The restless Beast-men

beast-men are not just one specific type of a race they are a combination of different beings who go through the same thing, "the sage Metamorphosis " also known as "sage mode" is when an animal evolves from being an ordinary animal to a beast-man type being. becoming a beast-man means a animals body transforms itself into a somewhat humanoid state with a beast-like strength and appearance, when becoming beast-men animals have extraordinary powers and strength. there are a lot of causes on how that might happen, a lot of animals are somewhat normal and have no obligations or goals. but certain animals are born different and develop emotions and goals thus they can transform themselves into their "sage mode" selves. becoming a beast-man is a very hard and long process, it comes from constant work and determination but whats one key for them to turn into their beast-man selves is to have a strong goal or belief and will power. still, certain ways can involve animals to transform without being in that state for long, that might occur when an animal wants to protect a loved one or when it has strong emotions towards something. there is also another way and that is to eat a certain type of seed called "malice" which enables an animal to turn themselves into beast-man state for a few minutes but that hurts the body in many ways.    beast-men became a thing during the age of the first coming when the resources were being taken from the habitat, many animals transformed themselves into beast-men. the transformation was quite a surprise to many of the other races and the beast-men became more and more dangerous. but still, they only transformed fo a little while but that all changed because of one person the "lion king". the lion king became a spectacle as he was the first animal in history to transform into a beast-man permanently. he created the beast-men coalition to take on their enemies. he taught many on how to transform into their beast-men selves together they raged countless wars on many great nations. their conquest was so fast and strong that they became the enemy of all of the nations during those times. the reason they are called the restless beast-men because they never forget who hurt them, they hunt the individual to the ends of the earth even if it means waiting for thousand of years just to strike. that's how the saying "never turn your back on a beast" comes from.    the lion king was said to have flown to the sky to meet the angles in some ancient text but that seems to be some sort of and expression that they used to use back then nonetheless the beast-men joined azir during his reign and they were among the first who turned their backs on him during the extinction age. the beast-men coalition was said to have been destroyed but remnants of the coalition were said to have been hidden in the high tower. and yet still the beast-men still exist as any animal can turn into one.