level 86

A celestial being named Alibas strode the cosmic tapestry as a Guardian and titan. His presence was a testament to light's enduring strength against the abyss. Alibas stood as a sentinel of hope and love, his luminous form a beacon in the dark expanse.   However, darkness is not easily vanquished, and the Abomination, a malevolent assembly of beings, sought to sever the celestial harmony. Their envy for Alibas' methods of increasing the adventurer's morals through his contagious love and laughter knew no bounds, and in a cruel act of defiance, they extinguished his celestial flame.   In their quest to demonstrate their power, the members of the Abomination enacted a gruesome ritual upon Alibas' lifeless form. They stripped his radiant skin, a symbol of his celestial grace, and carved his body into fragments. Limb by limb, they severed his form, leaving only his heart—symbolizing the pain he felt at the hands of their malevolence.   each limb was given to a servant of the darkness, thus making them hold celestial powers. and some were used for experiments to further corrupt celestial souls.   As a cruel reminder of their victory, they linked his heart to an ancient and twisted tree, a sentinel of suffering forever enshrined within the heartwood. The tree stood as a monument to Alibas' torment, it spawned branches clawing at the heavens in an eternal punishment. It was a tree forged of shadow and despair, its roots sinking deep into the abyss from which the Abomination had arisen.   Years turned into centuries, and the wood grew darker and more malevolent with each passing moment. The tree's roots reached out like tendrils, corrupting the once-pristine earth. The forest that grew around it, once vibrant and teeming with life, became a haunted expanse—dark and tangled.   Legends whispered of the Old Dark Wood, a place where the boundary between the living and the ethereal was thin. The souls of the tormented, both mortal and celestial, were said to be trapped within its depths, their voices echoing like haunting melodies carried on the wind. Fearful whispers spoke of an enigmatic figure known as the Warden of Shadows, who was said to guard the woods and exact vengeance upon those who dared to trespass.   Yet, amidst the foreboding tales, a glimmer of hope emerged—a prophecy whispered through generations.    It spoke of a way to end the reign of the Death Knights, a dark brotherhood born from the ashes of Alibas' torment. The prophecy claimed that the heartwood of the twisted tree that bound Alibas' heart was the only weapon capable of striking down the Death Knights, piercing their malevolent essence and silencing their maleficence.   In a world where darkness held sway, the pursuit of this knowledge became a quest for salvation. Warriors, scholars, and seekers of truth ventured into the Old Dark Wood, their footsteps cautious and their hearts resolute. Guided by the distant echoes of Alibas' pain, they sought the heartwood that bore the key to victory—a fateful strike that would free the realm from the Death Knights' clutches.   And so, the tale of the Old Dark Wood, the tormented tree, and the celestial sacrifice echoed through time—a reminder that even in the darkest of moments, hope could be rekindled. As the seekers ventured into the heart of the woods, they carried with them a glimmer of Alibas' luminous legacy—a testament that even in the face of the deepest shadows, the light of valor and determination could still shine.