level 72

level 72 is knowns as "lyudoyed." not much is known about the land but a scientist named Akjjar left a note after venturing there "Deep within the dense and foreboding wilderness, there existed a tribe feared and whispered about in hushed tones. They were known as the yaga, a group of fearsome human monsters who hunted for and consumed human flesh. Their intimidating appearance, characterized by darkened eyes, large jaws, long hair, and a penchant for making annoying loud noises, struck terror into the hearts of those who dared venture into their territory.   The origins of the Yaga were shrouded in mystery and myth. Legend spoke of an ancient pact made with malevolent spirits, granting them immortality and resilience in exchange for their hunger for human flesh. They believed that this dark ritual imbued them with the ability to harness the powers of the spirit that creeated them "baba yaga"   The yaga's most striking feature was their darkened eyes, a result of their macabre pact with the spirits of the underworld. Their gazes seemed to pierce through the souls of their prey, invoking a primal fear that left victims paralyzed in terror. They adorned their fierce countenances with a variety of scary markings, enhancing their already formidable appearance.   Their tall and imposing frames were further accentuated by their large jaws, capable of tearing through the toughest of prey. Long, tangled hair flowed like wild shadows, adding an aura of mystery and danger to their presence.   The yaga's hunting rituals were as terrifying as they were gruesome. Armed with an assortment of their primal instincts, they stalked their prey with an eerie silence, only to unleash their annoying loud noises when closing in for the kill. These noises ranged from ear-piercing screeches to eerie chants, designed to unsettle and disorient their victims.   The yaga believed that their chaotic cacophony added to the fear and confusion of their quarry, making them easier to capture. It was said that the noise of their approaching footsteps, combined with their haunting calls, often struck dread into the hearts of those who crossed their path.   For generations, the yaga sustained themselves by hunting other humans, viewing them as both prey and a source of power. Consuming human flesh was believed to grant them the essence of their victims, bestowing upon them the strength and knowledge of those they devoured. This practice was seen as a sacred ritual, cementing the tribe's bond with the malevolent spirits that gifted them their powers.   The yaga preferred isolation from the outside world, guarding their secrets and traditions with an unyielding zeal. Those who ventured into their territory rarely returned, and tales of their gruesome deeds served as a chilling warning to outsiders.   However, some brave souls sought to understand the tribe's culture and history, believing that knowledge could lead to understanding and perhaps a path toward peace. Yet, even the most determined explorers often found themselves ensnared in the tribe's dark web, becoming unwilling participants in the gruesome rituals.   The yaga's legacy is one of fear and foreboding, etched into the annals of history as a chilling reminder of humanity's capacity for darkness. Their existence continues to be shrouded in mystery, and their presence serves as a cautionary tale for those who dare to tread into the unknown.   As the tribe persists in their hidden sanctuary, the world outside speculates about their fate. Some hope for their eventual integration into the wider world, while others pray for their isolation to endure, ensuring that their haunting ways do not spill beyond the boundaries of their shadowy domain. Whatever the future may hold for the yaga, their enigmatic presence remains an indelible mark upon the tapestry of human history.   yet a hero lives who has vowed to be the sole soul to end the Yagas domain, not much is known about him but he is known asĀ Ivan Tsarevich the Gray Wolf.