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The Vandoori are a friendly and often misunderstood group. They have no home to speak of, only a large flotilla of ships where they hail from. The Fleet, as they call it, may not always be found together but any Vandoori recognises one of their ships and knows home is only a hail away.  


Legend says that when the world sank, some stayed above the floodwater on great Arks. Their arks have long disappeared, but the vandoori have never settled. A nomadic people who can be found throughout the High Seas, their ships never make port but are always keen to trade.
ability score increase: +2 Cha, +1 Wis
age: Vandoori lifespans are comparable in length to humans, though they are not considered to have reached maturity until they have spent a year and a day away from vandoori ships
alignment: Vandoori shift as easily as the seas upon which they make their home. All alignments are found amongst them, but those that do not support the fleet are soon found unwelcome.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Vandoori, and one other language.
race features:
Born to the High Seas
You have advantage on checks related to your role on the ship (e.g. If you are the ships navigation, you have advantage on checks with navigators tools).   Flair for the Dramatic
Vandoori are keen storytellers, and are able to spin a tale whether it is true or not. You may add 1d10 + your Charisma modifier to skill checks you make that rely on charisma, provided you are able to speak. You can use this ability once per long rest.   Wanderer
You instinctually know how to return to your people. You always know the direction to the nearest vandoori fleet and roughly how long it will take you to get there.   Everybody's friend
You gain proficiency in persuasion.
Vandoori stand 5-6 feet tall and have leathery grey skin. They have large pointed ears that point directly out from the head, and rarely grow hair except for beards - which are usually trimmed, shaved, or braided to keep them tidy.
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