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Hell's Cur

Hell's Cur is the name given to an extraordinary species of enormous black mastiff. Only a few are now left in Alven, guarding secret and sacred places of the Ancestors, the Alviars.

The species was engineered by the Alviars, using their advanced knowledge of magical engineering. As it is known today, the Hell's Cur was 'bred' to guard the Alviars' places of worship. As such, they were seen as sacred, magical animals.

In the present era, only one is known to the clansmen of Alven. His name is Magian .



Magian is a near-immortal, enormous black mastiff dog who guards ancient relics in the Ouma, a sacred cave of the Ancestors that now belongs to The Sanctuary . The cave is situated deep in the manicured gardens of Amortorr in Lowside. Magian and the cave are well-kept secrets.

The Sanctuary created an order of martial knights to keep the cave and its artefacts safe from prying eyes: the Order of the Knights of Torr. The cave mainly contains two magical artefacts (maybe more): the Carnys of Morgan and the Cauldron of Don. The few historians who had the privilege of entering the cave surmised that the cave was a place of worship millennia ago, maybe one of the earliest Ancestor's historical sites left in Alven.

Magian cannot leave the cave and is tied to guarding the sacred site. In his inimitable way, Magian is docile and even affectionate. He only becomes aggressive if anyone tries to remove the relics from the cave.

Physical Description

Magian is four times the size of a human being. His lustrous pelt is the colour of the blackest ink. In all other aspects, Magian is a representative of his race. Mastiffs still exist in the continent's southern regions and are still used as guard dogs in the Southern Kingdoms.

What makes him more impressive is the ornate silver armour he wears around his neck and part of his torso. Scenes of the Alviars' ancient myths are carved on the armour. Sanctuary scholars have identified the story of Dona and The Celestial Wind on the breastplate.


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