level 75

level 75 is known as "aktion eldrich laboratories" The laboratory is at the edge of scientific advancement and ethical restraint, it was created by a brilliant but morally misguided scientist named Dr. Victor Malcolm emerged. Founder of the enigmatic Foundation for Beings of life Advancement (BLA), Dr. Malcolm's initial achievements in monster biology and genetics paved the way for a sinister agenda to unfold.   Dr. Malcolm's insatiable thirst for knowledge drove him to embark on a nightmarish experiment known only as Project Chimera. In a secret laboratory hidden away from prying eyes, he sought to merge different species with monster DNA, believing that such unholy unions would yield profound insights into the mysteries of life. The tortured cries of his hybrid creations echoed through the shadows as they endured unimaginable agony.   As the project spiraled further into darkness, Dr. Malcolm's once-brilliant mind deteriorated into madness. The lines between scientific curiosity and sadistic cruelty blurred, and he reveled in the suffering he inflicted upon both humans and monsters. The man who had once been a respected scientist had become a tyrant, consumed by the pursuit of power at any cost.   akiton eldrich laboratories cover its tracks by saying it's an institution that helps people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as those with congenital conditions. however, Aktion involves the systematic killing and experimentation of individuals through various methods, including injections, vivisections, biological weapon testing, starvation, psychological distress, electroconvulsive therapy, and chemical aversion treatments and gassing.