level 45

Level 45, bearing the name "Citadel," stands as a solemn and haunting testament to a bygone era of splendor and magical prowess. This once-majestic palace was revered for its mastery of magical and radiant powers, but it now lies in the shadow of a tragic and mysterious event that transpired in the annals of history.   Long ago, a malevolent and enigmatic figure, shrouded in darkness, descended upon the palace, bringing devastation in his wake. In a merciless and brutal act, he orchestrated the slaughter of the palace's inhabitants, vanquishing those who once harnessed the palace's mystical energies for the greater good. This grim event cast a pall of sorrow and despair over the land, as the palace and its people fell victim to a malevolent force beyond comprehension.   As the malevolent figure departed, he left behind an eerie and unsettling legacy—a contingent of golden soldiers, resplendent in their metallic armor and wielding unknown powers. These beings of gleaming gold took upon themselves the solemn duty of guarding the Citadel, forever vigilant against any perceived threats to the palace.   The origins and true purpose of these golden soldiers remain shrouded in mystery, their loyalty to the memory of the fallen palace and its people unwavering. They stand as a formidable and unyielding force, their presence a chilling reminder of the tragedy that befell the Citadel.   The palace, once a bastion of light and magic, now stands as a haunting and desolate relic of a bygone age. Its halls, once filled with the brilliance of arcane knowledge, echo only with the footsteps of the golden soldiers who patrol its corridors with unwavering resolve. The secrets of the Citadel, buried deep within its walls, await discovery by those brave enough to confront the enigma of its past and the guardians that protect it.