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Corpse Moss


The corpse moss differs from other mosses only by its unearthly verdant green, thickness, and lushness. The soft cushions of the green moss swell in billowing mounds, creating a natural tomb for the dead creatures buried beneath it. The colour of the moss is unusually bright, emerald green and usually stands out from the surrounding vegetation.

The moss spread is relative to the creature it covers: it can be as minute as a few centimetres to cover an insect of a small mammal, or it can spread over several meters for the body of a larger mammal such as a bear or a humanoid.

Once it has started to feed on the decomposing flesh, bones, and tissues, the moss can spread quickly over the fallen creature—in a matter of days. It is by far the quickest-growing vegetation in Alven.


The corpse moss is found mainly in the southern regions of Alven. It does not like the cold and is rarely found north of Loch Morgunt.

Moss is more widespread in deciduous woodland ecosystems. If it cannot synthesize anything else, it feeds on decomposing leaves. However, moss that cannot feed will dwindle and disappear after a few years - not before, of course, having released a tremendous amount of spore into the air to ensure its reproduction and spread.

The corpse moss is mainly found in the foothills of The Great Towers Range in Lowside but its range stretches all the way to western ocean and the extensive forests of Dunhelm and Carelm.

The moss spores lay dormant until they find a suitable medium to develop. Chemical reactions ensure that the moss develops quickly once its microcosmic roots process and ingest the necessary proteins. As such, corpse moss can grow in very dark areas as it does not need much photosynthesis to thrive. It can grow in open-air caves and the darkest undergrowth.

Legends and Sayings

The mysterious moss has given birth to many myths and legends. The most well-known is that the corpse moss will be the last living organism on earth when everything has died - as it will outlive all others.

A few common sayings featuring the enduring qualities of the moss have made their way into the Alven vernacular:

'As long as the moss lives on ..'

meaning: 'this should last forever'

'The moss take it!'

mild swearing, wishing something or someone dead or gone

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