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From the Alven Pantheon article:   The Warrior Queens     Then were born another trio of goddesses: Morgan, Ria and Mara. They are all shapeshifters and are also much feared throughout Alven.

Morgan can shapeshift into a human and raven, separately or both at once. She is the goddess or hag of war, fortune and death. Morgan is also a nocturnal or dark goddess and the queen of the Underworld.

Ria can shapeshift into a human or a horse, or both. She is the goddess of horses, and the goddess of Warriors.

Last but not least is Mara. Mara can shapeshift into a white cow and/or human of extreme beauty. She is the embodiment of beauty and peace, reconciliation, love.   From the Alven Calendar article:   Connend is the husband of Morgan, Queen of the Underworld. A former dead warrior of great import??   From the article on the Alven Calendar: Month 3 - Wolftyme Wolftyme takes its name from the wolves who come down from the mountains at that time of the year to scavenge. The wolf is also the emblematic animal of the dark god Donn. He is often portrayed as a white Winter Wolf. Donn is the son of Morgan and Conend. He personifies the wild aspects of nature in winter and is a god of the hunt. The first of the month starts with a two-week-long (12 days) celebration, called Burnights. Burnights as well as celebrating hunting also celebrates the power of fire over winter. Logs are placed in ritual patterns in every hearth of Alven to purify and bring light into the darkness of winter. Burnights ends on the first day of the new season, on the 13th.   The Feast of Morgan   The Feast of Morgan is celebrated on the first of Darktyme (December) From the Calendar article: Darktyme is dedicated to the goddess Morgan, the Queen of the Underworld. It reflects the 'dead' appearance of the world in winter or Witamm as it is known to the Alvenites. The first of the month starts with the Feast of Morgan. Her sister Mara is also celebrated and a bull is usually killed in communities throughout Alven at that time.   From the general Sutherland article:   The Earthlight has from antiquity been associated with martial arts: it is supposed to bring good luck to warriors as it is the stone of The Goddess Morgan, the dark goddess of war. She is ofent called the Phantom and the smokey nature of the stone reminds people of her dark and shadowy nature.   From the Alven Week article:   The fifth one is called Madnight after the Divine Hag, Morgan. However, on that day, offerings to her twin sisters are also expected: Ria and Mara.   NB One of the legends of the Eye of Ciaran is about her and her family: The Eye of Ciaran


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