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Oaks are the most common tree in Alven. Alven is known as the Land of the Oak and has many beautiful oak forests within its borders: from the ancient woods of the north to the hills of the eastern borders, oak trees have made Alven their home since the dawn of time. Some oak trees are said to have been alive at the start of the New Age. There is only two species of oaks in Alven. Different types of oaks have been identified by travelers to The Southern Kingdoms. These oaks are also very beautiful but are not as tall or wide as the Alven oaks.   Of the second species of oaks, only a few specimens remain. These oaks belong to an acient race of trees that grew on the continent well before men arrived on this plance. See The Seven Sacred Oaks.


Material Characteristics

The wood of oaks is the strongest wood of all trees growing in Alven. It is a very dense and light coloured wood. Oak trees need to be at least eighty years old before they can be cut down and used in carpentry. The wood itself forms slowly and needs maturity to reach its proper toughness.   The grain of the Alven oak wood is reputed for its beauty. The life circles of the tree make dark and light patterns and have been used creatively on floors and walls of Alven homes for millennia.  
Oakwood contains a lot of tannins and thus is also very resistant to insects and other infections: a very long-lasting tool in the hand of a trained artisan. Stones are now a preferred means of construction in Alven, but century-old buildings built of oak wood still stand to this day. With a bit of maintenance, oak walls and floors can easily outlive you and your descendants.

Geology & Geography

If oak forests are to be found everywhere in Alven, the most ancient and largest of them all is situated in the west of the country. The navy which the Archive has put together on behalf of the Thane of Alven, has relied heavily on the oaks of The Cloud Forest in the foothills of The Great Towers Range for building its ships. Many great oaks have been felled in the last hundred years to create the armada of Alven. So much so that it is now rare to find an ancient oak in the Cloud forest except in the sacred groves of The Druids. No one has been allowed yet to cut these down, but for how long?    
There are other great oak forests in Alven. Only second to the Cloud Forest is The Forest of the Nine. This forest dwells well to the northeast of Alven and as such
has remained as close to the primordial forests of the gods as can be expected.
It is fair to say that every region of Alven posses its own oak forest, and sacred groves. There is no town, villages, or settlements that does not have a Sacred Tree within its bounds. These trees are very important in the ceremonies of Alven throughout the year.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Oakwood is used in many ways in Alven. It is the major wood for construction, cabinet making, and barrel making.   It is to be noted that many parts of the tree, not just the wood, are used to make everyday objects. Acorns are grounded to make a certain type of flour, and also used in potent medicinal brews and pomades. Oak Galls are also very profitable and are the main source of ink for all the literate people of Alven.    

Cultural Significance and Usage

Oaks, being the god Leweyd's trees, have always played an important role in the Alvenites' religion. Oakwood is the wood used to craft altars and other religious objects. Oak objects (and acorns) are also part of many rituals to the gods. For example, it is traditional during the Feast of Leweyd to drink from an oak barrel and an oak cup as it will bring you luck and health for the rest of the year.  

King Trees

  Alven boasts of many giant oaks who are ancient and wise. Most of the giant oaks are preserved within Sacred Groves. Each region possesses an oak, called The King Tree. This tree is honored as the wisest and most ancient tree on the land. King trees have a devoted following and many Alvenites go on a year-long (or longer) pilgrimage to visit and pray to each and every one of the King Trees of Alven. The most famous King Trees are  The Seven Sacred Oaks.    


Law & Regulation

The clans regulate the oak market on their own lands - except in the Cloud forest which belongs to the Thane under The Archive's supervision. Clansmen are allowed to cut a certain number of trees per year but need to replant twice the number of trees they have cut down. It is of course taboo to cut trees in the Sacred Groves. The penalty for cutting down such a tree is death.    
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