the death knights

Long before the darkness descended upon High tower, it was a prison used by the races to trap azir and his allies inside for all of eternity. it had stunning landscapes and vibrant communities, thriving under the benevolent rule of the Good Council. powers was a gift shared by all, and harmony seemed to dance upon the wind itself. However, this age of peace was soon shattered by the machinations of the fallen god Azir.   Azir, a deity steeped in malevolence and craving dominion, cast his sinister gaze upon High tower. He yearned to see the tower bow before his influence, to reshape it into a land that mirrored the shadows within his heart. In his quest for power, he sought to corrupt the souls of those who had once been valiant protectors—the adventurers who had risen against him.   Using the darkest of enchantments, Azir wove a telepathy spell that lured these once-heroic adventurers into his thrall. He promised them immortality, wealth beyond measure, and mastery over forbidden powers. In return, they were to become his unrelenting enforcers—Death Knights, wielding the very shadows they had once sworn to vanquish.   As the Death Knights succumbed to Azir's influence, the land began to change. The skies, once a canvas of brilliant colors, grew shrouded in an eternal twilight—a manifestation of the malevolent forces that had taken root. High tower's once-vibrant beauty faded into a muted palette of grays and blacks, the very land echoing the despair that now clung to it.   The Death Knights, once valiant champions, now roamed the land with cold detachment. Their duty was to hunt those who resisted Azir's rule, to extinguish any spark of hope that dared to defy him. Their once-noble souls had been twisted into instruments of darkness, their hearts consumed by a thirst for power and dominion.   Fear and unease gripped the people of High Tower as the Death Knights' influence spread like a suffocating mist. Communities that had once thrived now cowered, their light dimmed by the looming specter of Azir's malevolence. The tales of the once-heroic adventurers now turned Death Knights, became a warning—a reminder of the seductive allure of power and the darkness that could lurk within even the bravest of hearts.