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Wa-Sha, The Ocean Maiden, The Sea Lady, The Storm Mother

In a world that relies on the sea to survive, the emergence of an ocean goddess is unsurprising. Most often connected with sailors and anglers, some see her as a benevolent life giving force, others as a vengeful and angry one. Though she lacks any formal worship, she is unilaterally given respect by those who travel on the sea. Superstitious fishermen are the most likely to be found worshipping Wa-Sha, taking part in a custom that involves biting into a fish head as a mark of respect before a long voyage. It is not uncommon on any ship to see someone throwing something overboard to act as a gift for the maiden.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary symbol of Wa-Sha is the well known "slanted triangle" icon, representing the towering wave. She is also often depicted in figureheads as a robed woman with long flowing hair.

Tenets of Faith

Wa-Sha is a deity that asks for respect, whether that be in reverence or fear.
Divine Classification


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