Church of Hell

Church of HellĀ is a Satanic cult claimed to have been founded by dark minister. The group was heavily influenced by the Laws of demonism and worshipped Satan as their true God.   they refer to themselves as "children of hell" and clarify that Satan was right in trying to rebel against God since humans are in nature "Evil". they believe that God should step down from his being and make satan his heir. they also believe that Cain was the first Satanic priest and performed the first Satanic Mass (which explains Cain being punished by god). According to the group, True Satanists then, are following the way of the Serpent and of Cain, as the early demons were.   Church of Hell believes in "Chaosophy": They believe that chaos is an infinidimensional and pandimensional plane of possibilities, in contrast to cosmos which only has three spatial dimensions and one linear time dimension. They also believe that, in comparison with the linear time of cosmos, chaos can be described as timeless in the way that it is not contained nor limited by one-dimensional time, and formless, because of its ever-changing and infinite number of space dimensions.   Militant misanthropy is taught within the group, and they say that the true Satanist must not be a part of modern society, as it is founded upon lies. The very fabric of this reality is a lie that hinders chaos from realizing itself.   These are the three dark veils before Satan, in their belief system seen as the three forces in order to make way for the manifestation of "Church of Hell" in the "better future" that soon fulfills the prophecy.   000 chaos: ("crown of gods") 00 emptiness: ("without god") 0 darkness: ("uncertainty") These three powers can be seen as the burning trident.