the white elves

Magic is one of the most destructive sources in the entire ether world, but it is the most useful as well. Depending on the type of person who uses it, magic is an essential factor in the ether world. Nonetheless, no one knows how magic came to be. It's the world's biggest mystery, but one race has the most knowledge about magic, and those are the elves. They are said to be born from it; that's why they have a secure connection with magic. But it's been said that during ( the age before time )that there were two brothers Balin and baron. Baron was the younger brother of the two, and he wasn't accessible at all. He loved the art of magic and wanted to master it. That's the only thing he ever wanted. While Balin was a handsome and more popular brother. in the elven scriptures, it's been said that women would falter when they would meet Balin, he would be soft-spoken and elegant while baron was rough and harsh and scary.   So one day in the town of Callon located in the Anna lands which are called the wyvern empire now. Was a Competiton recruitment called the rain alsa ritual when the grand elf died of old age they needed an early leader to rule over the elven land. Hence, they had a ceremony where each person who would like to be the grand elf should battle to the death with their most trusted advisor. You can only be chosen if the entire town that you are in nominates you to be the grand elf. So one day Balin trying to impress a girl he liked signed up for the rituals he didn't think anything of this and continued his day but all of a sudden he heard the whole town cheering and yelling his name. So they nominated him to be their challenger scared and not knowing what to do Balin went to his younger brother baron and told him what happened. Baron thought it was a joke, but when he went outside, he saw the entire town outside of their doorstep. Being angered by the actions of his brother baron threw Balin outside of the house. Still, when Balin got out of the house, the townsfolk asked him who was his adviser Balin who wanted to get after his brother yelled his brother's name. The townsfolk all got shooked at the answer that he gave all of them one townsfolk said: "what about Arwen Calen's son," the townsfolk all agreed after him. But Balin said, "if you do not wish my brother to be my advisor, then do not vote for me to be your champion," hoping that they won't vote for him, but they all did nonetheless. Baron told his brother that they should run away, but Balin said if you are nominated, and then you run away, you will be punished by death. Both brothers carried their bags to start their journey to fight in the rain alsa rituals.   Baron being the smart one of the two, decided to train his brother magic, and so he did throughout the journey. Baron, who loved the art of magic, wanted to go to three specific locations the dark woods, the high tree, and the town of rostwilch near valland each of these three locations was for them to train in the art of magic. By the time they finish their journey the two brothers got famous and well-known throughout the whole nation Balin was said to save many villages and people he was said to have a heart of pure good he was called Balin the white elf. In contrast, his brother baron was known to be destructive and cruel. There were stories about how, when he gets angry, he brings back bodies of the dead to attack innocent people. Rumors were spreading about him finding out a new type of magic the kind that's considered evil and dark, so they called him baron the black elf.   Once they came to the capital, both brothers were ready to compete. Still, all of the other teams decided early on to attack the two brothers first, so it was them two against everybody else. Nevertheless, during the final fight, it was only two people standing baron who were at the brink of falling down. Another elf who was called gar no one has ever heard of him before. Still, gar was the one who executed the plan, so in the final showdown, gar used a powerful magic spell, a gust of wind filed with needles which were aimed at he's wounded elder brother. Baron ran into every single strike of needles, and right before he fell into the ground, gar disappeared, leaving no trace of where he is. Many of the historians believe that baron used a forbidden spell against him, but no one particularly knows.   But after the battle, all of the people were afraid of baron they hid at every sight of him. In contrast, others wanted to master his destructive nature. Balin was the one who was supposed to be the leader of the elven lands. Still, all the noble families told him that he had to banish his brother for his destructive magic Balin disagreed and said his brother could quickly stop all that black magic. Still, baron disagreed and said that his magic is superior and more potent, so Balin decided to banish his brother and his followers, and that's how the elves got broke down into two races the white elves and the black elves.   After the light age the light elves got broke down into two some stayed into the Hightower some stayed behind to teach humans they ways of magic.   But white elves now are treated like royalty. It's been said that if a white elf touches your hand, you will be granted good luck for a lifetime, but what's been quite odd is the number of white elves in modern times has decreased very fast over the years they almost extinct.