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Way of the Flying Dagger

Adapted from this homebrew.
Easy to conceal and often overlooked, the thrown weapon is the focus of monks that follow the Way of the Flying Dagger. Whilst some of these monks gain training in the various monasteries throughout the world, many gain a similar skillset from other sources - circuses, traveling shows, a life of crime... Although the name of this subclass specifies the dagger, these monks are trained to use a variety of thrown weapons, applying the same expertise so they never find themselves caught off-guard.  

Flying Blades

When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can apply your training to your thrown weapons, making them deadly in your hands. When you make a ranged attack using a monk weapon that has the thrown property, you can draw the weapon as part of the attack. For you, the standard range of monk weapons with the thrown property is 60ft, and the long range is 120ft. You also gain proficiency with the Sleight of Hand skill. In addition, you gain the following ki feature:

Rain of Blades

Immediately after taking the Attack action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to spend 1 ki point to make two ranged attacks using monk weapons with the thrown property. 

Eye of Steel

At 6th level you cannot be without your weapons. When you use the disengage or dash action you can pick up a number of weapons you have thrown equal to your monk level, providing you can see them and pass within 5ft of them with your movement. You cannot pick up weapons that are being held by other creatures or otherwise 'stuck' using this feature. Further, you have advantage on sleight of hand checks used to conceal weapons. Additionally, you can now use your Stunning Strike feature with ranged attacks made using a monk weapon with the thrown property.  

Leaves on the Wind

Beginning at 11th level, you can bank your thrown weapons around near-impossible arcs to strike hidden foes. When you make a ranged attack using a monk weapon with the thrown property, you can spend 1 ki point to ignore half or three-quarters cover. You can also use this ability to strike more precisely. At the start of your turn, you may spend 3 ki points to gain advantage on all ranged attacks made using monk weapons with the thrown property this turn.  

Razor Storm

When you reach 17th level, your mastery and speed with thrown weapons can be used to create an area of the battlefield that means certain doom for your targets. As an action, you can spend 4 ki points and choose up to 10 monk weapons with the thrown property that you are currently carrying. Designate a 20ft cube, which must be within 60ft of you, into which you will hurl the weapons over the course of the next round. Until the start of your next turn, each creature that enters the area for the first time on a turn, or starts its turn there must make a Dexterity saving throw. It takes one martial arts die of damage for each monk weapon you used to create the storm, or half as much damage on a successful save. The damage type of this damage is the most abundant damage type represented by the monk weapons used. On your next turn, you may use an action and spend 1 ki point and designate up to 10 more monk weapons to sustain the storm for another turn. You can also use a bonus action to move the storm up to 30ft, as long as it is still within 60ft of you. The weapons used in this ability fall randomly in the storm's area.


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