potency)
  • 3 potions for curing cough (max potency)

Potions inventory

  • 3 potions of sleeping (max potency)
  • 3 potions of birth (half potency, bad)
  • 5 potions of misfortune (high potency)
  • 3 potions of imagination (lowest potency)
  • 2 potions of water-breathing(high potency)
  • 3 potions for curing cough (max potency)
Tue, Apr 16th 2024 08:21   Edited on Tue, Apr 16th 2024 08:21

Day ███


Potion of Stone Skin

(Pink Currant, Oregano, Nigglecress, Bramblegold)   First thing I saw when I reached this sea of big reeds was a cool mushroom. It reminded me of an old friend of mine, whom I haven't seen in ages that loved mushrooms, so I decided to keep it in their honour. There was a small meteor shower going on around the area, not too visible because it was daytime but a couple times, these meteors reached the soil and a couple places started ablaze. I was trying to find some water around to light out the small fires but I couldn't find any and one of them burnt a bit my shoe; I decided to light out the fires with help of my cloak, and it worked! A meteor that hadn't gone ablaze when getting close to the soil almost felt on my head but I managed to avoid it and now I have a cool space rock.  
  I stopped one moment to pick up a couple blackberries when I cut one of my finger with a thorn from a close bush. The area didn't have any good ingredients for potions, which was already bad, but I also felt an evil aura from an ancient stone that had glowing runes and I saw a cabin with chicken legs, probably another witch had already gathered ingredients from the area, so as I didn't want to deal with the evil aura, I just moved on.  

Potion for death

(Hagglebeans, Goldenfrond, Mansy, Lion's Tongue)   One thing my mentor always told me was that, if I ever encounter water springs, always make sure they are safe because they are a great spot for traps or fae mischief, and I'm glad I checked the place, because it was boiling! I was gathering my materials when a herbalist nearby pointed out where one of the materials I needed was, the little plant was very hidden. I was trying to avoid getting into a house area that was close by, but the owner eventually came out of the house and asked me to leave, as they didn't want visits. Their aura was strong and familiar, no, I didn't know this individual, but I've crossed paths before with gods so I can recognize even when they are hiding. I don't know why my first thought was to try distract them with a silly magic trick, but they actually enjoyed it! It was a small lighting trick but they mentioned enjoying it because people usually fear casting magic in front of them. After talking a bit with the god, I remembered that one of the ingredients I needed was in the boiling water spring, so I covered my arm with my cape and quickly grabbed the underwater plant, thankfully, the cape managed to protect my skin.  
  After making my potions, I decided to start again with this crochet thing that Sahira taught me. Last time I tried it, I left it quickly because I kept making errors, but I want to give it another try. I spent quite a while working on it, and I'm nowhere done, but it's been such a relaxing time that it made me almost forget to go take care of the animals before going to sleep.  

Potion crafted today:

  • 1 potion of stone skin (half potency, good)
  • 1 potion for death (half potency, bad)

Potions inventory

  • 3 potions of sleeping (max potency)
  • 3 potions of birth (half potency, bad)
  • 5 potions of misfortune (high potency)
  • 3 potions of imagination (lowest potency)
  • 2 potions of water-breathing(high potency)
  • 3 potions for curing cough (max potency)
  • 1 potion of stone skin (half potency, good)
  • 1 potion for death (half potency, bad)
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